Describe the operation of a MRF (Material Recovery Facility) to process Municipal Solid Waste (Refuse) for...

Describe the operation of a MRF (Material Recovery Facility) to process Municipal Solid Waste (Refuse) for the recycling of PETE, HDPE; Glass and Metals. Include a flow diagram of the process.

In: Civil Engineering

Discuss five major differences in the management and operations at a Dump to those at a...

Discuss five major differences in the management and operations at a Dump to those at a Sanitary Landfill.        

In: Civil Engineering

Briefly explain the different processes to use as a base for examining a project. Choose one...

Briefly explain the different processes to use as a base for examining a project. Choose one of these processes, and explain why it would be the most effective for 'Project Infiltration'.

Name and discuss the seven [7] strategies for reducing project time. Choose one strategy, and apply it in 'Project Infiltration'. Explain the process you used to do this

Discuss the four [4] steps to install a time control system, and illustrate this in 'Project Infiltration'.

Based on the principles of budgeting, illustrate the implementation of cost control in 'Project Infiltration'. Motivate why it is important to have proper budgets in place, and why it is essential that cost be controlled in 'Project Infiltration'.

In: Civil Engineering

The stormwater system of a given site includes the surface overland flow which exits by a...

The stormwater system of a given site includes the surface overland flow which exits by a rectangular concrete channel to (Manning‘s n = 0.015) drain it. The drainage channel is 100 m long, 20 cm wide, and has a longitudinal slope of 0.6%. The catchment surface of 1950 m2 has an average slope of 0.7%. The site surface is rough asphalt pavement (Manning‘s n = 0.020) and the distance from the upstream catchment boundary to the channel inlet is 100 m. The 25-yr design effective rainfall rate of 78.45 mm/h, which will produce an estimated channel flow rate of 0.034 m3 /s and channel water depth of 0.2 m.


a) Estimate the time of concentration of the overland flow over the site using the kinematic wave approach.

b) Estimate the time of concentration from the open channel using the velocity approach and Manning’s equation.

c) Estimate the total time of concentration of the catchment

In: Civil Engineering

A 5 m wide rectangular channel carries a flow of 20 m3/s. The slope of the...

A 5 m wide rectangular channel carries a flow of 20 m3/s. The slope of the channel is 0.005 and the Manning’s n is 0.03. The flow encounters a 0.5 m step up that is 0.1 m long. The depths far upstream and downstream are normal.

  1. Classify this channel
  2. Qualitatively sketch this scenario, label gradually varied flow curves and provide appropriate depths.
  3. Draw this scenario on an E-Y cycle graph, and label all depth changes.

In: Civil Engineering

1. What are green house gases? How do they impact the environment? 2. Which of the...

1. What are green house gases? How do they impact the environment?

2. Which of the methods for concept generation, in your opinion, have a high probability of generating a good idea for a new product? Explain your answer.

3. How can the green engineering aspects be incorporated in product and tool design?

In: Civil Engineering

A Seven-sided closed field traverse has the following angles and distances in meters which were measured...

A Seven-sided closed field traverse has the following angles and distances in meters which were measured using a Total station:

AB = 51.7660;

BC = 76.9470;

CD = 37.0700;

DE = 29.2019;

EF = 28.7758;

FG = 36.7056;

GA = 41.9555;

The adjusted angles are as follows:

A = 128˚27’02”;

B = 101˚41’49”;

C = 102˚22’05”;

D = 143˚12’43”;

E = 161˚08’23”;

F = 131˚57’22”;

G = 131˚10’35”;

Given the Azimuth of AB is (160˚ 00' 00").

Compute the bearings or the azimuths of rest of the sides.

  1. Compute the coordinates of the traverse stations using coordinates of station A as 1,000.000 N, 1,000.000 E.
  2. Compute the area enclosed by the traverse using the co-ordinate method.
  3. It was decided to divide the traverse into two parts AGFED and DCBA, find the area of each part and the length and direction of AD.

