“Most national and international engineering organizations create, maintain, and distribute codes and standards that deal with...

“Most national and international engineering organizations create, maintain, and distribute codes and standards
that deal with uniformity in size of parts and correct engineering design practices so that public safety is ensured.”
Explain briefly, why and how the Standards and Codes insure the public safety. Provide one example.

In: Civil Engineering

As an employer, you are responsible to provide sufficient and suitable welfare facilities to [2] the...

As an employer, you are responsible to provide sufficient and suitable welfare facilities to [2]
the workers.
Describe the following welfare facilities that you must provide:
a. Toilet:
b. Washing facilities:

note please write by computer no hand writing

In: Civil Engineering

Explain the meaning of control measures. As an employer, discuss how the control measures [2] can...

Explain the meaning of control measures. As an employer, discuss how the control measures [2]
can be carried out properly.

note to expert in chegg please write by computer

In: Civil Engineering

Using this table, please fill the table, draw the stress strain curve and then answer the...

Using this table, please fill the table, draw the stress strain curve and then answer the question.

In case where the load is released at point 1 and 2 Draw and show the permanent and the recovery deformations.






0 Kn

400 Kn

650 Kn

550 Kn


2 cm

2.004 cm

2.036 cm

2.049 cm


1 cm

0.9995 cm

0.998 cm

0.996 cm





  1. Calculate the Yield stress in the wire

  1. Calculate the apparent maximum stress in the wire   
  1. Calculate the apparent broken stress in the wire   
  1. Calculate its modulus of elasticity   
  1. Calculate the elastic deformation
  1. Calculate the plastic deformation   
  1. Calculate its axial deformation ez at the linear part

  1. Calculate its radial deformation ex at the linear part   
  1. Calculate its Poisson’s ratio at the linear part                                        

In: Civil Engineering

A company is currently located in Rafah and employs 50 people. Due to strong growth the...

  1. A company is currently located in Rafah and employs 50 people. Due to strong growth the company needs additional office space. The company has the option of renting additional space at its current location in Rafah for the next two years, but after that will need to move to a new building. Another option the company is considering moving the entire operation to Jabalia immediately. A third option is for the company to rent a new building in Rafah immediately. If the company chooses the first option and rent new space at its current location, it can, at the end of two years, either rent a new building in Rafah or move to Jabalia.

          The following are some additional facts about the alternatives and current situation:

  • The company has a 75 percent chance of surviving the next two years.
  • Renting the new space for two years at the current location in Rafah would cost $750,000 per year.
  • Moving the entire operation to a Jabalia would cost $1 million. Renting space would cost $500,000 per year.
  • Moving to a new building in Rafah would cost $200,000, and renting the new building’s space would cost $650,000 per year.
  • The company can cancel the rent at any time.
  • The company will build its own building in five years, if it survives.
  • Assume all other costs and revenues are the same no matter where the company is located.


In: Civil Engineering

1. Explain the basic treatment categories for hazardous waste. 2. Determine the compacted waste to soil...

1. Explain the basic treatment categories for hazardous waste.

2. Determine the compacted waste to soil ratio (by volume) for an assumed compacted waste density of 500 kg/m3. The design disposal rate is 60 tons per day. The cell height and width will be 3.0 m and 5.0 m respectively. Take the slope of working faces as 3 horizontal to 1 vertical. The prescribed daily soil cover thickness is to be 200 mm.

3. It is mandatory that a civil engineer research a potential site and then design a construction and operation plan based on local geological characteristics before an operator can safely build a landfill. You have to design a new landfill with a 25 year lifespan. Determine the compacted landfill waste volume, the cover soil volume required and the landfill footprint area. The soil burrow pit is estimated to be 5 m deep. The solid waste generated per capita average 3.0 kg/day. The initial rate of deposition is 200 tons/day. The population growth rate is 2% per annum. The estimated compacted density of the waste at the site is 700 kg/m3. The minimum buffer zone to the landfill is to be 500 m. Assume a volumetric ratio of cover material to compacted waste of 1:4. Assume an 8 hectare allowance for landfill facilities.

4. Anaerobic digestion and aerobic digestion are processes that breakdowns biodegradable material. Discuss the application for this processes with regards to solid waste management

5. Describe the mechanical biological treatment system and state five possible advantages of this system.

6. The “waste hierarchy” ranks waste management options according to what is best for the environment. Describe the waste hierarchy.

7. Determine the classification of a landfill that yields evaporation records of 2 200 mm per year and rainfall of 600 mm per year. The site receives only general waste from a rural community and the estimated current disposal rate is 0,80 Tons per day. The site life is expected to be 7 years.

8. The final cover of a landfill functions as a way to keep water out of the contaminate and to control the runoff from entering the system. Draw an annotated drawing of a class G: L: B - landfill.

9. State and discuss the role of MRFs in an Integrated Solid Waste Management System

In: Civil Engineering

1. Discuss potential negative effects of Municipal Solid Waste. 2. Discuss the importance of managing the...

1. Discuss potential negative effects of Municipal Solid Waste.

2. Discuss the importance of managing the quantity of Municipal Solid Waste generated.

3. Discuss the best method of Municipal Solid Waste quantity estimation and supply an appropriate relationship with explanation of variables.

4. In the landfill classification system, a landfill is classified in terms of three characteristics, all of which influence the risk it poses to the environment. Describe these characteristics.

5. Leachate is a widely used term in the environmental sciences where it has the specific meaning of a liquid that has dissolved or entrained environmentally harmful substances that may then enter the environment. It is most commonly used in the context of landfilling of putrescible or industrial waste. Under which conditions will it not be necessary to install al landfill leachate system?

