In discharge over V-notch experiment, calibration curve (using log Q vs log H) is plotted. How...

In discharge over V-notch experiment, calibration curve (using log Q vs log H) is plotted. How would you interpret results which, when plotted logarithmically, fall on a line which is not straight but slightly curved? and, What are the effects of a change in the V-notch angle on the discharge equation and the accuracy of flow measurement?

In: Civil Engineering

a- • Must a contractor be delayed beyond the contractual project duration in order to successfully...

a- • Must a contractor be delayed beyond the contractual project duration in order to successfully file a claim for 15 delay damages? • Explain your answer

b- • A contract contains the following clause: • “The owner specifically reserves the right to modify the progress schedule as required by the conditions of the work.” Can a contractor that has been delayed by the owner’s revisions to the order of the work in the schedule successfully file a claim for a time extension? • Explain your answer

c- • What is the role of “as-built” schedules in litigation involving delays?

d- • To minimize the chance of losses, suggest a methodology to follow when a delay, that has the potential 18 of resulting in litigation, occurs on a construction project.

e- • Explain two of the added costs that might be incurred by the contractor as a result of a change issued by the owner.

In: Civil Engineering

properties of steel sectione

properties of steel sectione

In: Civil Engineering

I WANT A REPORT ON Geology ABOUT Types of aggregates used in concrete, their composition and...

I WANT A REPORT ON Geology ABOUT Types of aggregates used in concrete, their composition and chemical reaction is applicable
1-Report (Limited to 10 pages – singly spaced, excluding Title Page, Abstract, Tables and Figures,
and List of References)
The final report will consist of the following components:
1. Title Page (1 page)
2. Abstract (1 page).
3. Introduction
4. Main Text (sections and subsections)
5. Conclusions
6. Tables and figures
7. List of References
The “Introduction” section introduces the topic and its background, defines the objectives of your work and your
approach of investigation. The “Main Text” section explains the methodology of the study, procedures and
different materials used to reach the desirable output. The “Conclusions” section summarizes the important
findings and implications of the investigation. “Recommendations for Future Studies” concludes the report. A list
of references should be provided at the end of the report. All references should be properly cited. All figures,
tables, and references should be referred to in the main text.

The report is to be submitted in word file and it will be checked using turn it in, the report will be given zero
grade if plagiarism was obtained above 25% from the total report.

In: Civil Engineering

Given a=3-2i b=-2+3i Find 2a+3b and; i) state the real part (in Box 1) ii) state...



Find 2a+3b and;

i) state the real part (in Box 1)
ii) state the imaginary part (in Box 2 and without the i).

Question 2 options:
Blank # 1
Blank # 2

In: Civil Engineering

Water flows through a cast iron pipe with a diameter of 30 mm. The pipe is...

Water flows through a cast iron pipe with a diameter of 30 mm. The pipe is inclined at an angle of 3 degrees from horizontal and is 40 m long. The water flows due to gravity only. What is the maximum volume flow rate of the water?

You may ignore any minor loses.

In: Civil Engineering

Two vehicles travel along two distinct roads. The first vehicle traveled in the first roadway with...

Two vehicles travel along two distinct roads. The first vehicle traveled in the first roadway
with a spot speed equal to “A veh/hr”, while the second vehicle traveled along the second roadway
with a space mean speed equal to “A veh/hr”. If the two vehicles originated at the same position
and will arrive at the same points, who will arrive at the destination first? Elucidate, and
expound your idea based on the fundamental definitions and your logical reasoning.

In: Civil Engineering

What considerations and designs exist when planning and creating a system for potable water (for drinking...

What considerations and designs exist when planning and creating a system for potable water (for drinking fountains) + sewage water (for bathrooms) at an off-grid site with a well source? Please include a diagram if possible with explanation, and then discuss benefits of dry flush and composting toilets compared to the traditional toilet system.

In: Civil Engineering

Project title is 3D printed Buildings. Question is who will be our targeted consumers and who...

Project title is 3D printed Buildings.
Question is who will be our targeted consumers and who can be the stake holders ? As well please let me know the aim and objectives of this project.

In: Civil Engineering

Interstate Highway (4 lanes both direction) with AADT of 6000 (90% car, 10% truck) in one...

