fitting job in workshop 1)Aim 2) tools requird 3)the steps 4)Theory 5)conclusion

fitting job in workshop
2) tools requird
3)the steps

In: Civil Engineering

name the four major classifications of structural lumbr

name the four major classifications of structural lumbr

In: Civil Engineering

Q4: Experiments were conducted to determine the safe buckling load on columns with T-section 100 mm...

Q4: Experiments were conducted to determine the safe buckling load on columns with T-section
100 mm × 100 mm × 10 mm with different support conditions. When both ends of the columns
are fixed, safe crippling load carried by the column was found to be 60 × 103 N. Suggest the
length for other three columns for the same crippling load when the support conditions are
changed to one end fixed but the other end free, both the ends hinged and one end fixed but the
other end hinged. The cross section of the column is kept constant in all cases, and E = 200 GPa.
Take factor of safety = 4.
Instead of T section, a hollow column of same material having length 5 m and external diameter of
55 mm when subjected to a compressive load of 60 kN, there was a shortening in the length of the
column by 0.120 cm. Suggest a suitable value for the thickness of the column to withstand the safe
crippling load when one end of the column is fixed and other end is free?

In: Civil Engineering

Q1: Analysis of forces and moments were done for a simply supported beam having span 10...

Q1: Analysis of forces and moments were done for a simply supported beam having span 10 m
carrying a uniformly distributed load of ‘w’ kN/m over a length of 5 m from the left end support
and point loads ‘2w’ kN, ‘3w’ kN and ‘1.5w’ kN at distances of 6 m, 7 m and 8 m respectively from
the left end support. It was observed that the maximum bending moment acting on the beam is
equal to 192 kNm. Suggest a suitable value for ‘w’ based on this loading condition. How it will
change the reactions at the supports? What happens to the shear force and bending moment
values at the supports and at the points where loads acting? By plotting the bending moment and
shear force diagram for the beam, briefly conclude the relationship between the values for shear
force and bending moment.

In: Civil Engineering

Grouting of suspension bridge cables.

Grouting of suspension bridge cables.

In: Civil Engineering

Question 1 There are many factors should consider to minimize the cost and drill well safely....

Question 1

  1. There are many factors should consider to minimize the cost and drill well safely. Explain how mud program will improving the drilling rate.


  1. Discuss five indicators present on "Driller's Console". What is the function of each indicator?

  1. Define each of the following terms used in drilling operations:
  1. Roller cone bits
  2. Cementing accelerator
  3. Bit Hydraulics
  4. Cement scratchers

  1. Explain the Advantages of AC Generators over DC Generators.


In: Civil Engineering

Q5: Experiments were conducted to determine the deflection on a T- section steel girder 200 mm...

Q5: Experiments were conducted to determine the deflection on a T- section steel girder 200 mm x 200 mm x 10 mm and a rectangular beam made up of concrete having breadth 15 cm and depth equal to 25 cm. T- section girder is used as a simply supported beam for a span of 4 meters but rectangular beam is used as a cantilever beam for span of 6 meters. Both beams are subjected to a uniformly distributed load ‘w’ N/mm run over the entire span. Suggest a suitable value for ‘w’ so that the maximum deflection in the simply supported beam does not exceed 17.65 mm. Compare the maximum value of slope and deflection for both steel and concrete beams. Modulus of Elasticity, E for steel = 2 x 107 N/cm2, E for concrete = 2.5 x 107 kg/cm2. What will be your suggestions to minimize the deflection on both steel and concrete beams based on the results obtained for the slope and the deflection of beams

In: Civil Engineering

A Waste water treatment units is proposed to be designed for the Wilayat of Sur. Population...

A Waste water treatment units is proposed to be designed for the Wilayat of Sur. Population of Sur is 200,000 and an average sewage generation is 210 liter per capita per day. Design an appropriate waste water treatment plant using the following given data. If needed assume other necessary data.

