What is a Tera-Tera system in a power system network mean and how does it operate?

What is a Tera-Tera system in a power system network mean and how does it operate? How does current flow from one earth electrode in a house to the electrode earth of the substation? like how does it take that path, if there is no connection between them; other than the fact they are both buried underground.

In: Electrical Engineering

what are the applications for each one of the following Diode Resistor Logic, BJT, NMOS, CMOS,...

what are the applications for each one of the following

Diode Resistor Logic, BJT, NMOS, CMOS, and Bi-CMOS?

In: Electrical Engineering

Design an elevator control system for an 8 floors building, draw the logic diagram, and illustrate...

Design an elevator control system for an 8 floors building, draw the logic diagram, and illustrate the system with the following situations:

1. The car is on the ground floor, John Doe wants to go from ground floor to 7th floor;

2. The car is on 8th floor, John Doe wants to go from 6th floor to the ground floor;

3. The car is moving up from 4th floor to 7th floor, John Doe wants to go from 6th floor to the ground floor;

4. The car is moving down from 7th floor to 4th floor, John Doe wants to go from 6th floor to the ground floor.

In: Electrical Engineering

Provide the needs and objective statements for a portable Wireless EEG (Electroencephalogram) device for medical applications...

Provide the needs and objective statements for a portable Wireless EEG (Electroencephalogram) device for medical applications ?

In: Electrical Engineering

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the NMOS?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the NMOS?

In: Electrical Engineering

Assignment Instructions: 1) The Factorial The factorial of a non-negative integer ??, denoted by ??!, is...

Assignment Instructions:

1) The Factorial The factorial of a non-negative integer ??, denoted by ??!, is the product of all positive integers less than or equal to ??. The textbook has an example of a recursive MIPS implementation of factorial. Additionally, a simplified version of the MIPS assembly language recursive implementation of the factorial function is attached. Trace the factorial example carefully using QTSPIM

2) Recursive definition of multiplication The function ??????????(??, ??) for two positive integers 1 ? ??, and 1 ? ??, is defined as the following: ??????????(??, 1) = ??; ??????????(??, ??) = ?? + ??????????(??, ?? ? 1) Write a recursive version of ??????????() in C or C++ and a pseudo C program (based on chapter 2 in the book) then use these programs to develop a MIPS program that gets as input two integers 0 < ?? ? 255, and 0 < ?? ? 255, and returns the result of ??????????(??, ??) in $v1. Your deliverable should be the pseudo C and the assembly level function

Given code file:


# Functional Description: Main program to test Factorial function # Enter a negative number to terminate run



.align 2

prompt:   .asciiz "\n\n Give me a value for \"N\" : "

msg: .asciiz " N factorial is: "

bye: .asciiz " \n *** Good-Bye ***"


main: addiu $sp, $sp, -8 #Allocate space


li $v0, 4

la $a0, prompt


li $v0, 5 #Get value for N


bltz $v0, quit

sw $v0, 0 ($sp)

jal Fac # Call factorial

li $v0, 4 # Print message

la $a0, msg


lw $a0, 4($sp) #Get result

li $v0, 1

syscall #Print factorial

b mloop


addiu $sp, 8 # Deallocate space

li $v0, 4 la $a0, bye

syscall li $v0, 10



# Functional Description: Recursive Factorial Fac (N: in, N! :out)



lw $a0, 0 ($sp)

bltz $a0, Problem

addi $t1, $a0, -13

bgtz $t1, Problem # 13 is largest value we can

# accept

addiu $sp, $sp, -16 # Allocate

sw $ra, 12 ($sp) # Save return address

sw $a0, 8($sp)

slti $t0, $a0, 2 # If N is 1 or 0, then return the value 1

beqz $t0, Go

li $v0, 1

b facret


addi $a0, $a0, -1 #

sw $a0, 0 ($sp) # Pass N-1 to factorial function

jal Fac # Recursive call

lw $v0, 4($sp) # Get (N-1) ! back.

lw $ra, 12 ($sp)

lw $a0, 8 ($sp)

mult $v0, $a0 # N* (N-1) !

mflo $v0


addiu $sp, $sp, 16 # Deallocate

sw $v0, 4 ($sp)

jr $ra


sw $0, 4 ($sp)

jr $ra

Second give code file:


# Functional Description: Main program to test Factorial function # Enter a negative number to terminate run



.align 2


main: addiu $sp, $sp, -8 # Allocate space


li $v0, 4 # Get value for N

sw $v0, 0 ($sp)

jal Fac # Call factorial

or $v1, $v0, $0

addiu $sp, 8 # Deallocate space

li $v0, 10



# Functional Description: Recursive Factorial Fac (N: in, N! :out)



lw $a0, 0 ($sp)

addiu $sp, $sp, -16 # Allocate

sw $ra, 12 ($sp) # Save return address

sw $a0, 8($sp)

slti $t0, $a0, 2 # If N is 1 or 0, then return the value 1

eqz $t0, Go

li $v0, 1

b facret


addi $a0, $a0, -1 #

sw $a0, 0 ($sp) # Pass N-1 to factorial function

jal Fac # Recursive call

lw $v0, 4($sp) # Get (N-1) ! back.

lw $ra, 12 ($sp)

lw $a0, 8 ($sp)

mult $v0, $a0 # N* (N-1) !

mflo $v0


addiu $sp, $sp, 16 # Deallocate

sw $v0, 4 ($sp)

jr $ra

In: Electrical Engineering

find suitable sensors for each application outlined below. In each case, based on the datasheet, create...

find suitable sensors for each application outlined below. In each case, based on the datasheet, create a table which shows: name, company, price, input range, output range, linearity, sensitivity, precision, accuracy, offset and response time of the introduced sensors.

a. An embedded system to measure human body’s temperature.

b. An embedded system to measure car engine temperature.

c. An embedded system to measure tire air pressure.

d. An embedded system to measure PH of tap water.

e. An embedded system to measure mechanical vibration of an electric motor, which spins 0-5000 RPM.

In: Electrical Engineering

write a assembly language program to convert GRAY to BCD code in 8051

write a assembly language program to convert GRAY to BCD code in 8051

In: Electrical Engineering

Please pick one form of power steering system and describe for us how it works. Any...

Please pick one form of power steering system and describe for us how it works. Any kind of power steering, not just for cars.

In: Electrical Engineering

Discuss the idea of parametric models from a system level perspective and proceed to develop a...

Discuss the idea of parametric models from a system level perspective and proceed to develop a 2-port
model for the small-signal diode experiment using h-parameters. Explain what gets abstracted with this
model. Are there any restrictions using this particular model?

In: Electrical Engineering

How have communication systems changed over the past 35 years? What is the most common form...

How have communication systems changed over the past 35 years?

What is the most common form of communications systems found in modern SCADA systems? Why?

In: Electrical Engineering

What are the four major components of a SCADA/ICS System? Draw a simple graphic to describe...

What are the four major components of a SCADA/ICS System?

Draw a simple graphic to describe their relationship (e.g. flow chart)

In: Electrical Engineering

"Express your opinion about some novel areas that you can employ WSN."

"Express your opinion about some novel areas that you can employ WSN."

In: Electrical Engineering

Why do we use B-trees if ??(log?? ??) = ??(??????) for all ??, ??

Why do we use B-trees if ??(log?? ??) = ??(??????) for all ??, ??

In: Electrical Engineering

When using Solar energy, explain the system engineering tradeoffs based on estimated performance, cost, schedule, or...

When using Solar energy, explain the system engineering tradeoffs based on estimated performance, cost, schedule, or other relevant factors and the decision process and analysis tools used in making the decision.

In: Electrical Engineering