
In: Computer Science

Instructions Write the definitions of the member functions of the class integerManipulation not given in Example...


Write the definitions of the member functions of the class integerManipulation not given in Example 10-11. Also, add the following operations to this class:

  1. Split the number into blocks of n-digit numbers starting from right to left and find the sum of these n-digit numbers. (Note that the last block may not have n digits. If needed add additional instance variables.)
  2. Determine the number of zeroes.
  3. Determine the number of even digits.
  4. Determine the number of odd digits

Also, write a program to test theclass integerManipulation.

The header file for class integerManipulation has been provided for you.


class integerManipulation
void setNum(long long n);
//Function to set num.
//Postcondition: num = n;

long long getNum();
//Function to return num.
//Postcondition: The value of num is returned.

void reverseNum();
//Function to reverse the digits of num.
//Postcondition: revNum is set to num with digits in
// in the reverse order.

void classifyDigits();
//Function to count the even, odd, and zero digits of num.
//Postcondition: evenCount = the number of even digits in num.
// oddCount = the number of odd digits in num.

int getEvensCount();
//Function to return the number of even digits in num.
//Postcondition: The value of evensCount is returned.

int getOddsCount();
//Function to return the number of odd digits in num.
//Postcondition: The value of oddscount is returned.

int getZerosCount();
//Function to return the number of zeros in num.
//Postcondition: The value of zerosCount is returned.

int sumDigits();
//Function to return the sum of the digits of num.
//Postcondition: The sum of the digits is returned.

integerManipulation(long long n = 0);
//Constructor with a default parameter.
//The instance variable num is set accordingto the parameter,
//and other instance variables are set to zero.
//The default value of num is 0;
//Postcondition: num = n; revNum = 0; evenscount = 0;
// oddsCount = 0; zerosCount = 0;

long long num;
long long revNum;
int evensCount;
int oddsCount;
int zerosCount;



#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main() {
// Write your main here
return 0;


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class integerManipulation



    void setNum(long long n);

    //Function to set num.

    //Postcondition: num = n;

    long long getNum();

    //Function to return num.

    //Postcondition: The value of num is returned.

    void reverseNum();

    //Function to reverse the digits of num.

    //Postcondition: revNum is set to num with digits in

    // in the reverse order.

    void classifyDigits();

    //Function to count the even, odd, and zero digits of num.

    //Postcondition: evenCount = the number of even digits in num.

    // oddCount = the number of odd digits in num.

    int getEvensCount();

    //Function to return the number of even digits in num.

    //Postcondition: The value of evensCount is returned.

    int getOddsCount();

    //Function to return the number of odd digits in num.

    //Postcondition: The value of oddscount is returned.

    int getZerosCount();

    //Function to return the number of zeros in num.

    //Postcondition: The value of zerosCount is returned.

    int sumDigits();

    //Function to return the sum of the digits of num.

    //Postcondition: The sum of the digits is returned.

    integerManipulation(long long n = 0);

    //Constructor with a default parameter.

    //The instance variable num is set accordingto the parameter,

    //and other instance variables are set to zero.

    //The default value of num is 0;

    //Postcondition: num = n; revNum = 0; evenscount = 0;

    // oddsCount = 0; zerosCount = 0;


    long long num;

    long long revNum;

    int evensCount;

    int oddsCount;

    int zerosCount;



#include "integerManipulation.h"

void integerManipulation::setNum(long long n){

    num = n;


long long integerManipulation::getNum(){

    return num;


void integerManipulation::reverseNum(){

    long long temp = num;

    revNum = 0;


        revNum = revNum*10 + temp%10;

        temp = temp/10;



void integerManipulation::classifyDigits(){

    long long temp = num;

    int digit;


        digit = temp%10;







        temp = temp/10;



int integerManipulation::getEvensCount(){

    return evensCount;


int integerManipulation::getOddsCount(){

    return oddsCount;


int integerManipulation::getZerosCount(){

    return zerosCount;


int integerManipulation::sumDigits(){

    int sum = 0;

    long long temp = num;


        sum += temp%10;

        temp = temp/10;


    return sum;


integerManipulation::integerManipulation(long long n){

    num = n;

    revNum = 0;

    evensCount = 0;

    oddsCount = 0;

    zerosCount = 0;



#include <iostream>

#include "integerManipulation.h"

using namespace std;

int main()


    integerManipulation im1;




    cout<<"Number: "<<im1.getNum()<<endl;

    cout<<"Evens count: "<<im1.getEvensCount()<<endl;

    cout<<"Odds count: "<<im1.getOddsCount()<<endl;

    cout<<"Zeros count: "<<im1.getZerosCount()<<endl;

    cout<<"Sum of digits: "<<im1.sumDigits()<<endl;

    return 0;


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