Approach channel velocity = 42 m/min, d = 1.5 w Design three aerated grit chamber Detention time in grit chamber = 3 min Depth of aerated grit chamber = 2.0 m Depth to width ratio in aerated grit chamber is 1:1.2 Total depth of primary clarifier = 3 m (Mechanical Sludge removal) Overflow rate = 20 m3/m2.d Detention time in the primary clarifier should be greater than 1.5 hours Secondary clarifier with a depth of water equal to 0.5 times the Length (Mechanical Sludge removal) Detention time in secondary clarifier = 2 hours

Design (size of the unit) the following units of the treatment process:

Rectangular Bar screen channel, Rectangular Aerated Grit chamber, Six Circular Primary Clarifier, and Six Square Secondary Sedimentation tank.

In: Civil Engineering

An unsymmetrical I section prestressed concrete beam of top flange (350 X 40 mm) in size,...

An unsymmetrical I section prestressed concrete beam of top flange (350 X 40 mm) in size, bottom flange of (200 X 40 mm), 30mm thickness of web and overall depth of 400 mm is prestressed with 19 numbers straight steel wires of 7 mm diameter located at a distance of 15 mm from the bottom of the soffit and 9 numbers of straight steel wires of 6 mm diameter located at a distance of 15 mm from the top of the beam. The wires were initially tensioned on the prestressing bed with an initial prestress of 1.2 GPa. The length of the beam is 10 m. Calculate the total percentage loss of stress in the wires at top and bottom. Assume the beam is post tensioned beam and all the wires stressed simultaneously by using the following data: [9] Relaxation of steel stress= 4.5% of initial stress -6 Shrinkage strain in concrete for post tensioning = 200 x 10 Creep Coefficient ɸ=1.6 Friction coefficient for wave effect=0.0015 per metre Slip at anchorage= 1.5 mm Modulus of elasticity for steel = 210 GPa Modulus of elasticity for concrete= 35 GPa

In: Civil Engineering

A room with inside dimensions of 5x7m is built from block 30x30x30 cm, using cement sand...

A room with inside dimensions of 5x7m is built from block 30x30x30 cm,
using cement sand mortar 1:2.5, the wall thickness is 30 cm.
The room wall height above the footing concrete is 5 m. The room has a
door of size 1.5x2m and a window 3x2m. The room is covered with a slab of
15 cm thick which has a 20 cm extension beyond the outside wall edges all
around. The slab is reinforced with 10 mm bars at 15 cm c/c in both
directions, one bar straight and one bar bent. Estimate:
1. Amount of steel needed for the slab in the short direction only.
2. Amount of blocks needed for construction.

In: Civil Engineering

Calculate the minimum prestressing force required for Beam 1 knowing that the beam has a cross...

Calculate the minimum prestressing force required for Beam 1 knowing that the beam has a cross sectional area of 200 × 500 mm and an allowable stress of 0.3 N/mm2 . External Load applied in Tons/m is 150

In: Civil Engineering

In ENGG3500 Question 1. “Identify 2 aspects of this course that you feel are the most...

In ENGG3500

Question 1. “Identify 2 aspects of this course that you feel are the most important for future students enrolling in this course to form a clear and informed understanding..? (include your reasoning for why you feel these 2 aspects are the most important)

Question 2 : “How would you define the purposes of this course, without using the words Project Management, PMBOK, or Engineering in your response?

In: Civil Engineering

5. Draw a dam shape, show its parts on the shape, and illustrate the geological factors...

5. Draw a dam shape, show its parts on the shape, and illustrate the geological factors affecting the dam location selection.

In: Civil Engineering

2. Classify the Sedimentary Rocks according to their depths and evaluate them in terms of their...

2. Classify the Sedimentary Rocks according to their depths and evaluate them in terms of their usability as foundation, tunnel and material (such as aggregate, anchoring, building block).

In: Civil Engineering

3. Classify the Metamorphic Rocks according to their depths and evaluate them in terms of their...

3. Classify the Metamorphic Rocks according to their depths and evaluate them in terms of their usability as foundation, tunnel and material (aggregate, anchoring, building block, etc.).

In: Civil Engineering