
In: Civil Engineering

Please answer no more than 3 sentences for descriptive questions. Q : How does the consolidation...

Please answer no more than 3 sentences for descriptive questions.

Q : How does the consolidation process affect the coefficient of consolidation of saturated clayey soil deposit?

Q: What is the similarity between saturated clay and rubber?

Question 3: Can a soil swell during shearing? List two field examples where this can be observed?

Question 4: During the site investigation for a highway project, you observed a wet clayey soil deposit.
How can you check scientifically the saturation condition of soil in terms of saturated/unsaturated state?

Question 5: Compute the mechanical energy input in kJ/m3 for heavy compaction as per AS1289.5.2.1.
Include all the calculation steps.


Expert Solution

*coefficient of consoildation is attained by the combined efffect of permeabiality of the soil and compressibality of the soil on rate of change in volume of soil sample.In case of clayes soil due to its low permeability it might take many years to complete the total settlement.

*similarity is the property of ductility suppose if rubber brake or tears it wont retain its shape .So is the case with the saturated clay if we compress and release it wont regain its original shape.To some extent soil has its property like that of rubber which regain its shape that is elasticity.

*yes. There are many instance of soil failures due swelling.

-in foundation due to excess soil pressure which is more than the pressure coming over it from the building and this leads to failure of the building.

-slope failure is the other major area where it fails by soil swell. in case if clay soil used in construction of slope due to property of volume change behaviour the slope fails by shear.

*measuring of Hydraulic conductivity gives us the idea about determining the saturation of the soil. If the soil saturated pores in the soil sample are completely filled with water and if the soil is partially saturated the hydraulic conductivity of the soil decreases due to the presence of sir in the voids.


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