Determine the 25-year flow for a 200 square mile watershed in Region 10 of Arizona, which...

  1. Determine the 25-year flow for a 200 square mile watershed in Region 10 of Arizona, which has annual precipitation of 15 inches per year. Comment on its accuracy, that is what are the upper and lower error estimates in terms of cubic feet per second.
  2. Determine the 5-year flow for a 25 square mile watershed in Region 14 of Arizona at an elevation of 5000 feet. Comment on its accuracy, that is what are the upper and lower error estimates in terms of cubic feet per second.
  3. Determine the 100-year flow of a 70 square mile watershed in Region 12 of Arizona at an elevation of 3500 feet. Comment on its accuracy, that is what are the upper and lower error estimates in terms of cubic feet per second.

In: Civil Engineering



Can you write an abstract about that title please?


In: Civil Engineering

if you're given a number of dead loads on a 4 story building and a floor...

if you're given a number of dead loads on a 4 story building and a floor plan with beams. how do you find the total dead load and live load on each beam? the goal is setting up a shear stress and moment diagrams for each beam.
say I was given a number of dead loads in psf and I'm supposed to find the total dead load and the live load.

In: Civil Engineering

A trapezoidal earthen channel that is straight and in good condition with a bottom width of...

A trapezoidal earthen channel that is straight and in good condition with a bottom width of 5.0 ft with side slopes on the left side of 2H to 1V and on the right side of 3H to 1V (two different side slopes) carries a discharge of 200 cfs for a 15-year design storm. The channel slope is 0.001 ft/ft. Determine the following: a) Normal Depth b) Critical Depth c) Critical Slope d) Froude number f) What is the flow type?

In: Civil Engineering

A Seven-sided closed field traverse has the following angles and distances in meters which were measured...

A Seven-sided closed field traverse has the following angles and distances in meters which were measured using a Total station:

AB = 51.7660;

BC = 76.9470;

CD = 37.0700;

DE = 29.2019;

EF = 28.7758;

FG = 36.7056;

GA = 41.9555;

The adjusted angles are as follows:

A = 128˚27’02”;

B = 101˚41’49”;

C = 102˚22’05”;

D = 143˚12’43”;

E = 161˚08’23”;

F = 131˚57’22”;

G = 131˚10’35”;

azimuth AB =251˚00'00''

question :

  1. Compute the coordinates of the traverse stations using coordinates of station A as 1,000.000 N, 1,000.000 E.
  2. Compute the area enclosed by the traverse using the co-ordinate method.
  3. It was decided to divide the traverse into two parts AGFED and DCBA, find the area of each part and the length and direction of AD.

In: Civil Engineering

in a septic tank, why is the effluent to a sand filter dropped through the air?

in a septic tank, why is the effluent to a sand filter dropped through the air?

In: Civil Engineering

Multiple choice . thanks 6. A chemoorganotroph and a chemolithotroph in the same environment would NOT...

Multiple choice .


6. A chemoorganotroph and a chemolithotroph in the same environment would NOT compete for (a) oxygen. (b) carbon. (c) nitrogen. (d) phosphorous. (e) All of the above would compete. 7. Which of the following is/are an example(s) for the attached growth biological treatment process? (a) Aerated lagoon (b) Oxidation pond (c) Trickling filter (d) All of the above (e) None of the above 8. Given the following data, determine the sludge volume index (SVI). Mixed liquor suspended solids: 4500 mg/L 30-minute settleability: 450 mL/L (a) 10 mL/g (b) 100 mL/g (c) 150 mL/g (d) 300 mL/g (e) 450 mL/g

In: Civil Engineering

opinions on iran oil conflict

opinions on iran oil conflict

In: Civil Engineering

A square footing is supporting a single interior column with a dimension of 12 in ×...

A square footing is supporting a single interior column with a dimension of 12 in × 12 in. The column carries axial loads as follows: 100 kip dead load and 80 kip live load. Use normal-weight concrete with ?? ′ = 3 ksi, ?? = 60 ksi, and ?? = 5 ksf. The distance from the bottom of the footing to final grade is 5 ft. The height of the footing is 36 in and the concrete cover is 3.5 in. Unit weight of the soil is 100 pcf and unit weight of concrete is 150 pcf.

a) Determine the dimension of the footing (in 1.0-ft increment) and check if the depth is adequate.

b) Design the flexural reinforcement of the footing.

c) Design the dowel reinforcement.

In: Civil Engineering



Can you write discussion research about that title please?

In: Civil Engineering

Explain the physicochemical changes that occur in soil due to sodicity and how that leads to...

Explain the physicochemical changes that occur in soil due to sodicity and how that leads to soil degradation.

(Note: You can use clear diagrams, chemical formulae and relevant chemical equations)

In: Civil Engineering

describe three things a construction worker would have to read a paragraph or more?

describe three things a construction worker would have to read a paragraph or more?

In: Civil Engineering

3. Determine the available strength of two 3/8 in fillet welds that are loaded parallel to...

3. Determine the available strength of two 3/8 in fillet welds that are loaded parallel to their length, are 10 inches long and are made from E70 electrodes. Determine the design strength by (a) LRFD and (b) ASD. [10.11- 25]

4. If the welds of the problem #3 above were loaded at their centroid and at 90 degrees to the weld length, determine the design strength by (a) LRFD and (b) ASD. [10.11- 29]

In: Civil Engineering

For three shapes of cross-section, A, B and C, such that the respective shape factors are...

For three shapes of cross-section, A, B and C, such that the respective shape factors are kA > kB > kC, identify which statement is true for moment capacity:

Select one:

Shape C is most efficient

Shape A is most efficient


All three shapes are equally efficient

In: Civil Engineering

Data from a field study on a step-aeration activated-sludge secondary are as follows:aeration tank volume =...

Data from a field study on a step-aeration activated-sludge secondary are as follows:aeration tank volume = 120,000 ft3= 0.898 milliongalloninfluent wastewater BOD = 128 mg/Leffluent SS = 26 mg/Leffluent wastewater BOD = 22 mg/Leffluentwastewater flow = 3.67 mgdSS in waste sludge = 11,000 mg/LMLSS in aeration tank = 2350 mg/Lwaste sludge flow = 18,900 gpd = 0.0189 mgd return sludge flow = 1.27 mgd Using these data, calculate BOD loading and MLSS inaeration tank. Also, compute the sludgeage (solids retention time), aeration period, return sludge rate, BOD removal efficiency, and sludge production (in pounds of excess suspended solids per pound of BOD applied).

In: Civil Engineering