An urban area consisting of four zones has the base-year trip matrix shown below. The growth...

An urban area consisting of four zones has the base-year trip matrix shown below.
The growth rates for the origin and destination trips have been projected for a 25 years period.
Using Fratar's techniques, calculate the number of trip interchanges in the horizon year.
Do just two iterations.

Origin 1 2 3 4 Total Orig. GF
1 3 5 8 12 28 2
2 4 1 9 10 24 1
3 2 4 2 7 15 4
4 9 12 8 4 33 2
Total 18 22 27 33 100
Dest. GF 3 0.5 4 1

GF = Growth Factors

In: Civil Engineering

You are employed as an assistant project manager for a large firm that specializes in the...

  1. You are employed as an assistant project manager for a large firm that specializes in the construction of commercial buildings throughout the Southeast. You recently finished work on a large bank building in Birmingham, Alabama, and are now working in the main office in Atlanta where you are heavily involved in estimating.

The company is very safety conscious. This awareness is reflected in the firm’s injury incidence rate which is about 1/6th of the national average for this type of construction.

A three-day safety class was offered and you asked your supervisor whether you could participate in the course as a company representative. This request was approved. Upon your return, you circulated the notebook that you received at the class around the office for everyone to read. Your boss reviewed the notebook and called you into his office to talk. The following conversation took place:

I see that the safety course you attended devoted a lot of time to the

subject of the direct and indirect costs of injuries,” says your boss.

You respond, “Yes, we got a lot of good information about the costs of injuries.”

Your boss says, “We always knew that injuries were costly in terms of

both direct and indirect costs. Why do you think we focus on safety so

much? Why do you think the company would pay $850 to send you to this

course?! So how much time did the class spend on indirect costs?”

You answer, “I suppose we spent about 3 hours on it.”

Your boss then says, “Well, all of this is well and good, but I don’t see how

we can use this information. I want you to sit down and think about this

stuff on direct and indirect costs. I want to know just how you think we

might be able to benefit from this. Put it in writing! Put in on one page!

Give me something we can use!”

You walk out of your boss’ office thinking about what to write. You sit down at your

desk and prepare a description for your boss.

On one page, describe how knowledge of the direct and indirect costs of worker

injuries/fatalities can be used for construction projects, especially with regard to:

  1. estimating,
  2. bids for future projects,
  3. and productivity.

please answer the question

Safety engineering

In: Civil Engineering

5.4 Sustainable Engineering (a) Discuss the origins of sustainable engineering, what it is, and why it...

5.4 Sustainable Engineering

(a) Discuss the origins of sustainable engineering, what it is, and why it is important.

(b) Discuss and critique one method for assessing environmentally sustainability of engineered solutions.

(c) Explain how one could estimate the social impacts of engineered options using community/stakeholder communication and consultation.

(d) Describe a general approach for estimating the economic sustainability of an engineered option.   

(e) Explain how you would evaluate a solution using a triple bottom line analysis.   

In: Civil Engineering

Q. During a major storm seawater has entered the cable conduit for a tidal power station....

Q. During a major storm seawater has entered the cable conduit for a tidal power station. The seawater may have damaged the insulation greatly increasing the likelihood of a short circuit. The power company needs to decide whether or not to replace the cables in the conduit. If there is a short circuit then the whole conduit will be seriously damaged and need to be reconstructed. The cost of replacing the cables is $30 000. The cost of replacing the complete conduit is $500 000. If the cable is not replaced the probability of a short circuit occurring is estimated to be 0.1. If it is replaced this drop to 0.000 01. It is possible to send a remote camera through the conduit to inspect the cable at a cost of $5 000. This inspection is not 100% accurate in detecting damage and so P(The inspection detects damage | A short circuit will occur) = 0.9 P(The inspection detects damage | A short circuit will not occur) = 0.05 a) Draw the decision tree for this situation. b) Determine the remaining required probabilities and mark clearly on your tree. c) Determine the best course of action to follow.

In: Civil Engineering

Part I. Indicate whether true or false (T or F). __When two or more pumps are...

Part I. Indicate whether true or false (T or F).

__When two or more pumps are connected in series in a pipeline, the discharge is increased but the pressure head remains the same as with a single pump.

