Sketch the charge block diagram for a p-type MOS-C under: depletion, threshold and inversion bias conditions.

Sketch the charge block diagram for a p-type MOS-C under: depletion, threshold and inversion bias conditions.

In: Electrical Engineering

Question 1: Write an AVR program to display text on a 2-line WH2002 LCD display based...

Question 1:

Write an AVR program to display text on a 2-line WH2002 LCD display based on the HD44780 controller. Apply the following:

  • The LCD instruction/data bus is connected to PORTD, and control bus is connected to PORTB (RS is connected to PB0, R/W to PB1, E to PB2).
  • Use the #define command to name PORTD as Display_port.
  • Use the #define command to name PORTB as Control_port.
  • The displayed information is stored in the microcontroller Flash ROM (maximum size of 80 bytes) in the tables "str_0" (upper line) and "str_1" (lower line), as follow:
  • Use 0x18 command to scroll the text across the display (Shift the cursor left)

In: Electrical Engineering

How do you pro the DTFT is periodic with a period Ω = 2π. I'm not...

How do you pro the DTFT is periodic with a period Ω = 2π. I'm not sure I understand what I looked up.

In: Electrical Engineering

Laser What component would you use to (choose from the list on the following page) 1._______________separate...


What component would you use to (choose from the list on the following page)

1._______________separate a gas from a vacuum but allow light to travel from one to the other with little or no effect on the light

2._______________direct a beam back in the direction from which it came

3._______________place in a laser cavity to limit output to a single longitudinal mode

4._______________"correct" a beam with an oval cross section, creating a circular cross section

5._______________filter all visible wavelengths by the same amount

6._______________pass only a narrow band of wavelengths in a beam of light

7._______________allow visible light to pass, but reflect IR

8._______________remove optical noise from a beam to produce a smooth, clean spot of light

9._______________prevent reflection from an optical element

10.______________pass all wavelengths except for a narrow band

11.______________create polarized light without the use of a polarizing filter

12.______________reduce or eliminate the divergence of a laser beam

13_______________ create long duration pulses from a cw laser beam

14_______________change the wavelength of light to half its previous value

15_______________change the wavelength of light by scattering in an optical fiber

16_______________divide a beam into two parts

17_______________ create circularly polarized light from linearly polarized light

18_______________ create a short laser pulse with high peak power

19_______________create a train of femtosecond (really, really short) pulses

20_______________rotate the direction of polarization using a voltage controlled device


  1. hot mirror
  2. ND filter
  3. spatial filter
  4. AR coatings
  5. narrow band transmission filter
  6. notch filter
  7. collimator, or telescope
  8. retroreflector
  9. Beam splitter
  10. Window
  11. Brewster window
  12. retarder (wave plate)
  13. etalon
  14. Cylindrical lens
  15. Pockels cell
  16. second harmonic generation (SHG) crystal
  17. mechanical chopper
  18. Q switch
  19. mode locker
  20. Cascaded raman resonator

In: Electrical Engineering

Find the minimum cost SOP expression for the function F(w, x, y, z)=∏M(2, 3, 6, 8,...

Find the minimum cost SOP expression for the function F(w, x, y, z)=∏M(2, 3, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12,
13) using k-map. Write also all prime implicants and essential prime implicants.

In: Electrical Engineering

1-Which of the following sentences is wrong? (why) a-) The difference between the speed of the...

1-Which of the following sentences is wrong? (why)

a-) The difference between the speed of the rotating field and the rotor speed in the synchronous motor is zero,

b-) The difference between the synchronous motor and the asynchronous motor is that the rotor is fed with alternating current from the outside,

c-) Synchronous motor and asynchronous motor can be used as generators,

d-) Synchronous motor and foreign excited motor are similar.

2-Which of the following sentences is true? (why)

a-) Asynchronous motor secondary with ring works like an open transformer,

b-) In order to give a star delta to the asynchronous motor, the mains voltage must be one of the phase voltage of the motor,

c-) Overcurrent role is connected between the U-V, V-W and W-U windings before the motor, in order to be easy to protect in asynchronous motors,

d-) The speed of the rotor is equal to the synchronous speed in asynchronous motors with power less than 2.2 kW. In the big, it is low.

3-Which of the following is wrong? (why)

a-) The most common form of starting in ring asynchronous motors is star / delta starting,

b-) To change the direction of rotation of the asynchronous motor, it is enough to change the positions of the R and S phases,

c-) If the operating voltage of the motor's phase winding is suitable for the mains voltage, motors with a power less than 3 KW can be triangularly connected,

d-) Asynchronous motor can be made by changing the rotor of the asynchronous motor.

4-Which of the following is wrong? (why)

a-) Every electric machine can generate voltage,

b-) The highest voltage occurring in the rotor in a 6 pole, 60 Hz induction motor is when the rotor rotates at 1200 rpm.

c-) In the application, lever, pako, automatic, electronic star triangle switches are used,

d-) Stator iron losses are always higher than rotor iron losses in the asynchronous motor.

5-) Pako star triangle switch; (why)

a-) There are 3 connection screws, b-) 3 + 3 = 6 connectors, d-) There are 9 connectors, e-) 11 + 1 = 12

there are connection ends, e-) 6 + 1 = 7 connection ends.