Interstate Highway (4 lanes both direction) with AADT of 6000 (90% car, 10% truck) in one direction takes a week for water to be drained from pavement and pavement will be exposed to moisture levels approaching saturation for 30% of the time. Consider design life as 20 years and traffic growth 4%.

Resilient modulus of asphalt concrete at 68°F = 450,000 lb/in2

CBR base = 100, Mr = 31,000 lb/in2

CBR subbase = 22, Mr = 13,500 lb/in2

CBR of subgrade = 6

Determine suitable pavement structure. Use the tables from your book or handouts*** Garber and Hoel, Traffic and Highway Engineering, Brooks/Cole, Current Edition Textbook, or Indiana Regulations.

In: Civil Engineering

15. A concrete footing, exerting an applied pressure of 200 kPa on the soil, may fail...

15. A concrete footing, exerting an applied pressure of 200 kPa on the soil, may fail from bearing capacity (B) or excessive settlement (S). Due to soil variation, the following are given:
• Bearing capacity is normally distributed with mean, μ=500 kPa and standard deviation, σ = 200 kPa
• Settlement is log-normally distributed with μ=1.5 cm and σ =0.3 cm.
• The probability that the footing fails in bearing capacity knowing that it had settled excessively is 0.2
• Maximum permissible settlement is 2.5 cm. (i.e. S> 2.5 cm is considered excessive settlement).
(a) Calculate the probability that the footing will fail.
(b) If the foundation system of a multistory building consists of 30 such footing, calculate the probability that none of the footing will fail.

In: Civil Engineering

Writing a report on {Industrial Process Heat, Chemistry Applications, and Solar Dryers } (Renewable Energies) less...

Writing a report on {Industrial Process Heat, Chemistry Applications, and Solar Dryers } (Renewable Energies)

less than 500 words and mentioning the source

please write it in word or pdf

In: Civil Engineering

Describe and sketch shallow slope failure and base slope failure. Explain three aspects that make the...

Describe and sketch shallow slope failure and base slope failure. Explain three aspects that make the method of slices more versatile compared to mass procedure of slope stability analysis. Explain the parameters stability number and stability factor and their relationship. Please answer the question from principle of geotechnical engineering 9th edition book

In: Civil Engineering

A 4.5m4.5m foundation carries a load of 3000 kN. The foundation rests at a depth of...

A 4.5m4.5m foundation carries a load of 3000 kN. The foundation rests at a depth of 1.5m
below the ground surface. The bearing soil is an extended sand with a saturated unit weight
(γsat) of 19 kN/m3
, modulus of elasticity (E) of 35 MPa, and Poisson’s ratio (µ) of 0.3. The
water level coincides with the ground surface.
a) Determine the effective vertical stresses (σ̍v) for points underneath the corner and
center of the foundation and located at a depth of 6.0 m from the ground surface.
Note: for estimating Δσ̍v (i.e., the additional vertical stresses), use both of the
influence coefficient and approximate methods. Comment on your results.
b) If we consider this foundation as a rigid element, what would be its uniform
settlement under the given load? Is it safe (and why)?
c) Calculate the time-dependent maximum, minimum, and differential settlements of the
foundation if sand is interrupted by a 2m-thick clay layer that starts at a depth of 5m
below the ground surface. Is it safe (and why)?
Note: For the clay, take Cc = 0.2 and e = 0.7.

In: Civil Engineering

Q2 A concrete strip footing with a width of B is founded at the depth of...


A concrete strip footing with a width of B is founded at the depth of D, below the surface of a level site. The water table is at a depth of d below the base of footing. The soil at the site consists of clay having the following properties:

The unit weight = gt,   the undrained cohesion = cu, the undrained friction angle = fu, the drained cohesion = c′ and the drained friction angle = f

Use Hansen’s theory of bearing capacity to determine the allowable bearing pressure, which could be placed on the footing assuming a factor of safety of F for the following cases:

a) Immediately after loading the footing

b) Long time after loading the footing

Notes: The load is vertical. The ground and the base of footing are horizontal. D should be less than or equal to 2.5 B. The variable d can be positive (below the base), negative (above the base) or zero (at the base). Assume water level cannot be above the ground surface.

In: Civil Engineering