__According to DHEC guidelines, the minimum detention time in a pump station is 15 minutes and the maximum pump runtime is 2 minutes. Both times are evaluated at average daily flow (ADF).

__Given three pipes in parallel. The flow is the same in each pipe.

__The Hardy Cross method for pipe network analysis uses an iterative procedure to adjust the flow in all pipes around each primary loop until the head losses sum to zero, and in all pipes along each path until the energy equation is satisfied.

__The governing relationships for network analysis using the Hardy-Cross method are nodal continuity and energy conservation around primary loops. In the case of networks with fixed grade nodes, the energy equation is written between any two fixed-grade nodes. A sequence of pipes connecting any two fixed-grade nodes is known as a path. Given a system with n fixed grade nodes, there will be n paths.

__When the rotational speed of a pump is changed, the capacity (pumped flow rate) varies directly as the speed and head varies directly as the square of the speed.

__Turbo-hydraulic pumps include radial flow, axial flow, and mixed flow pumps. Strictly defined, a centrifugal pump is a radial-flow pump only. However, colloquial usage in the United States considers a centrifugal pump as any pump in which a rotating impeller energizes the fluid, whether the flow is radial, axial, or a combination of both (mixed).

___ Given three pipes in parallel. Even though these pipes truly may not be parallel, following different paths, and may not be the same length, diameter, or material, the flowrate and head loss are the same in each pipe.

__A pipe network (water distribution system) is an interconnected set of pipes linking one or more sources to one or more demand (delivery) points, and can involve any number of pipes in series, branching pipes, and parallel pipes.

__In any pipe network, the energy balance along a pipe or series of pipes must satisfy the conservation of energy principle as stated by the Bernoulli equation. Energy loss in any pipe or series of pipes is due only to pipe friction and minor losses and not to a change in elevation between the ends of the pipe or series of pipes.

__In the Hardy Cross method, clockwise flow results in negative head loss and counterclockwise flow results in positive head loss. Convergence is achieved when head loss around each primary loop sums to zero (or within specified tolerance).

__For the case of pressure pipe flow, the HGL is above the top of the pipe if the pressure is positive [>0]. If the pressure becomes negative [<0], then the HGL falls below the elevation of the centerline of the pipe. Negative pressure can develop in pipe flow at the intake to a pump.

___When solving pipe flow problems with the Darcy-Weisbach equation involving unknown flow rate, the solution begins by guessing a friction factor.

___The Darcy-Weisbach friction factor and Hazen-Williams coefficient differ by about 5-orders of magnitude but vary directly in the sense that a pipe flow with a high friction factor has a high Hazen-Williams coefficient. __In any pipe network, the algebraic sum of head losses along a path must be zero.

__All pipes in a system of parallel pipes have the same Kp value (hf=KpQn), even though they may differ in diameter, length and/or roughness.

__Given three reservoirs connected by a system of three branching pipes. Nodal continuity holds at the common junction. The head drop between the reservoir to which a pipe connects, and the common junction determines the flow in that pipe.

__Given three pipes in parallel. All pipes have the same head loss and flow rate. In any pipe network, the algebraic sum of head losses around any primary loop is zero. The Hazen-Williams coefficient varies with pipe material and age and is independent of flow rate. Therefore, the Hazen-Williams equation applies only to fully turbulent flow and not to any flows that exist in the developing turbulence region.

In: Civil Engineering

Prompt: Design the representative column for the factored axial load only. Assume pin connections top and...

Prompt: Design the representative column for the factored axial load only. Assume pin connections top and bottom. If you want, you might consider designing for 75% of capacity, to allow for remaining capacity for the lateral loads to be determined in the future.

I'm Suppose to design a Concrete Column; many assumptions can be made, such as type/strength of concrete. The calculated axial load: Pu= 88.2 Kips

In: Civil Engineering

pr.1 The Observations were made from station P to signal at station Q. The distance between...

pr.1 The Observations were made from station P to signal at station Q. The distance
between Pand Qis 12.5 km and diameter of signal at station Q was 20 cm. The sun rays make an angle
of 50° with line PQ. Calculate the phase correction if observations were made:on the bright portion,on the bright line.. ,A base line was measured with a steel tape of designated length 30 m at 20°C ata pull of 100 N. The measured length of base line was 1543 m. The field temperature was 31.5°C and
the pull applied was 130 N. Find the correct length of base line. The cross-sectional area of tape is
2 mm2, coefficient of thermal expansion of steel is 2.5 x 10-6°C-1 and E = 2x 105 N/mm?.

note:i will rate positive if you provide complete solution and justify your answer ...

