
In: Operations Management

What is your personal experience with conflict in the workplace? What approach do you usually take...

What is your personal experience with conflict in the workplace?
What approach do you usually take to conflict, and why?


Expert Solution

1. It is very common to have conflicts in workplace. There can be a few reasons for this -

Leadership conflict.

Work style differences.

Cultural-based differences. It is

Personality clashes.

I have experienced all such conflicts in my professional life. Different people have different work styles and also leadership styles.

Similarly, I have experienced personality clashes and difference in work styles. However, these differences can sometimes create chaos but the are very common and eventually I have learnt to overcome these differences.

2. We have also read about conflicts in stages of team development. Its important to face these conflicts in a very positive manner till team norming phase. After this your team leads to performance.

Once you work with your team or colleagues over some time these differences tend to reduce a lot.

There is no need in trying to eradicate these differences as they are very common and will keep occurring.

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