This question is based on our three-node network where all resistances are equal. Generators are located...

This question is based on our three-node network where all resistances are equal. Generators are located at nodes 1 and 2, while the customer is located at node 3.

Power flows through the network are:

F(1,3) = 44 MW

F(2,3) = 56 MW

F(1,2) = -12 MW (i.e., 12 MW from node 2 to node 1)

The transmission limit on Line (1,2) is 10 MW in either direction, so the line is overloaded by 2 MW. Assume that lines (2,3) and (1,3) can carry a very large amount of power, so that they will never be congested. Calculate the adjustment for Generator 1 that relieves the transmission congestion on line (1,2).

If you find that Generator 1 should increase output to relieve the congestion, then enter your response as a positive number. If you find that Generator 1 should decrease output to relieve the congestion, then enter your response as a negative number.

In: Electrical Engineering

Q2. (a) With appropriate block diagram, describe two methods/principles of demodulating a Frequency Modulation (FM) signal....

With appropriate block diagram, describe two methods/principles of demodulating a Frequency Modulation (FM) signal.

Consider a frequency modulated signal FM )]sin(cos[)(tttsmcωβω+= where mω is the frequency of a sinusoidal message signal, cω is the carrier frequency and β is the modulation index.
Using the above equation )(ts, explain the definition of Narrowband FM and wideband FM.

Prove that the narrowband FM signal is given by the equation )sin()sin()cos()(ttttsmccωωβω−=.

An angle modulated signal is given by the expression
??(??)=5??????[??????+40? ????500??? +20? ????1000??? +10? ????2000??? ]
Calculate the bandwidth of the angle modulated signal by Carson’s rule, if the peak frequency deviation, fΔ= 30 Hz.

If the modulated signal is a phase modulated signal with phase deviation constant pk of 5 radians per volt, determine the message signal )(tm.

If the modulated signal is a frequency modulated signal with frequency deviation constant fkof π000,20radian/sec per volt, determine the message signal )(tm.

In: Electrical Engineering

Estimate the desired parameters and draw the block diagram of an Armstrong indirect FM modulator to...

Estimate the desired parameters and draw the block diagram of an Armstrong indirect FM modulator to generate an FM carrier with a carrier frequency of 102 MHz and Δ?=25 kHz based on following constraint:
 A narrow-band FM generator is available at a carrier frequency 200 KHz and Δ? is 12.2 Hz.
 The local oscillator has an adjustable range of 9 MHz to 10 MHz.
 There is bandpass filter with any center frequency.
 And only doublers are available.

Note: After all calculations, the values of each parameter of the above method should be written on the block diagram.

In: Electrical Engineering

A high voltage Schering Bridge has the following arms with their component ranges: AB: capacitor=100 pF...

A high voltage Schering Bridge has the following arms with their component ranges: AB: capacitor=100 pF to 500 pF, BC: variable capacitance (1 nF to 2 µF) in parallel with variable resistance from (100 Ω to 1000 Ω), CD: variable resistance from (1 Ω to 1000 Ω), DA: test object. Determine: (a) the maximum value of the capacitance of the bushing, (b) the minimum value of the capacitance of the bushing, (c) the loss angle of the bushing if balance is obtained with capacitance of the bushing is 200 pF, R4=1000 Ω, C4=10 nF with a high voltage capacitor having maximum value, and (d) in this question, what is the difference between the bushing and the test object

In: Electrical Engineering

What is the effect of the slip-ring starting resistance on the starting torque and the starting...

What is the effect of the slip-ring starting resistance on the starting torque and the starting current?

In: Electrical Engineering

In a differential amplifier, the noninverting input is 3 cos (600t + 45◦) mV and the...

In a differential amplifier, the noninverting input is 3 cos (600t + 45◦) mV and the inverting input is 4cos (600t - 45◦) mV. The output is

vo = 3cos (600t + 45◦) + 4.004cos (600t - 45◦) V. The CMRR is_____ dB.

In: Electrical Engineering

Define a Current transformer

Define a Current transformer

In: Electrical Engineering

Explain earthing in DC traction applications with a simple diagram. What are the hazards involved? Explain...

Explain earthing in DC traction applications with a simple diagram. What are the hazards involved? Explain the mitigation strategies with reference to the standards.

