
In: Operations Management

Have you ever been in a conversation when you felt the other person “tune out?” •   ...

Have you ever been in a conversation when you felt the other person “tune out?”
•    Have you ever found yourself “taking a vacation” when you were supposed to be paying close attention?
•    Do you find yourself asking other people to repeat themselves frequently?
•    What style of speech holds your attention and what numbs your senses?
•    Discuss a recent positive or negative experience in which effective listening was critical to the outcome of the conversation.


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Being Conversation when I felt the other person tune out

·        Yes, I used a lot of professionalism language and then I discovered the colleague ceased from paying attention.

·        True, the person who I was communicating to was not listening carefully hence this made him not to be able to understand and interpret the topic discussed.

Taking a vacation when one is supposed to pay close attention

·        Sure, simply because of the boredom of what was being discussed.

·        True, due to stress which made me not to concentrate therefore it resulted to daydreaming.

Reason for asking of frequent repetition of what is under discussion

·        Yes, this resulted since the speaker was not audible enough hence it affected the concentration.

·        True, existence of destruction from the moving vehicles made it difficult to pay close attention.

Type of speech that holds attention

·        A persuasive type of speech tends to hold the attention as it involves giving guidelines to a particular problem.

·        The inspiring talks being delivered numbs one's senses as they tend to make one's perception to be changed in a positive way.

Experience in which effective listening was critical to the outcome of the conversation

·        The audiences were not listening effectively hence this resulted to making them to think ahead of the speaker therefore it resulted to making them misinterpret the information that was being delivered.

·        The effective listening was affected by destruction of operating machines that made the workers to be unable to get the full message passed across to them.

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