linked hybrid building for GF and Facade - GF interface Approach and Entrance and Further explanation...

linked hybrid building for GF and Facade - GF interface

Approach and Entrance and Further explanation (i.e. problems/opportunities of approach/entrance)?

Thresholds and Further explanation (i.e. problems/opportunities of vertical/horizontal thresholds)?

Stepping Out of the Apartment: Extension of the Unit Outdoors and Further explanation (i.e. type of indoor/outdoor relations)?

In: Civil Engineering

Write out the Highway Project Development Process in order:

Write out the Highway Project Development Process in order:

In: Civil Engineering

Please do MC thanks. 10. Which of the following is/are INCORRECT for the BOD test? (a)...

Please do MC thanks. 10. Which of the following is/are INCORRECT for the BOD test?
(a) Long time necessary to get results
(b) Only biodegradable organic matter can be measured
(c) Acclimated seed needed to get meaningful results
(d) Pre-treatment like dilution may be necessary for toxic wastes and nitrifying conditions
(e) None of the above
11. Find the theoretical TOC of 120 g/L glucose (C6H12O6) solution [Given molar mass of C=12,
O=16, H=1].
(a) 12 g/L
(b) 24 g/L
(c) 48 g/L
(d) 96 g/L
(e) 120 g/L
12. Facultative bacteria are able to work in the
(a) presence of oxygen only
(b) absence of oxygen only
(c) presence as well as absence of oxygen
(d) presence of water
(e) None of the above
13. A rapid and significant increase in filamentous organisms in the mixed liquor may be
expected to
(a) result in a far better effluent because of the great amount of surface area for absorption.
(b) plug up the return sludge pumps because the filaments hang upon valves and gasket
in the sludge line.
(c) lead to much denser return sludge because the filaments would tend to strain the
dispersed cells of ordinary organisms out of the effluent.
(d) cause bulking of the sludge solids to the point that some solids might be swept out that
results in turbid, poor quality effluent.
(e) lead to a much lower F/M ratio because the filaments are so totally insoluble.
14. Given the following information, determine the weight percent of volatile components:
Sample = 50 ml
Crucible weight = 21.6329 g
Crucible and dry solids weight = 21.6531 g
Crucible and ash = 21.6380 g
(a) 71.25%
(b) 72.65%
(c) 73.55%
(d) 74.75%
(e) 75.65%

15. Tube A is original sample containing 3000 bacteria/mL; 1 ml of this sample is diluted with 9 mL of sterile distilled water in Tube B; another same dilution practise is made from Tube B into Tube C and 2 mL from Tube C is then incubated on an agar plate medium. The bacterial colonies count observed in this agar plate after incubation would be (a) 15 (b) 30 (c) 60 (d) 120 (e) 300 16. Calculate the time it will take to increase the cell number from 104 CFU/mL to 108 CFU/mL assuming a generation time of 1.5 hr. (a) 5 hr (b) 10 hr (c) 20 hr (d) 40 hr (e) 80 hr 17. The total solids in wastewater would be a combination of: (a) Fixed solids and settleable solids. (b) Dissolved solids and volatile solids. (c) Dissolved solids and suspended solids. (d) Suspended solids and fixed solids. (e) Fixed solids and dissolved solids. 18. A batch reactor is characterized by (a) a constant residence time. (b) variation in extent of reaction and properties of the reaction mixture with time. (c) a very low conversion rate. (d) variation in reactor volume. (e) None of the above 19. Which of the following statement(s) is/are CORRECT for designing an attached growth process? (a) Low range of organic loading rate determined by sufficient food for bacteria (b) High range of organic loading rate determined by oxygen limitations (c) Low range of hydraulic loading rate determined by adequately wetting biofilm (d) High range of hydraulic loading rate determined by biofilm and ponding (low oxygen) (e) All of the above 6 20. Which of the following is a CORRECT statement to describe the complete-mix activated sludge plant? (a) Because of the complete-mix circumstance, the term “mean cell residence time” has no meaning. (b) Because of the complete-mix circumstance, the F/M ratio cannot be calculated. (c) The F/M ratio is significantly higher near the inlet end of the aeration basin than near the outlet of the aeration basin. (d) The rate of oxygen uptake per unit of activated sludge is about the same throughout all of the aeration basin. (e) None of the above.

In: Civil Engineering

Use the conservation of linear momentum principle to derive one of the following: a. The head...