In: Electrical Engineering

A series RC circuit is connected in parallel to a 5 volt DC voltage source, where...

A series RC circuit is connected in parallel to a 5 volt DC voltage source, where resistance R=1 M ohm and capacitance C= 1 microfarad. If at the start of operation, voltage across the capacitor is 5 volts, calculate the voltage across the capacitor at t=2 seconds. Also sketch the instantaneous voltage across the resistor. using differential equation.

In: Electrical Engineering

Sketch the linearized Bode plots of system function given below. Ensure to properly label the graph....

Sketch the linearized Bode plots of system function given below. Ensure to properly label the graph. H(s) = 10^9 (s + 100)(s + 1000) / (s^2 + 15000s + 100 × 10^6)(s + 100 × 10^3)

In: Electrical Engineering

A uniform current density given by: J = (A/m2 J ) o az give rise to...

A uniform current density given by:

J = (A/m2 J ) o az

give rise to a magnetic potential:

A = ( (Wb/m) 4 μo J o x ) 2 + y 2 i.

1) Apply the vector Poisson’s equation to prove the above statement.

2). Determine H using the expression of A

3). Determine H using the expression of J.

In: Electrical Engineering

Sketch the charge block diagram for a p-type MOS-C under: depletion, threshold and inversion bias conditions.

Sketch the charge block diagram for a p-type MOS-C under: depletion, threshold and inversion bias conditions.

In: Electrical Engineering

Question 1: Write an AVR program to display text on a 2-line WH2002 LCD display based...

Question 1:

Write an AVR program to display text on a 2-line WH2002 LCD display based on the HD44780 controller. Apply the following:

  • The LCD instruction/data bus is connected to PORTD, and control bus is connected to PORTB (RS is connected to PB0, R/W to PB1, E to PB2).
  • Use the #define command to name PORTD as Display_port.
  • Use the #define command to name PORTB as Control_port.
  • The displayed information is stored in the microcontroller Flash ROM (maximum size of 80 bytes) in the tables "str_0" (upper line) and "str_1" (lower line), as follow:
  • Use 0x18 command to scroll the text across the display (Shift the cursor left)

In: Electrical Engineering

How do you pro the DTFT is periodic with a period Ω = 2π. I'm not...

How do you pro the DTFT is periodic with a period Ω = 2π. I'm not sure I understand what I looked up.

In: Electrical Engineering

Laser What component would you use to (choose from the list on the following page) 1._______________separate...


What component would you use to (choose from the list on the following page)

1._______________separate a gas from a vacuum but allow light to travel from one to the other with little or no effect on the light

2._______________direct a beam back in the direction from which it came

3._______________place in a laser cavity to limit output to a single longitudinal mode

4._______________"correct" a beam with an oval cross section, creating a circular cross section

5._______________filter all visible wavelengths by the same amount

6._______________pass only a narrow band of wavelengths in a beam of light

7._______________allow visible light to pass, but reflect IR

8._______________remove optical noise from a beam to produce a smooth, clean spot of light

9._______________prevent reflection from an optical element

10.______________pass all wavelengths except for a narrow band

11.______________create polarized light without the use of a polarizing filter

12.______________reduce or eliminate the divergence of a laser beam

13_______________ create long duration pulses from a cw laser beam

14_______________change the wavelength of light to half its previous value

15_______________change the wavelength of light by scattering in an optical fiber

16_______________divide a beam into two parts

17_______________ create circularly polarized light from linearly polarized light

18_______________ create a short laser pulse with high peak power

19_______________create a train of femtosecond (really, really short) pulses

20_______________rotate the direction of polarization using a voltage controlled device


  1. hot mirror
  2. ND filter
  3. spatial filter
  4. AR coatings
  5. narrow band transmission filter
  6. notch filter
  7. collimator, or telescope
  8. retroreflector
  9. Beam splitter
  10. Window
  11. Brewster window
  12. retarder (wave plate)
  13. etalon
  14. Cylindrical lens
  15. Pockels cell
  16. second harmonic generation (SHG) crystal
  17. mechanical chopper
  18. Q switch
  19. mode locker
  20. Cascaded raman resonator

In: Electrical Engineering