Suppose 8086 microprocessor perform the following task: ADD AX, 3FF2H Where the value of AX is...

Suppose 8086 microprocessor perform the following task: ADD AX, 3FF2H Where the value of AX is 1D56H and ADD is opcode for addition (summation) Draw the flag register and calculate the values of status flags?

In: Electrical Engineering

Briefly describe the differences between the single pipe circuit and two pipe circuit in space heating...

Briefly describe the differences between the single pipe circuit and two pipe circuit in space heating aided with diagrams.

In: Electrical Engineering

Answer all questions. Explain what each of the following is in relation to thermocouples: (a) extension...

Answer all questions. Explain what each of the following is in relation to thermocouples: (a) extension leads, (b) compensating leads, (c) law of intermediate metals, (d) law of intermediate temperature.

In: Electrical Engineering

Design an automatic traffic light control signal for a road square using 1MHz internal oscillator of...

Design an automatic traffic light control signal for a road square using 1MHz internal oscillator of PIC16F887. Each traffic light must consist of three (Red, Yellow, Green) lights. Use proteus for implementation. Your code must use four light signals installed on each road connecting to square.

in word program form.(text and diagram )

In: Electrical Engineering

Explain the cold tip compensation in thermocouples. Find any data collection hardware / card that offers...

Explain the cold tip compensation in thermocouples. Find any data collection hardware / card that offers a solution to this problem and a sign conditioner compatible with this card and write the brand / model and solution in detail. Choose equipment that can be connected to several different types of thermocouples. Please be legible. Thanks.

In: Electrical Engineering

Write a program sequence that will test the byte STATUS and branch to ROOTINE_1 if bit...

Write a program sequence that will test the byte STATUS and branch to ROOTINE_1 if bit 1, 2 or 4 is 1. Otherwise, it is branch to ROUTINE_2 if both bits 1 and 3 are 1 and to ROUTINE_3 if both bits 1 and 3 are 0. In all other cases it is to exeute ROUTINE_4. Assume that the routines are more than 128 bytes long. Also give a flowchart of the sequence.

In: Electrical Engineering

Para maximizar la transmisión de potencia a la línea la impedancia de entrada de la línea...

Para maximizar la transmisión de potencia a la línea la impedancia de entrada de la línea debe ser Zin=Zg*.

Para conseguir esta impedancia de entrada proceda como se le indica en los apartados c) y d).


c) La mínima longitud de la línea (en longitudes de onda) para que la parte real de su admitancia de entrada sea 8×10-3 Ω-1. Determine el valor de dicha admitancia de entrada. (10 puntos)

Si no ha resuelto el apartado (a) tome Z0=50Ω.

d) La admitancia Y que debe colocarse en paralelo a la entrada de la línea para que el generador vea una impedancia de entrada a la línea igual al conjugado de su resistencia interna. Verifique que efectivamente ahora Zin=Zg*. (5 puntos)

Si no ha resuelto el apartado (b) tome Yin=0.008+j0.016 Ω-1.

e) La potencia media entregada a la carga en las condiciones del apartado (d). (3 puntos)

To maximize power transmission to the line the line input impedance must be Zin = Zg *.

To achieve this input impedance proceed as indicated in sections c) and d).


c) The minimum length of the line (in wavelengths) so that the real part of its input admittance is 8 × 10-3 Ω-1. Determine the value of that input admittance. (10 points)

If you have not solved section (a) take Z0 = 50Ω.

d) The admittance Y that must be placed in parallel to the input of the line so that the generator sees an input impedance to the line equal to the conjugate of its internal resistance. Verify that effectively Zin = Zg * now. (5 points)

If you have not solved section (b) take Yin = 0.008 + j0.016 Ω-1.

e) The average power delivered to the load under the conditions of section (d). (3 points)

In: Electrical Engineering

3. What does 3dB mean in magnitude?

3. What does 3dB mean in magnitude?

In: Electrical Engineering

What does the voltage rating of a bus mean in power systems. Like what does the...

What does the voltage rating of a bus mean in power systems. Like what does the voltage rating specify or say about the bus?

In: Electrical Engineering



In: Electrical Engineering

What hygroscopic property means in practice? Select one: a. Material property to bind moisture and release...

What hygroscopic property means in practice?

Select one:

a. Material property to bind moisture and release it out.

b. Material property to prevent air flows.

c. Material property to insulate.

What is the main parameter to get the best efficiency out from the heat pump?

Select one:

d. Low input temperature of the heat pump.

e. High output temperature of the heat pump.

f. Low temperature difference between input and output of the heat pump.

Floors can be kept as heat storage. Calculate how much energy (kWh) per one Celsius degree can be stored to a concrete floor if its thickness is 10 cm and area 100 m2.

Select one:

g. 50–60 kWh/°C

h. 0.5–0.6 kWh/°C

i. 5–6 kWh/°C

In: Electrical Engineering

What does it mean to have a comprehensive perspective? A. When one shows moral concern involving...

What does it mean to have a comprehensive perspective?


When one shows moral concern involving a commitment to obtain and properly assess all avaialble information that is pertinent to meeting moral obligations


When one accepts moral responsibility for their actions.


When one is sensitive to the full range of moral values and responsibilities relevant to a situation and is willing to develop the skill and expend the effort needed to reach a reasonable balance among those considerations


When one's moral conduct and principles of action are their own.

In: Electrical Engineering

1.Write down the properties and the types of insulating materials used in the construction of power...

1.Write down the properties and the types of insulating materials used in the construction of power and distribution transformers.

2. What are the different types of magnetic materials? Distinguish between hard and soft magnetic materials.      

3.Explain Hall effect, hall coefficient and its value in different semiconductor

4.Explain with graphical representation the variation of mobility with temperature

5.Give the general electrical and magnetic characteristics of ferrites. List its applications   

In: Electrical Engineering

Please give brief descriptions and examples withdiagrams onenvelope in signaltxcovccio

Please give brief descriptions and examples with diagrams on

envelope in signal

In: Electrical Engineering

There are two types of propagation delay, identify and give their descriptions.

There are two types of propagation delay, identify and give their descriptions.

In: Electrical Engineering