In: Civil Engineering

1. Write at least two sentences in your own words to explain the difference of using...

1. Write at least two sentences in your own words to explain the difference of using flexible boundary channel and the rigid boundary channel (based on the design considerations presented here).

2. Answer True or False and justify your answer:

    a. The rigid boundary channel is recommended for channels with very high velocities because it can easily resist the shear stress caused by the water flow.

    b. The trapezoidal cross section (with a value of m = 4 or more) is always more appropriate to be used instead of the rectangular channel in areas in which the neighboring land use restricts the channel top width.   

In: Civil Engineering

Both of the films you are discussing are: (Charlie Chaplin's Modern Times and René Clair’s A...

Both of the films you are discussing are: (Charlie Chaplin's Modern Times and René Clair’s A Nous La Liberté ).

1.) Both of these films depict the struggle between Labor and Capital within the context of industrialized production. In each film, explain what the issues of contention are between the two sides (the laborers and the wealthy capitalists), decide which side is favored by each of the two filmmakers and explain how those biases are revealed within each film, and then describe how each of these disputes gets resolved in the end. In your conclusion, draw comparisons and contrasts between the two films in the way they represent workers' rights and business owners' rights.

In: Civil Engineering

A Seven-sided closed field traverse has the following angles and distances in meters which were measured...

A Seven-sided closed field traverse has the following angles and distances in meters which were measured using a Total station:

AB = 51.7660;

BC = 76.9470;

CD = 37.0700;

DE = 29.2019;

EF = 28.7758;

FG = 36.7056;

GA = 41.9555;

The adjusted angles are as follows:

A = 128˚27’02”;

B = 101˚41’49”;

C = 102˚22’05”;

D = 143˚12’43”;

E = 161˚08’23”;

F = 131˚57’22”;

G = 131˚10’35”;

Given the Azimuth of AB is (160˚ 00' 00").

Compute the bearings or the azimuths of rest of the sides.

  1. Compute the coordinates of the traverse stations using coordinates of station A as 1,000.000 N, 1,000.000 E.
  2. Compute the area enclosed by the traverse using the co-ordinate method.
  3. It was decided to divide the traverse into two parts AGFED and DCBA, find the area of each part and the length and direction of AD.

In: Civil Engineering

Determine the quantities of materials required per cubic yard to create a concrete mix. The specifications...

Determine the quantities of materials required per cubic yard to create a concrete mix. The specifications require a maximum size aggregate of 3/4 in., a minimum cement content of 6 sacks per cy, and a maximum water-cement ratio of 0.5. Assume 7% air voids. Consider the ratio of course aggregates to be 65% of the total aggregates by volume.

Please refer to the standard weights & densities (at the end of the test) for specific gravities and unit conversions.

In: Civil Engineering

what is truss profile and how to determine the pitch (rise ) ratio as well as...

what is truss profile and how to determine the pitch (rise ) ratio as well as panels and web members of the truss?

In: Civil Engineering

Can someone please assist me with the design of a 4.0m column, secured to a foundation...

Can someone please assist me with the design of a 4.0m column, secured to a foundation at the bottom and fixed to 3 beams at the top. The loads are axial and at a magnitude of 1500kN total applied load. The design is based on Eurocode 2.

Code to be used when designing: Eurocode 2
concrete strength: C32
steel strength: 460
given dimensions for column: 300mm x 300mm

In: Civil Engineering

Determine the quantities of materials required per cubic yard to create a concrete mix. The specifications...

Determine the quantities of materials required per cubic yard to create a concrete mix. The specifications require a maximum size aggregate of 3/4 in., a minimum cement content of 6 sacks per cy, and a maximum water-cement ratio of 0.5. Assume 7% air voids. Consider the ratio of course aggregates to be 65% of the total aggregates by volume. Please refer to the standard weights & densities (at the end of the test) for specific gravities and unit conversions.

In: Civil Engineering

Discuss the important aspect of the IPD ( Integrated project delivery) in 1 page civil construction...

Discuss the important aspect of the IPD ( Integrated project delivery) in 1 page

civil construction engineering

In: Civil Engineering