In: Electrical Engineering
Question: How to delay this code from 1 second delay to 0.5
second delay?
org 0000h;
ljmp main;
org 0050h;
mov dptr,#SMG_DUAN ;
mov r0,#00h;
mov r1,#0ah;
lin1:mov a,r0;
movc a,@a+dptr; get first indexed data in rom to accumolator a
mov p1,a; move data in a to port 1
lcall delay; subroutine call for the delay
inc r0; increase r0 by one to get to the next index
djnz r1,lin1; repeat the above instructions till we get all the data
sjmp main;
mov r3,#0fh; move 0fh to regester 3
lin2: mov r4,#0ffh; mov 0ff to reginster 4
lin3: mov r5,#0ffh; move 0ff to register 5
djnz r5,$; decrease r5 till it equal to 0
djnz r4,lin3; decrease r4 till it equal to 0
djnz r3,lin2; decrease r3 till it equal to 0
org 0200h
SMG_DUAN: ; rom memeory
db 0c0h,0f9h,0a4h,0b0h,99h,92H,82h,0f8h;
db 80h,90h,88h,7ch,39h,5eh,79h,71h;
In the delay block instead of moving 0FH to registers, move half the value which is 08H and decrement these values to 0 so that the delay will become half of the earlier.
org 0000h;
ljmp main;
org 0050h;
mov dptr,#SMG_DUAN ;
mov r0,#00h;
mov r1,#0ah;
lin1:mov a,r0;
movc a,@a+dptr; get first indexed data in rom to accumolator a
mov p1,a; move data in a to port 1
lcall delay; subroutine call for the delay
inc r0; increase r0 by one to get to the next index
djnz r1,lin1; repeat the above instructions till we get all the data
sjmp main;
mov r3,#08h; move 0fh to regester 3
lin2: mov r4,#08fh; mov 0ff to reginster 4
lin3: mov r5,#08fh; move 0ff to register 5
djnz r5,$; decrease r5 till it equal to 0
djnz r4,lin3; decrease r4 till it equal to 0
djnz r3,lin2; decrease r3 till it equal to 0
org 0200h
SMG_DUAN: ; rom memeory
db 0c0h,0f9h,0a4h,0b0h,99h,92H,82h,0f8h;
db 80h,90h,88h,7ch,39h,5eh,79h,71h;