Write the Verilog code for a 12-bit shift register with ability to shift left or right,...

Write the Verilog code for a 12-bit shift register with ability to shift left or right, synchronized parallel load, asynchronous reset, and serial output? The register is able to load the 12-bit input value (at the positive edge of the clock) if the load signal is one, shift the value in register one bit to the right (at the positive edge of the clock) if the rss signal is one, shift the value in register one bit to the left(at the positive edge of the clock) if lss signal is one, and reset the value in the register at any time if the rst signal is one. The shift register has two 1-bit output which are the MSB (Most significant bit) and LSB (Least significant bit) of the register at any given time. The priority of the signals is in the order as follows with rst having the highest priority. rst, load, rss, lss. When shift register is shifting the value to the right, the MSB bit takes in the load input MSB bit. When shift register is shifting the value to the left, the LSB bit takes in the load input LSB bit.

In: Electrical Engineering

Discuss where the health care marketplace in the US is and how it is expected to change over the next 3-5 years giving an analysis and conclusion

Discuss where the health care marketplace in the US is and how it is expected to change over the next 3-5 years giving an analysis and conclusion. 

In: Electrical Engineering



PLEASE note a key phrase in the brief is: It is important that the student takes the perspective of their prospective profession in this assignment. They should consider to what extent their chosen profession can or cannot influence the delivery of holistic sustainable solutions. Some aspects may be beyond the profession’s control, others within its sphere of influence. The barriers to delivery of holistic sustainability solution in your prospective profession should be discussed and where possible, enabling factors that would enable increased delivery of sustainable solutions should be debated. Students are also required to discuss how they can incorporate Design for Sustainability methods with any engineering formal design process.

In: Electrical Engineering

I just want the code blanking led for PIC microprocessor in MBLAB X Thank you

I just want the code blanking led for PIC microprocessor in MBLAB X
Thank you

In: Electrical Engineering

Part 1 Systems engineering is said to be a disciplined process. Why do system failures still...

Part 1

Systems engineering is said to be a disciplined process. Why do system failures still occur? Choose an example of a technology or system failure (Examples: early airbags, Titanic, Challenger or Columbia disasters). Then respond to the following in discussion:

Explain reasons for the failure. Use figures and/or other visual aids to explain your answer.

Identify and explain any system acquisition processes that were not followed that may have contributed to the failure.

You may also use your own relevant experience.

In: Electrical Engineering

Assume you are making a compisite material airplane, which has ligter weight and more fuel effciency....

Assume you are making a compisite material airplane, which has ligter weight and more fuel effciency. Describe how your airplane will put pressure on a culture outside of America (Choose a specific country). How your airplane will affect their society, culture, economic, and envornment, etc?  

In: Electrical Engineering

Consider an RC circuit with resistance R and capacitance C. The circuit is stimulated with a...

Consider an RC circuit with resistance R and capacitance C. The circuit is stimulated with a pulse of amplitude A and width T.

The purpose of this study is to understand what happens to the impulse response, capacitor voltage, and resistor voltage for various resistor values: 600 ?, 1000 ?, and 1200 ?. The name of the MATLAB script will be called project2a. Excite the circuit with a rectangular pulse voltage of amplitude=5 V and pulse width of 10 ms. Plot the results of each resistor value from t=0 to t=20 ms on the same graph (3 graphs-impulse response, capacitor voltage, and resistor voltage). Label all axes, put a grid on the graph, and apply the proper legend. Comment on and explain the results.

For all cases of the study, the capacitor will have a value of 1 µF. Use the function below to make graphs.

function [ Vc Vr t ] = rc_voltages( A,R,C,T,Tend )


for i=1:length(t)

if t(i)









In: Electrical Engineering

Discuss the role of a substation in a power system?

Discuss the role of a substation in a power system?

In: Electrical Engineering

what is the customer sagment and key resources for IR WIRLESS CHARGER

what is the customer sagment and key resources for IR WIRLESS CHARGER

In: Electrical Engineering

Please describe in full details the differences between programmable logic controls (PLC) and embedded systems. Also,...

Please describe in full details the differences between programmable logic controls (PLC) and embedded systems.

Also, examples for baisc project ideas for PLC to work on this summer.


In: Electrical Engineering

Problem: A PM DC motor has the following parameters: Rated Power 10 hp; Rated armature voltage...

Problem: A PM DC motor has the following parameters:

Rated Power 10 hp;

Rated armature voltage 230 V-DC;

Rated RPM: 1800;

Armature Resistance: 0.2 Ohm

Armature Inductance: 0.005 H

Inertia (motor plus mechanical load): 0.1 kgm^2;

Viscous friction coefficient: 0.015 Nms

1. Compute the voltage constant of the motor. Also compute the rated current and rated torque of the motor (obtained at the rated RPM). If the motor is supplied by 230 V across the armature, and the only torque from the load is friction, compute the motor armature current and speed. Repeat, if in addition to friction, a 30 Nm counter torque is present at the load.

2. Provide the mathematical equations that describe the motor. Also provide a block diagram (using sdomain TF blocks) to represent the mathematical equations. Reduce the block diagram to a single block TF from the armature voltage to the speed. Find the poles and zeros of the TF.

3. Use the previous block in MATLAB rltool and design a PI controller to control the motor speed. The target performance parameters are:

a. Speed overshoot less than 5%

b. Settling time of speed response less than 1.5 s

4. If the above controller is implemented by a 4Q dc-dc converter, what should be the dc voltage?

5. Simulate the complete closed-loop system (along with a representation of the dc-dc regulator) in

Simulink. Obtain the response to a speed reference step change from 0 to 188.5 r/s. Also obtain the

response to a load torque increase from 0 to 30 Nm while the motor speed reference is 188.5 r/s.

Provide plots of the speed, armature voltage and armature curr

In: Electrical Engineering

select an energy alternative to coal. 1) Explain the system engineering tradeoffs based on estimated performance,...

select an energy alternative to coal.

1) Explain the system engineering tradeoffs based on estimated performance, cost, schedule, or other relevant factors.

2) Explain the decision process and analysis tools used in making your decision.

3)Identify and explain any federal acquisition regulations that affected your decision.

In: Electrical Engineering

1) Course is Computers in BioMedicine In about 250 words , Discuss Use of fuzzy logic...

1) Course is Computers in BioMedicine

In about 250 words , Discuss Use of fuzzy logic in biomedical expert systems and diagnosis.

In: Electrical Engineering

Design an ECG amplifier using 3 operational amplifiers for standard (AHA) specifications.

Design an ECG amplifier using 3 operational amplifiers for standard (AHA) specifications.

In: Electrical Engineering

What is the importance of measuring current in the clockwise direction?

What is the importance of measuring current in the clockwise direction?

In: Electrical Engineering