6-) Time role is not used in which of the following? (why)

a-) Changing the direction of rotation,

b-) Starting asynchronous motor with ring,

c-) Asynchronous motors In resistance starting, d-) star-delta operation,

e-) asynchronous motors with reactance (coil) In decision making.

7-) Which of the following sentences contains wrong provisions? (why)

a-) voltage is induced in the rotor winding of the synchronous motor,

b-) voltage in the rotor of the asynchronous motor induced,

c-) the speed of the asynchronous motor depends on the number of poles,

d-) the rotating field in the asynchronous motor There is also a synchronous motor.

8-) 3 ohms are measured with an ohmmeter between the V-W ends of a star connected synchronous generator. according to the effective resistance of a phase; (why)

a-) 1.5 Ω, b-) 3 Ω, c-) 2.5 Ω, d-) 0.75 Ω, e-) 2.25 Ω our.

9-) Which of the following sentences makes the wrong judgment? (why)

a-) the voltage generating mechanism of synchronous generators is different from that of DA machines,

b-) synchronous rotor speed in the generator can be found as the speed of the asynchronous motor,

c-) squirrel cage asynchronous motor can be used as generator,

d-) synchronous machines have opposite emf in rotor it does not.

10- Capacitive operation with synchronous motor ……………………………… .. ………………… ...

a-) connecting capacitor to phase winding ends …………… .. is provided,

b-) rotating area of ​​rotor speed more than the number of revolutions ……………… .. it may be possible,

c-) the excitation current is too high may be possible with …………………,

d-) the speed and the excitation current lowering can be achieved with ……………………….,

e-) in the opposite direction of the rotating field direction of the rotor to the rotating field speed .............................. rotation can.

In: Electrical Engineering

A 100mH inductance is connected in parallel with 40 ohms resistance . What is the power...

A 100mH inductance is connected in parallel with 40 ohms resistance . What is the power drawn voltage 220 v AC SOURCE and 60 hz. frequency

In: Electrical Engineering

What is the wavelength, λ, of a resulting wave of two co-propagating waves with λ1, λ2,...

What is the wavelength, λ, of a resulting wave of two co-propagating waves with λ1, λ2, that have the same frequency and the same amplitude?

In: Electrical Engineering

A system is needed to control a 7 segment display. The input is all of the...

A system is needed to control a 7 segment display. The input is all of the possible binary codes 0000 to 1111. The output will be a 7 segment display of the hexadecimal digits 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,a,b,c,d,e,f. How many K-maps are needed to solve this problem?

In: Electrical Engineering

In a differential amplifier, the noninverting input is 3cos(600t + 45°) mV and the inverting input...

In a differential amplifier, the noninverting input is 3cos(600t + 45°) mV and the inverting input is 4cos (600t - 45°) mV. The ooutput is vo = 3cos (600t - 45°) + 4.004cos (600t - 45°) V.
The CMRR is of? The unit must be in dB.

Is vo= 3cos(600t + 45 ◦ ) + 4.004cos(600t - 45◦) V

instead of:

vo = 3cos(600t - 45 ◦ ) + 4.004cos(600t - 45 ◦ ) V

In: Electrical Engineering

Attach a screenshot of Multisim circuit. flip flops: D, T and JK, connect the circuit and...

Attach a screenshot of Multisim circuit. flip flops: D, T and JK, connect the circuit and verify the characteristic tables.

In: Electrical Engineering

Question (06+06+06+06 ) - a) Examine and Identify the cause of the followings: i) The air...

Question (06+06+06+06 ) -

a) Examine and Identify the cause of the followings:

i) The air blast breakers are very sensitive to the rate of rise of re-striking voltage.

ii) Circuit interruption easier in an AC circuit than in a DC circuit.

iii) Surge diverters located very close to the equipment to be protected.

b) Assuming the same peak value, compare the following two surges: 1/50 usec surge and 3/50 usec surge.

In: Electrical Engineering

Create a PLA, that implements the following functions: F1 = ∑(0, 3, 5, 9) F2 =...

Create a PLA, that implements the following functions: F1 = ∑(0, 3, 5, 9) F2 = ∑(1, 4, 8, 12) F3 = ∑(1, 5, 15) F4 = ∑(2, 5, 9, 13, 14)

In: Electrical Engineering

explain in detail that what effect to peak current if the value of capacitor filter is...

explain in detail that what effect to peak current if the value of capacitor filter is increased in the DC power supply circuit..

also explain the effect of value of capacitor filter on the ripples and how will we find that of what value of the capacitor should be used for desired ouput

note: DC power supply circuit a circuit composing a transformer, full wave rectifier, capacitor filter,voltage regulator,

also give an example

In: Electrical Engineering

Answer the followings. Explain in detail. a) Microprocessors normally use two methods to connect external devices:...

Answer the followings. Explain in detail.
a) Microprocessors normally use two methods to connect external devices: memory mapped or
port mapped I/O. Compare and contrast these two concepts.
b) Does Intel 8086 processor separate the I/O address space from the memory address space, or
not? Provide your answer clearly. What are the advantageous and disadventageous of such an

In: Electrical Engineering