6. Solid waste generation and characterisation are some of the most important parameters which affect environmental sustainability. Municipal solid waste characterization depends on social structure and income levels. Discuss the purposes of Solid Waste Characterization.

7. The greater the density of the waste in a landfill, the more tons of waste can be disposed in the landfill. The density of waste in a landfill can be increased in a variety of ways. Discuss three methods.

8. The local municipality consulted you to advice on a recycling programme to be introduced. How will you address the implementation of such a programme?

In: Civil Engineering

The use of modern transportation is widely regarded as one of the main sources of environmental...

  1. The use of modern transportation is widely regarded as one of the main sources of environmental pollution. Discuss and debate the efforts undertaken by the transportation industry in Malaysia to move towards a greener, environmentally sustainable future.

In: Civil Engineering

In the year 2015, leaders from 193 countries of the world gathered and moderated by the...

In the year 2015, leaders from 193 countries of the world gathered and moderated by the United Nation and finally summarized that there are 17 goals for the world to be achieved in 2030 named as UNDP Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) towards 2030.

  1. Explains 5 (five) of the goals with the examples that important to be in line with engineering profession which you can contribute in your career after graduation.


In: Civil Engineering

4. A six-lane freeway (three lanes in each direction) operates at capacity during peak hour. It...

4. A six-lane freeway (three lanes in each direction) operates at capacity during peak hour. It has 11-ft lanes, 4-ft right shoulders, and there are three ramps within three miles upstream of the segment midpoint and four ramps within three miles downstream of the segment midpoint. The freeway has an AADT of 60,000 veh/day. The traffic stream has 8% heavy vehicles, and it is on rolling terrain with a peak- hour factor of 0.85. It is known that 12% of the AADT occurs in the peak hour and that the directional factor is 0.6. What is the freeway’s LOS?

In: Civil Engineering

In your opinion, how this pandemic changed the way of engineering education in universities as well...

In your opinion, how this pandemic changed the way of engineering education in universities as well as engineering career post-Covid-19 and how you as a newly-graduated engineer can still contribute to the United Nation Development Plan (UNDP) Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2030 despite this pandemic challenge?


In: Civil Engineering

A reinforced concrete bearing wall supports 12” wide beams bearing on the full width of the...

A reinforced concrete bearing wall supports 12” wide beams bearing on the full width of the wall spaced 10’ o.c. The bottom of the wall is a fixed connection. The top of the wall is a pinned connection. The wall is 20’ tall. The load from each beam, Pu, is 30 kips. Determine whether a 10” wide wall will work for this condition. Select vertical and horizontal reinforcing steel.

In: Civil Engineering

what are the things you realize that you want to do in the future in construction...

what are the things you realize that you want to do in the future in construction engineers

In: Civil Engineering

Q1) Designa concrete mixture proportions which will be used for offshore concrete platform.Norway is a world...

Q1) Designa concrete mixture proportions which will be used for offshore concrete platform.Norway is a world leader on offshore concrete platforms with 1aof the world’s 30 larger offshore concrete structures located on the Norwegian continental shelf. The first of these platforms where the Ekofisk Tank installed in 1974 and the last was Troll gravity based structure installed in 1996. The Sakhalin project is located in a harsh and artic environment where concrete structures have proven excellent characteristics with a minimum of maintenance. 80 mm slump value is required for the Sakhalin project. 28-days concrete characteristic strength is 2bMPa. It is required that no more than 1 test result in 100 will fall below the specified strength. The fine aggregate has a fineness modulus of 2.60 and Zone 3. For Coarse Aggregate (Uncrushed):SSD Bulk Specific Gravity: 2.65, Absorption Capacity: 2.b%, Total Moisture: 1.c% and Dry Rodded Unit Weight: 1345 kg/m3.  For Fine Aggregate (Uncrushed):SSD Bulk Specific Gravity: 2.70, Total Moisture: 3.d% and Free Moisture: 2 %. Cement:  Portland Composite Cement, Specific Gravity: 2.97. For 0.e5 m3of concrete, binder amount is calculated as 120 kg(Use ACI Method of Mix Design)

with a=7





In: Civil Engineering

Designa concrete mixture proportions which will be used for offshore concrete platform.Norway is a world leader...

Designa concrete mixture proportions which will be used for offshore concrete platform.Norway is a world leader on offshore concrete platforms with 1aof the world’s 30 larger offshore concrete structures located on the Norwegian continental shelf. The first of these platforms where the Ekofisk Tank installed in 1974 and the last was Troll gravity based structure installed in 1996. The Sakhalin project is located in a harsh and artic environment where concrete structures have proven excellent characteristics with a minimum of maintenance. 80 mm slump value is required for the Sakhalin project. 28-days concrete characteristic strength is 2bMPa. It is required that no more than 1 test result in 100 will fall below the specified strength. The fine aggregate has a fineness modulus of 2.60 and Zone 3. For Coarse Aggregate (Uncrushed):SSD Bulk Specific Gravity: 2.65, Absorption Capacity: 2.b%, Total Moisture: 1.c% and Dry Rodded Unit Weight: 1345 kg/m3.  For Fine Aggregate (Uncrushed):SSD Bulk Specific Gravity: 2.70, Total Moisture: 3.d% and Free Moisture: 2 %. Cement:  Portland Composite Cement, Specific Gravity: 2.97. For 0.e5 m3of concrete, binder amount is calculated as 120 kg(Use ACI Method of Mix Design)

In: Civil Engineering