For the following, compute and tabulate R or D, T, L, LC, E, M, PC, PT,...

For the following, compute and tabulate R or D, T, L, LC, E, M, PC, PT, deflection angles, and incremental chords to lay out he circular curves at full stations (100’). Develop and tabulate the curve data, deflection angles, and incremental chords needed to lay out the circular curves at full- station increments using a total station instrument set up at the PC. (Essentially, develop a table similar to Table 24.2.)

1. Highway curve with R = 1200’, I = 30o00’, and PI station = 45 + 50.00’ 2. Highway curve with T = 131.65’, R = 1200’, and PI station = 67 + 50.00’ 3. Highway curve with R = 900 m, I = 12o30’, and PI station = 4+200.600 m 4. Highway curve with R = 550 m, I = 5o00’, and PI station = 3 + 290.600 m

In: Civil Engineering

Design a baseplate for a W24 x 192 column carrying an axial load of Pu =...

Design a baseplate for a W24 x 192 column carrying an axial load of Pu = 2000k and bearing on a 8′ x 8′ concrete footing with f′c = 3ksi (not in mm show work steps by step )

In: Civil Engineering

If a beam is loaded in pure bending, where would you expect the maximum compressive and...

If a beam is loaded in pure bending, where would you expect the maximum compressive and tensile stresses to occur

In: Civil Engineering

5. In Table Z-1 of the list of air contaminants regulated in 29 CFR 1910.1000 (General...

5. In Table Z-1 of the list of air contaminants regulated in 29 CFR 1910.1000 (General Industry standard), what is the 8-hour Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) in parts per million (ppm) for a worker exposed to acetone on a production line:

In: Civil Engineering

What is the overall efficiency for the removal with the fabric filter for a distribution of...

What is the overall efficiency for the removal with the fabric filter for a distribution of particles where 0.05% of the particles are of 0.1 microns diameter, 0.2% of particles are of 0.3 microns diameter, 2.8% of the particles are 0.7 microns and remaining particles are in the particle diameter range of 1 to 50 microns.









In: Civil Engineering

Suggestions please. Land use and transport infrastructure relationship: what method(s) and factors (variables) to be considered...

Suggestions please.

Land use and transport infrastructure relationship: what method(s) and factors (variables) to be considered when measuring accessibility of activities (education, hospital, shopping mall, employmeny, etc) in regional (suburb) and urban areas using transport network (railway).

In: Civil Engineering

Determine the saturation flow rate for a left-turn lane that operates in a protected/permitted mode, under...

Determine the saturation flow rate for a left-turn lane that operates in a protected/permitted mode, under the following conditions: Opposing demand flow rate = 1100 veh/h Lane width = 11 ft Heavy vehicles = 3% of the traffic stream Approach grade = –2% No on-street parking No bus stops Bicycle and pedestrian traffic conflicting with this lane group is negligible Intersection is not in a central business district.

In: Civil Engineering

Problem 2: Initial mixture proportions for a concrete with the following requirements and properties is needed:...

Problem 2:
Initial mixture proportions for a concrete with the following requirements and properties is needed:
28 Day Design Strength = 4000 psi
It is for a parking lot deck and columns, so it is not in contact with sulfates from soil or saltwater
Slump should be 4”
Aggregate properties are:
Coarse Fine
SGSSD 2.60 2.55
Absorption (%) 0.8% 1.9%
Fineness Modulus N/A 2.90
Nominal Size ¾” x #8 N/A
Dry Rodded Unit Weight (lbs/ft3) 91.3 N/A
Description Rounded Gravel N/A
No reliable records for the relationship between w/c and compressive strength are available for the
specific cement and aggregate combination being used, so use Table 12-3 or Figure 12-3 for the
relationship between compressive strength and w/c.
Not using any chemical admixtures other than air-entrainment, determine the mixture proportions (per yd3
of concrete with aggregates in the SSD state if the freeze/thaw exposure classification is
a) Class F0 (not exposed to freezing and thawing, but use a minimal amount to improve workability
or just in case it is exposed to frost once in awhile…for example San Luis Obispo)
b) Class F3 (exposed to freezing and thawing while wet and exposed to de-icing chemicals…typical
of a parking structure in New York, Minnesota, Illinois, Indiana, Massachusetts, etc.)
c) Compare your proportions for the two, and what governed the w/c?

