In: Biology
Have you ever been interviewed?have you ever filled out a survey?if you've done both and you've participated in qualitative and quantitative research,the purpose of qualitative research is to explore the meaning of people's experiences,people's cultures and how people view a particular issue or case known as a case study,but the purpose of quantitative research is to examine the relationship between variables.a variable is a characteristic,we'll talk more about this in just a second but for this class we're going to learn about three kinds of variables independent,dependent and extraneous.independent variables are variables or characteristics that are manipulated by the researcher,dependent variables are characteristics that are impacted by that manipulation of the independent variable,extraneous variables are variables that are extreme as to what the researcher is really trying to focus on and they're usually demographic information,information such as age,sex,race,ethnicity things like that,so let's say a researcher makes a poster that says hey you probably got some of you or other people's pee or poop on your hands so wash your hands,the researcher puts up a poster puts up that poster in one bathroom and doesn't put it in another bathroom ,then the researcher watches to see if more people wash their hands after peeing or pooping who were exposed to the poster compared to those who were not exposed to the poster, it turns out that more people wash their hands who went to the bathroom where the poster was,the independent variable in this study is the poster on the wall it was manipulated by the researcher, the dependent variable was the characteristic of hand-washing,it was the effect of their being or not being a poster in the bathroom,some extraneous variables are the people in the bathrooms a age,sex,race,ethnicity and so on,the point of the study was to examine the relationship between these variables,more hand washing the dependent variable took place in the bathroom that had the poster which was the independent variable,let's talk about research questions,since qualitative research is exploratory in nature qualitative research questions usually start with the words what or how since these words imply discovery or exploration,for example a qualitative research question could be water college students experience in trying to eat healthy on campus or how two college students celebrate the sub cultural holiday of 4/20,because qualitative research is exploratory,it typically does not have a hypothesis which is a prediction,in a nutshell qualitative research tries to explore not predict participants views,similar to qualitative research quantitative research questions can start with the words what or how ,but they might also include the word does in the beginning of the question,in descriptive quantitative research research questions ask how much how often what's the relationship between variables what's the difference between the variables, for example what percent of male college students wash their hands after using campus bathrooms or what is the relationship between college student gender and hand-washing practices after using campus bathrooms,in experimental research questions research questions this is where they might start with the word does ,such as does hand-washing increase when the poster is placed in the campus bathroom compared to qualitative research quantitative research does have hypotheses or predictions about what will happen in the study,typically in qualitative research,researchers collect more than one type of data in order to get a better more holistic picture of what's going on in the field,the data used in qualitative research is almost always it in what people say or their words,this data usually comes from interviews documents like newspapers or journals etc observations and audio-visual materials like videos or audio recordings,researchers usually obtain multiple types of these kinds of data in order to answer a research question,all of this data comes from in the field which means the natural settings where participants are in qualitative research,researchers go into the field and spend a lot of time there interviewing and observing the participants in their environments,it's also important to note that surveys or questionnaires are also known as instruments,well in qualitative research there are no instruments no surveys in qualitative research,the researcher is the instrument what this means is that the researcher acts as an instrument the researcher is kind of like a Living Survey ,they ask all the questions and make observations instead of relying on surveys to gather data ,it's also important to note that a hallmark of qualitative research is its emergent design ,this means that the way in which the study is conducted can change during the study during qualitative research it may become apparent that other forms of data,from other groups of people should be included into the study,for instance let's say the researchers studying college students experience trying to eat healthy on campus originally the researcher has planned to just interview a bunch of students,but let's say that the that during the interviews the students keep talking about the ice cream area of the cafeteria and Student Union,how there's over 400 kinds of ice cream and you have to walk around the ice cream to get to the apples and on and on and about the ice cream bar,the researcher here is enough students talk about this crazy ice cream bar that the researcher decides that observational data should be included in the study she needs to see the ice cream bar for herself and see how it overshadows the Apple bed she needs to see why everyone's talking about this crazy ice cream bar,so the research design emerges and different kinds of data might be collected as the study goes on,the data for quantitative research is in the form of numbers these numbers usually come from what people checkoff on instruments which are surveys or questionnaires or observational checklists and so on,so qualitative research looks at words quantitative research looks at numbers,about analysis,in qualitative research analysis is all about creating themes researchers read their interviews look at documents observations and audio-visual materials and then they organize all of that data all of those words into themes ,this can take a considerable amount of time,they're often pages and pages of interview transcripts to read for example it's a researcher interviewed students about their experience eating healthy on campus,from the interview there are over 80 pages of interview text to read,from those pages the researcher was able to group the data or analyze the data group into three major themes which were students believed that there was a lack of healthy options on campus the students believed the healthy options were too expensive and they believed they felt that unhealthy options were just too tempting,it's important to note here that qualitative research is inductive in nature,that means that the research questions the data collection the analysis and all that stuff is not based off of a theory or preconceived notions that their researcher had,the researcher lets the data speak for itself and form itself into themes without the bias of an existing theory or existing ways of thinking about things already,on the other hand in quantitative research analysis involves the use of statistics to crunch numbers and figure out what those numbers mean in terms of answering research question,qualitative research looks at themes quantitative research and analysis crunches numbers statistics,quantitative research is also usually deductive it's based from existing theories and information that's already out there to help form research questions and how data is collected and how its analyzed,let's talk about the final report in qualitative research the final report is usually narrative in nature,the author's will sometimes write in the first person it's more interpretive and it contains a lot of writing and it has direct quotes from participants,the final reports for quantitative research are more rigid in form and it's more in the form of a statistical report,in conclusion there are noteworthy differences between qualitative and quantitative research in terms of their purpose research questions data analysis and so on.