PAGE 1 Table 11-1 Boat Specifications Spring 2020 Group_Project MET 405 - Economic Analysis for Engineering...

PAGE 1 Table 11-1 Boat Specifications Spring 2020 Group_Project MET 405 - Economic Analysis for Engineering and Technology Total points: 100 Due Date: April 23, 2020 by 11:59 pm Project Case: Harbor Delivery Service (HDS) is an over the water delivery service operating in several large port/metropolitan areas. Each branch office has from 5 to 15 boats in its fleet. Currently, each branch office purchases its boats locally based on the branch manager’s preferences. This has resulted in each branch having a mix of brands and models and both diesel- and gasoline-powered units in some ports. Maintenance for this mixed fleet is a major headache, and costs seem out of control. To better utilize resources, the company has been repositioning boats to avoid unnecessary purchases and idle resources. This has been far from a resounding success, as the receiving locations are not prepared to maintain the boats if they differ from those it currently has. The branch managers inevitably find major faults with the boats transferred into their site. Additionally, this causes the sites to need both diesel and gasoline refueling facilities, with the inevitable confusion and mistakes. The various types and brands also make it difficult to create a “brand image.” HDS has decided to centralize procurement of boats and to standardize on brands and fuel types. The task of standardizing the fleet has been assigned to a team consisting of the chief operating officer and three branch managers. The team has identified the size and configuration of boat that best meets the general needs of HDS but have been unable to agree on a common power unit. A poll of the branch managers finds that five out of ten branch managers prefer the gasoline option due to its higher speed, while two out of ten are indifferent to the choice of power unit. Marketing has expressed a preference for diesel power units. They claim that the customers perceive diesel units as less flammable and support this preference with data that shows that insurance premiums are $500 more per year for gasoline-powered boats. Marketing cannot show that demand has been impacted by power unit choice. You have been tasked with recommending the appropriate power unit. To support this task, you have constructed the following table (Table 11-1) based on the specifications of the two boats under consideration. Gasoline Diesel Purchase price $76,586 $97,995 Engine size 350 hp 300 hp Average speed (manufacturer’s estimate) Knots (nautical mile per hour) 21.1 17.4 Fuel consumption (gallons per hour) 26 17 Fuel capacity (gallons) 300 300 PAGE 2 The boat manufacturer (the only difference in the two boats is the engine) has supplied an estimate of the average speed of each unit and the fuel consumption based on this average speed. Since the boats are used in harbors and for fairly short runs, the higher speed of the gasoline engine is valued at only $50 per day. When not in use, the gasoline engines will be turned off, while the diesel units would idle and burn fuel at the rate of 1 gal per hour. Both units are seen as adequate to meet the delivery schedules/requirements of HDS. Your investigations into maintenance costs have determined that the diesel unit requires $9000 in annual maintenance (mainly for the cooling system), while the gasoline engine unit has an annual cost of $6000. Oil changes are $25 for the gasoline unit and $57 for the diesel unit. Oil changes occur every 100 hours of engine use. Diesel is estimated to run $2.95 per gallon while gasoline runs $3.15 per gallon. The branch offices are located adjacent to a fueling/service dock ran by another business unit of HDS’s parent company. The boats are docked at the fueling facility overnight and each evening the tanks are topped off before the boats are turned over to the maintenance crew for service and cleaning. Thus, nightly refueling stops cost $15, but if refueling must be done during the day it costs $55. The units will typically cover 200 nautical miles in the course of the day. Crews are changed every six hours. The delivery service operates 18 hours per day 7 days a week. The diesel units, if purchased, will be kept in service for 4 years before being sold for $48,000 each. The gasoline units will be sold after 3 years of service for $38,000. HDS’s minimum attractive rate of return (MARR) is 18%. How many nautical miles per day must be traveled to change your recommendation?

In: Civil Engineering

A sand specimen is isotropically consolidated in a triaxial test apparatus to 420 kPa and then...

