I would expect
some values to be demonstrated in workplace such
- Strong work ethic
- Dependibility and responsibility
- Adaptability
- Honesty And integrity
- Self motivated
- Strong self confidence
Values in the
housekeeping workplace :
- I would expect if the person no not posses the same then he
should work towards it and try to change himself because it is the
need of the organization.
- I would recruit and hire well resources so i would not face
many problems regarding the ethics. I would educate them and make
them understand the risk if they dnt perform their jobs in an
ethical, accountable manner.
- This would be helpful because due to this employees will
understand the importance of it and would be alliengned well and
would not make much mistakes.
- Power and politics performs a huge role in any business, from
how decisions are made to how employees interact with eachother. In
a business may be big and small, the impact of power depends on
whether employees use positive or negative power to influence
others in the workplace. Politics may directly or indirectly
influence who has the power and determine whether the overall
culture of the workplace encourages productivity.
- Workplaces are effected not only by policies but also the
personalities of employees. Trying to stifle personality can result
in upset and frustrated employees.
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