Nursing is a unique profession which render collaborative care
to the patient's irrespective of their age, nationality,
race, cast and creed. Patient or the client is the central
or integral part of nursing care.
When a nurse's personal beliefs conflict with a patient's belief
in order to avoid complications
- A nurse should collect proper history from the patient
including physiological, psychological, spiritual and
cultural factors during the time of admission which gives
us a clear information about their personal belief.
- A nurse shouldn't discuss her personal belief with
patient, which may affect trust between
- When it comes to carrying out a procedure, nurse should
explain about it in detail and patient has every right to
deny it. A nurse should respect it and the conflict can be avoided
by finding alternative procedure which is acceptable to the
- A nurse should be culturally competent to
avoid such conflicts. She should be well behaved and patient
friendly in the course of time.
- Maintain therapeutic nurse patient
relationship during nursing practice. A nurse should not
be flexible in her decision making and she should be emotionally
- A nurse should have a strong bond between mind and
body (spiritual belief and psychological balance). She
should not be influenced by the patient at any given tough
Whenever a nurse's personal belief conflict with patient's
belief all the above said points to be taken in mind and act
accordingly. Advanced specialty nurses should not sway by any
cultural sensitivities of the patient such as
different family structure, different family relationship and
different cultural belief.