A sand specimen is isotropically consolidated in a triaxial test apparatus to 420 kPa and then sheared with the drainage valves open (i.e., an S or CD test). At failure, (σ1 – σ3) is 1046 kPa. Determine the major and minor principal stresses at failure and the effective internal friction angle (assume c' = 0). Plot the Mohr diagram. (Problem originally from Holtz and Kovacs, 11-10)

Another specimen of the same sand as in Problem 1 (i.e., same f' and c') is tested in a direct shear apparatus under a normal pressure of 420 kPa. The sample fails when a shear stress of 280 kPa is reached. Determine the major and minor principal stresses at failure. Plot the Mohr diagram. (Problem originally from Holtz and Kovacs, 11-11)

In: Civil Engineering

A column with 7 m high and 397 mm X 488 mm masonry is built with...

  1. A column with 7 m high and 397 mm X 488 mm masonry is built with 25.8 Mpa CMUs in M mortar, with four vertical bars, Fy = 414 MPa, placed in grout with the same strength of the CMUs.

    The column is designed to carry 1000 KN axial compression forces.

    a) Find the minimum steel reinforcement and the bars diameters

    As min = 0.0025 Ag,                          0.0025 An < As < .04 An

    b) Calculate the allowable axial load

    Pa=(0.25fm'An+0.65 As Fs) 1-h140 r2

    Fs=0.4 Fy   ≤24,000 psi 165.6 Mpa , As M13 = 129 mm2

  2. c) Determine the required ties and the spacing
  3. d) Is the column designed in 6-b can carry an axial compression load of 1200 KN, Explain?

In: Civil Engineering

Use Bisection and Newton Raphson methods to find roof for the following equation manually. F(x)=x^2 –...

Use Bisection and Newton Raphson methods to find roof for the following equation manually.

F(x)=x^2 – 5 = 0

ε = 0.01

In: Civil Engineering

Fill in the blanks with appropriate numbers: A compression test was conducted on three of 100...

Fill in the blanks with appropriate numbers:

A compression test was conducted on three of 100 x 200 mm cylindrical concrete specimens. Failure loads were 280 kN, 250 kN and 275 kN.

The compressive strength of the concrete is:___________±________ MPa

In: Civil Engineering

I've answered the first half, but im stuck on the second half with multilanes and i...

I've answered the first half, but im stuck on the second half with multilanes and i need help with it .

Highway Capacity and Level-of-Service Analysis


A new segment of freeway is being built to connect two existing parallel freeway facilities, in an urban area. The following traffic and roadway characteristics are expected:

Traffic Characteristics

• AADT = 92000 veh/day

• K = 13%

• D = 50%

• PHF = 0.92

• 8% trucks and buses

• 3% RVs

• Primarily commuters

Roadway Characteristics

• Grade in peak direction: 1.42 miles, 3.25% upgrade

• Interchange density = 1.8 per mile

• Lane widths = 12 ft

• Shoulder widths = 4 ft

  1. Determine the number of lanes necessary to ensure that this new freeway segment will operate at no worse than LOS D during the peak hour in the peak direction.
  1. How much additional traffic, in the peak direction, can be accommodated before the freeway reaches capacity?


A section of a multilane highway is to be reconstructed to improve the level of service. The section being considered is on a 5.0% upgrade that is 3/4 mile long. The highway currently has 4-lanes (2 in each direction – all are 12-ft lanes) with a two-way left-turn lane in the middle and 4 foot shoulders on the right side. It is to be reconstructed into a 6-lane facility (3-lanes in each direction) undivided facility but, due to commercial development surrounding the highway, must remain in the current 72 foot right of way. There are currently 35 access points per mile and the free flow speed is determined to be 50 mi/h. It is known that the road currently operates at capacity with 420 trucks/buses (no recreational vehicles) during the peak hour, a peak hour factor of 0.95 and all-commuter traffic.

The redesign is to reduce the number of access points per mile to 10 and to reduce the grade to 4.0% for 3/4 mile. It is estimated that the new design will increase traffic by 13%.

  1. Determine the lane width and shoulder width combination that will maximize capacity given that the 3 lanes (each direction) must fit within 36ft?

  1. For the maximum-capacity lane/shoulder combination chosen above, determine the new design's level of service and density.

In: Civil Engineering

i need a research for one of the first built tombs in the world. The selected...

i need a research for one of the first built tombs in the world. The selected tomb should have a superstructure. Specifically, focus on the, Evidential, Historical, Aesthetic and Communal Values of the tombs. In other words, determine the specific futures of a tomb in relation to their evidential, historical, aesthetic, and communal values

also Architect, architectural features, construction year and duration, construction materials, construction type, structural features, construction purpose and the features that make it different and significant and the importance of the construction for the society should be included and explained under the headings of Evidential, Historical, Aesthetic and Communal Values in the report. You should illustrate your explanations with photographs which should be referred in your report

a maximum 350-words long

Wikipedia or similar untrustworthy web sources are not allowed to be used as reference.