In: Civil Engineering

Q1: Define the Water content in terms of Geotechnical engineering [3] Q2:The following Data Were recorded...

Q1: Define the Water content in terms of Geotechnical engineering [3]

Q2:The following Data Were recorded while a group did moisture content test:

Test Number




Can No.




Mass of can, Wy (g)




Mass of can + wet soil, W2 (g)




Mass of can + dry soil, W3 (g)




Mass of moisture, W2 - W3 (g)




Mass of dry soil, W3 -W] (g)




Moisture content, w(%) =




  1. Determine the average Moisture content of the above soil [7]
  2. What is standard procedure that was followed to get the above results?[3]
  3. What are the sources of Error is such type of Experiment[2]

In: Civil Engineering

Problem 2 : If the slab is 25 ft wide x 50 ft long x 18...

Problem 2 : If the slab is 25 ft wide x 50 ft long x 18 inches deep with the total steel reinforcement of 15,000 ft of #5 bar. Find the quantity of concrete required (in cubic yards). The capacity of concrete truck is 9 cubic yards. Assume waste factor as 10%. Density of steel is 490 lbs/cubic feet.

Problem 3 : If the slab is 75 ft wide x 100 ft long x 9 inches deep with the total steel reinforcement of 12,570 ft of #4 bar. Find the quantity of concrete required (in cubic yards). The capacity of concrete truck is 9 cubic yards. Assume waste factor as 10%. Density of steel is 490 lbs/cubic feet.

In: Civil Engineering

1. Impact of forest and wildfires to climate change and environment particularly on rainfall pattern and...

1. Impact of forest and wildfires to climate change and environment particularly on rainfall pattern and water resources

2.  The mitigation measures or what can be done to overcome or minimize the wild and forest fires in future

In regards to,

The impact of wild and bush fires to climate change and the environment in Australia.

In: Civil Engineering

In a given year, a catchment with an area of 200 km2 received 1300 mm of...

In a given year, a catchment with an area of 200 km2 received 1300 mm of rainfall. The average evaporative energy flux due to evapotranspiration was 45 Watts/m2. Assuming negligible change in soil and groundwater storage, and also negligible interception. Estimate the average rate for that year, for the river draining the catchment (in both mm/year and m3/s).

In: Civil Engineering

In a given year, a catchment with an area of 200 km2 received 1300 mm of...

In a given year, a catchment with an area of 200 km2 received 1300 mm of rainfall. The average evaporative energy flux due to evapotranspiration was 45 Watts/m2. Assuming negligible change in soil and groundwater storage, and also negligible interception. Estimate the average rate for that year, for the river draining the catchment (in both mm/year and m3/s)

In: Civil Engineering

Explain the relationship between the water-cement ratio and the quality of hardened concrete. in short answer...

Explain the relationship between the water-cement ratio and the quality of hardened concrete.

in short answer please

clear handwriting or write it here

In: Civil Engineering

W1, W2 and X are given at the bottom. Design a square column footing for a...

W1, W2 and X are given at the bottom.

Design a square column footing for a 18-in. square tied interior column that supports loads of DL (W1) k and Live load LL (W2) k.

The column is reinforced with eight No 8 bars, the bottom of the footing is 5 foot below final grade, and the soil weighs 100 lb /ft3 the allowable soil pressure is w ksf.

The concrete strength is 4,000 psi and the steel is Grade 60.

W1 = 220 k

W2 = 165 k

X = 4.5%

In: Civil Engineering

Design a square tied column to support an axial dead load of (W1) k and an...

Design a square tied column to support an axial dead load of (W1) k and an axial live load of (W2) k.

Begin using approximately (X) percent longitudinal steel, a concrete strength of 4,000 psi and Grade 60 steel.

Draw the details of reinforcement and check all ACI recommendation.

W1 = 220 k

W2 = 165 k

X = 2%

In: Civil Engineering