In: Civil Engineering

A rectangular footing (0.75m∙0.75m), embedded 0.5 m, carries a downward column load of 200 kN. The...

A rectangular footing (0.75m0.75m), embedded 0.5 m, carries a downward column load of 200 kN. The footing is supported on an overconsolidated clay with the following properties:

Cr = 0.05         e = 0.7             OCR = 2.0

PI = 55            cu = 200 kPa ϒsat = 16.2 kN/m3

The ground water table is at a depth of 1.0 m below the ground surface.

a) Calculate the primary consolidation settlement for this footing.

b) Is the calculated Sc within tolerable limits?

Hint: This clay deposit is very deep. Assume that the portion (or thickness) of the clay layer that will consolidate is between z = Df and z = Df + 2B.

In: Civil Engineering

§Problem 1: Two meters of fill (=2.04 Mg/m3) are compacted over a large area (thus 100%...

§Problem 1: Two meters of fill (=2.04 Mg/m3) are compacted over a large area (thus 100% of its influence is felt throughout the depth). Above the compacted fill, a 3*4m spread footing loaded with 5000 kN is placed. Assume that the average density of the soil is 1.68 Mg/m3, and the water table is very deep. Then it is required to (a) compute and plot the profile of effective vertical stresses at the middles of five 2m intervals or layers of depth, prior to fill placement. (b) compute and plot the stresses at the same intervals due to adding the fill. (c) compute and plot the stresses with depth due to the addition of 3*4 m footing, using the equations below, for the increase in stresses below the corner of a rectangular area of width B and Length L. (assume that, the weight of footing plus backfill equals weight of soil removed).

§Problem 2 For the previous problem. It was assumed that the settlement of the footing would occur from settlement in the 2m fill below the footing and the 10m layers of medium sand. Consider that, the values of E and ν are 20 MPa and 0.3, respectively, (for both materials). Assuming a linear, isotropic, elastic material behaviour, calculate and plot The Total Elastic Settlement Profile.

In: Civil Engineering

In a ready-mix plant, cylindrical samples are prepared and tested periodically to detect any mixture problem...

In a ready-mix plant, cylindrical samples are prepared and tested periodically to detect any mixture problem and to ensure that the compressive strength is higher than the lower specification limit. The minimum target was set at 5000 psi. (a) How can you use the normal distribution to guarantee strength is met 95% of the time, with process variability of σ= 600 psi. (b) Is this ready-mix plant producing a cost-effective concrete mixture? (Assumption: Concrete mixture design with a mean compressive strength of higher than 5500 psi is not cost-effective) (c) If the mixture design is not cost-effective, what parameter can be considered and improved by this ready-mix plant to produce a cost-effective concrete mixture?

In: Civil Engineering

Assessment 4.0: Management of Quality Produce a report (min 300 words) detailing construction methodology and the...

Assessment 4.0: Management of Quality

Produce a report (min 300 words) detailing construction methodology and the process for the management of quality of installation and progress reporting for either of the following:

  • Plain line track renewals
  • S&C Installation

Include in the report an outline the management of quality of high output techniques for the following:

  • Plain line track renewals
  • Ballast cleaning
  • S&C Modular Installation methods

Also include the management of quality of track renewals process for special circumstances including:

  • Tunnels
  • Viaducts
  • Other local areas of specific constraint (if appropriate)

In: Civil Engineering

Flow in Sewers What are the minimum and maximum flowrates for sanitary and storm sewer? What...

Flow in Sewers

What are the minimum and maximum flowrates for sanitary and storm sewer? What is the reason (rationale) for applying such minimum and maximum for each sewer type? Present answer in Tabulation

In: Civil Engineering

Identify and briefly discuss the two main factors in the Strength Limit State Design Method which...

  1. Identify and briefly discuss the two main factors in the Strength Limit State Design Method which are used for safety purposes.
  2. Briefly discuss the significance of both these factors in the context of a real-world structural steel design example of your own choosing.

In: Civil Engineering

You are assigned to design the decision table of the year-end bonus. Everyone has a basic...

You are assigned to design the decision table of the year-end bonus. Everyone has a basic amount of $500. Anyone who worked for over 5 years would have an addition $2000. Anyone who got top sales at any month during the year would have an extra $1000. However, if anyone who got a warning from the company would drop all the bonuses. Draw the decision table based on the above information.

In: Civil Engineering