Use the conservation of linear momentum principle to derive one of the following:

a. The head loss formula for a hydraulic jump

b. The minor loss coefficient for a sudden pipe contraction

In: Civil Engineering

Briefly describe what you know about Ozone depletion and Global warming.and Name the major risks caused...

Briefly describe what you know about Ozone depletion and Global warming.and Name the major risks caused by a SOx on humans? -What air pollution control device is better in removing SO4? Draw the device and label all the important components.

In: Civil Engineering

1. How does the lateral movement of the roller support impact the measured vertical deformations? 2....

1. How does the lateral movement of the roller support impact the measured vertical deformations?

2. Discuss the advantage of considering the extra available strength due to the plastic beam theory when designing structures.

In: Civil Engineering

Determine the removal efficiency of a “standard” cyclone that is being designed to remove 10 µm...

Determine the removal efficiency of a “standard” cyclone that is being designed to remove 10 µm diameter particles with a density of 800 kg/m3 , using the following design specifications: • Cyclone barrel diameter = 0.50 m • Gas flow rate = 4.0 m3 /sec • Gas temperature = 25°C

Ans. 94.4%

In: Civil Engineering

1. Explain the formation of ettringite during a sulfate attack to concrete. 2. What is the...

1. Explain the formation of ettringite during a sulfate attack to concrete.

2. What is the alkali-aggregate reaction?

In: Civil Engineering

Please give a good explanation and a comprehensive answer. Where in the asphalt layer, would you...

Please give a good explanation and a comprehensive answer.

Where in the asphalt layer, would you expect to find a tension crack forming(initiating) and why?

In: Civil Engineering

Project title: Connecting smart-high visibility clothing to construction site's network. Need 6 summarize with the reference.

Project title: Connecting smart-high visibility clothing to construction site's network.

Need 6 summarize with the reference.

In: Civil Engineering

Calculate the head loss if the water is discharged through a 2,000 ft 8” steel pipe...

Calculate the head loss if the water is discharged through a 2,000 ft 8” steel pipe and a 1,500 ft 6” cast iron pipe at the discharge rate of 1.63 cfs;

The 8 inch pipe has a square-edged entrance; a swing check valve; fully opened gate valve; contraction (20 degree);

The 6 inch pipe has 6 - 45 deg. elbows; 2 - 90 deg. bends; 1 r=1 ft; 1 r=2ft.

Use Hazen-Williams equation to calculate the head loss of the straight pipes - Ch= 110 for steel and 120 for cast iron. Also list the minor loss coefficient

In: Civil Engineering

Philosophical/Engineer Question Q1: Is discipline a responsibility? Q2: Are consumers rational people Q3: Is safety determined...

Philosophical/Engineer Question

Q1: Is discipline a responsibility?

Q2: Are consumers rational people

Q3: Is safety determined by the amount of allowable risk?

Q4: Is the NSPE Code of Ethics written in order of importance?

Q5:How is the code of ethics established for engineers?

In: Civil Engineering

The undrained strength of a clay is 1.2 kips/ft2 , the water table in 4 ft...

The undrained strength of a clay is 1.2 kips/ft2 , the water table in 4 ft below the ground surface, the total unit weight of the clay is 118 lb/ft3 , and a round shallow foundations with a diameter of 4.25 ft is placed at a depth of 10 ft supports a column load. a. Use a factor of safety of 2.8 and compute the safe column load on the foundation. b. An excavation near the drilled shaft removes the soil down to the water table. What is the effect on the factor of safety? (Hint consider what the physical meaning of the components in the Hansen equation. Which component is impacted by the excavation?)

In: Civil Engineering

a. Explain the factors based on which the nominal cover for the reinforcement is decided. b....

a. Explain the factors based on which the nominal cover for the reinforcement is decided.

b. What the value of k indicates in the calculation for area of steel and what if the value is k=0.268 in the design of slab.

c. What provisions will you implement if the slab becomes unsafe in the check for shear

*according to Extracts of BS8110

In: Civil Engineering

Given the following vertical curve data: PVI at 19+ 00,L= 500 ft,g1= +2.5%,g2= -1%, and elevation...

Given the following vertical curve data: PVI at 19+ 00,L= 500 ft,g1= +2.5%,g2= -1%, and elevation of PVI = 723.86 ft.Compute the elevationsof the curve summit (i.e. high point)andfullstations.Assume that all symbols have their usual meaning.

In: Civil Engineering