You need to submit the reference files to me as well (preferably as a PDF) and give names to the reference files with the name of the study described in the reference file

In: Civil Engineering

Sketch and explain the graphical procedures to find the soil memory, i.e., pre-consolidation pressure, , Compression...

  1. Sketch and explain the graphical procedures to find the soil memory, i.e., pre-consolidation pressure, , Compression Index, Cc, and Swell Index Cs using drawings and/or diagrams. Why do we introduce them in soil mechanics and engineering?

In: Civil Engineering

A continuous and aligned fibrous reinforced composite having a cross-sectional area of 875 mm2 is subjected...

A continuous and aligned fibrous reinforced composite having a cross-sectional area of 875
mm2 is subjected to an external tensile load. If the stresses sustained by the fiber and matrix
phases are 255 MPa and 8.35 MPa, respectively, the force sustained by the fiber phase is 85,800
N, and the total longitudinal composite strain is 1.65 x 10-3, determine the following:
(20 Points)

(a) Volume fraction of fiber and matrix
(b) The force sustained by the matrix phase
(c) The modulus of elasticity of the composite material in the longitudinal direction
(d) The moduli of elasticity for fiber and matrix phases

In: Civil Engineering

A continuous and aligned fibrous reinforced composite having a cross-sectional area of 875 mm2 is subjected...

A continuous and aligned fibrous reinforced composite having a cross-sectional area of 875
mm2 is subjected to an external tensile load. If the stresses sustained by the fiber and matrix
phases are 255 MPa and 8.35 MPa, respectively, the force sustained by the fiber phase is 85,800
N, and the total longitudinal composite strain is 1.65 x 10-3, determine the following:

(a) Volume fraction of fiber and matrix
(b) The force sustained by the matrix phase
(c) The modulus of elasticity of the composite material in the longitudinal direction
(d) The moduli of elasticity for fiber and matrix phases

In: Civil Engineering

How is soil investigation important in civil engineering and give examples.

How is soil investigation important in civil engineering and give examples.

In: Civil Engineering

Given a 28-acre watershed with the following land use mix: 8 acres of SFR (38% impervious)...

  1. Given a 28-acre watershed with the following land use mix: 8 acres of SFR (38% impervious) on HSG-B soils, 5 acres of SFR (30% impervious) on HSG-C soils, and 15 acres of open space (park and playground) in fair condition on HSG-C soils. Watershed time of concentration is 21 minutes. The design return period 24-hour rainfall depth is 5.25 inches.
  1. The runoff-weighted average curve number (CN) =                             
  2. The area-weighted unit hydrograph peak rate factor (PRF) =                                                                 

c)    The runoff volume from a rainfall of 3.25 inches (watershed inches) =                             

d)   The runoff volume from a rainfall of 0.47 inches (watershed inches) =

In: Civil Engineering

Answer only if you can draw perfect drawings Don't attempt if u don't know the answer...

Answer only if you can draw perfect drawings
Don't attempt if u don't know the answer
Don't send random answers... Only attempt if u know all the four answers perfectly.... Otherwias I will downvote

1) give the planning for 2bhk in autocad and design the model in staad
2)Show the drawing of any industrial truss with perfect drawings
3)write about magnetic water concrete and its hydration
4)give the reference drawings of circular and. Combined footing

In: Civil Engineering

You are to design a most-efficient trapezoidal channel to carry a flow of 1300 cfs. The...

You are to design a most-efficient trapezoidal channel to carry a flow of 1300 cfs. The channel has a bed slope of 0.003 ft/ft. You can select to design the channel with either 1-in or 2-in gravel rip-rap. Which of these two materials would you choose? Support your answer.

In: Civil Engineering

this is a paper for my engineeing classI need to write a bout what should engineeing...

this is a paper for my engineeing classI need to write a bout what should engineeing field foucs on in the future? also pros(good) and cons (bad) if any of engineering to our society. what field of engineering was born found first. thank you

In: Civil Engineering