What are the four major components of a SCADA/ICS System?
Draw a simple graphic to describe their relationship (e.g. flow chart)
In: Electrical Engineering
"Express your opinion about some novel areas that you can employ WSN."
In: Electrical Engineering
Why do we use B-trees if ??(log?? ??) = ??(??????) for all ??, ??
In: Electrical Engineering
When using Solar energy, explain the system engineering tradeoffs based on estimated performance, cost, schedule, or other relevant factors and the decision process and analysis tools used in making the decision.
In: Electrical Engineering
1. The lines of code below form a counting loop:
LoadDelay mov.w #0x001A, R15
LoopTop dec.w R15
jnz LoopTop
How many times will this loop execute? Provide the answer in decimal_________
2. Suppose the state of bits at P1OUT are 10110111 and the following line is executed:
xor.b #0x05,&P1OUT
What is the new state of bits at P1OUT after the above line executes? Provide the answer in binary_____________
3. What value is contained in R9 after the following lines complete execution?
mov #0x0C07, R9
bic #0x0703, R9
Provide the answer in hexadecimal_________
4. What value is contained in R9 after the following lines complete execution?
mov #0x0C07, R9
and #0x1783, R9
Provide the answer in hexadecimal_________
5. What value is contained in R9 after the following lines complete execution?
mov #0x0C02, R9
sub #0x0001, R9
Provide the answer in hexadecimal_________
6. Execute the following lines:
mov.w #0xFF02, R12
dec R12
jz CaseA
jmp CaseB
Which branch is taken? (circle one) CaseA CaseB
7. Execute the following lines:
mov.w #0x1234, R12
rra R12
What is the final value in R12?
Provide the answer in hexadecimal_________
8. Execute the following lines:
mov.w #0x8431, R12
rla R12
What is the final value in R12? Provide the answer in hexadecimal_________
In: Electrical Engineering
For a system corresponding mainly to a uniform electric field, the flashover voltage is slightly lower than the breakdown voltage of air alone, for the same electrode gaps. The decrease in the flashover voltage is due to the presence of small air pockets between the electrodes and solid dielectric, the influence of moisture and the non-uniformity of the electric field resulting of the difference between the permittivity of both the solid and that of air. The non-uniformity of electric field increases with the voltage because of the surface charging that takes place in this situation.
In: Electrical Engineering
The Laplace transform proves to be a highly valuable tool in electronic circuits analysis.
write 2 pages to states why it is valuable tool?
please remember to write the references whether are books or web sites
In: Electrical Engineering
What would I add to the following code to detect the pitch of the audio signal? (use cepstral method)
clear all;
close all;
info = audiodevinfo;
pause(3); % delete it if necessary
fs = 44.1e3;
noBits = 16;
noChannels = 1;
recordObject = audiorecorder(fs,noBits,noChannels);
disp('Start speaking...');
disp('End of Recording.');
x = getaudiodata(recordObject); %takin in as aperiodic
noSamples = length(x); %length of vector x "max(size(x))
time = [1:noSamples]/fs; %time ticks
%DFT: X[k]= (sigma x[n]*exp(-j*2*pi*k/Nf*n)
noSamples = length(x2)
noFrequencies = noSamples;
for ct =1:noSamples
X = nan(size(x2));
for k = 1:noFrequencies
X(k) = sum(x2.*exp(-j*2*pi*k/noFrequencies*n));
kAsFrequencyIndicies = 1:noFrequencies;
box off;
frequencyTicks = kAsFrequencyIndicies/noFrequencies*fs;
box off;
In: Electrical Engineering
Write the Verilog code for a 12-bit shift register with ability to shift left or right, synchronized parallel load, asynchronous reset, and serial output? The register is able to load the 12-bit input value (at the positive edge of the clock) if the load signal is one, shift the value in register one bit to the right (at the positive edge of the clock) if the rss signal is one, shift the value in register one bit to the left(at the positive edge of the clock) if lss signal is one, and reset the value in the register at any time if the rst signal is one. The shift register has two 1-bit output which are the MSB (Most significant bit) and LSB (Least significant bit) of the register at any given time. The priority of the signals is in the order as follows with rst having the highest priority. rst, load, rss, lss. When shift register is shifting the value to the right, the MSB bit takes in the load input MSB bit. When shift register is shifting the value to the left, the LSB bit takes in the load input LSB bit.
In: Electrical Engineering
Discuss where the health care marketplace in the US is and how it is expected to change over the next 3-5 years giving an analysis and conclusion.
In: Electrical Engineering
PLEASE note a key phrase in the brief is: It is important that the student takes the perspective of their prospective profession in this assignment. They should consider to what extent their chosen profession can or cannot influence the delivery of holistic sustainable solutions. Some aspects may be beyond the profession’s control, others within its sphere of influence. The barriers to delivery of holistic sustainability solution in your prospective profession should be discussed and where possible, enabling factors that would enable increased delivery of sustainable solutions should be debated. Students are also required to discuss how they can incorporate Design for Sustainability methods with any engineering formal design process.
In: Electrical Engineering
In: Electrical Engineering
Part 1
Systems engineering is said to be a disciplined process. Why do system failures still occur? Choose an example of a technology or system failure (Examples: early airbags, Titanic, Challenger or Columbia disasters). Then respond to the following in discussion:
Explain reasons for the failure. Use figures and/or other visual aids to explain your answer.
Identify and explain any system acquisition processes that were not followed that may have contributed to the failure.
You may also use your own relevant experience.
In: Electrical Engineering
Assume you are making a compisite material airplane, which has ligter weight and more fuel effciency. Describe how your airplane will put pressure on a culture outside of America (Choose a specific country). How your airplane will affect their society, culture, economic, and envornment, etc?
In: Electrical Engineering
Consider an RC circuit with resistance R and capacitance C. The circuit is stimulated with a pulse of amplitude A and width T.
The purpose of this study is to understand what happens to the impulse response, capacitor voltage, and resistor voltage for various resistor values: 600 ?, 1000 ?, and 1200 ?. The name of the MATLAB script will be called project2a. Excite the circuit with a rectangular pulse voltage of amplitude=5 V and pulse width of 10 ms. Plot the results of each resistor value from t=0 to t=20 ms on the same graph (3 graphs-impulse response, capacitor voltage, and resistor voltage). Label all axes, put a grid on the graph, and apply the proper legend. Comment on and explain the results.
For all cases of the study, the capacitor will have a value of 1 µF. Use the function below to make graphs.
function [ Vc Vr t ] = rc_voltages( A,R,C,T,Tend )
for i=1:length(t)
if t(i)
In: Electrical Engineering