Problem 4 ..... you can use Matlab Using the same initial code fragment as in Problem...

Problem 4 ..... you can use Matlab

Using the same initial code fragment as in Problem 1, add code that calculates and plays y (n)=h(n)?x (n) where h(n) is the impulse response of an IIR bandstop filter with band edge frequencies 750 Hz and 850 Hz and based on a 4th order Butterworth prototype. Name your program p3.sce

the below is the Problem 1 initail code .. you can use it Matlab

The following cilab code generates a 10-second “chirp” with discrete frequencies ranging from 0 to 0.2 with a sampling frequency of 8 kHz.

clear; Fs = 8000; Nbits = 16; tMax = 10; N = Fs*tMax+1; f = linspace(0.0,0.2,N); x = zeros(f); phi = 0; for n=0:N-1 x(n+1) = 0.8*sin(phi); phi = phi+2*%pi*f(n+1); end sound(x,Fs,Nbits); sleep(10000); //allows full sound to play

In: Electrical Engineering

An accelerometer with a charge sensitivity of 83 pC/g and a capacitance of 1000pF is connected...

An accelerometer with a charge sensitivity of 83 pC/g and a capacitance of 1000pF is connected
to a voltage follower with an input connector capacitance of 15pF (in parallel with the cable
capacitance), a 10,000pF blocking capacitor and a 100M? resistance. A 3m long cable with a
capacitance of 312pF connects the accelerometer and the voltage follower. Determine:
1. the schematic of the instrument.
2. the instrument’s voltage sensitivity in mV/g.
3. the minimum sampling frequency required to sample the data.
4.The gain required in order that the instrument can measure the acceleration from 0.01g to 1g using a 12-bit ±5V A/D converter.

In: Electrical Engineering

I'm working on a project where I need to design a transmission line tap for a...

I'm working on a project where I need to design a transmission line tap for a station generator. The parameters include sizing three switches for the tap where at least one is a loop break switch. From where to start? What kind of calculations are needed to size the switches? What are those switches?

In: Electrical Engineering

Please design an oscillator with a a series LCR filter and an opamp.

Please design an oscillator with a a series LCR filter and an opamp.

In: Electrical Engineering

With respect to Nyquist Sampling rate, what are the disadvantages of i) under-sampling, ii) over-sampling?

With respect to Nyquist Sampling rate, what are the disadvantages of i) under-sampling, ii) over-sampling?

In: Electrical Engineering

Discuss how ecological effect can be used to determine if or which fuel cell can be...

Discuss how ecological effect can be used to determine if or which fuel cell can be used to power a residential complex.

In: Electrical Engineering

Discuss how ecological effect can be used to determine if or which fuel cell can be...

Discuss how ecological effect can be used to determine if or which fuel cell can be used to power a residential complex.

In: Electrical Engineering

A device consisting of a resistor in series with an inductor operates at 60Hz from an...

A device consisting of a resistor in series with an inductor operates at 60Hz from an AC power supply. If R = 10? and L = 26.5mH, what capacitance should be added in parallel with the device to achieve unity power factor??

In: Electrical Engineering

Briefly explain the concepts of the virtual machines and physical server are connected together

Please briefly explain the concepts of the virtual machines and physical server are connected together, would there router swtiches invovled?

In: Electrical Engineering

write a program for the microcontroller-msp430fr6989 using code composer studio not assembly language. write a code...

write a program for the microcontroller-msp430fr6989 using code composer studio not assembly language.

write a code that transmits a single character and lights the red LED upon receiving that character. The board will "talk" to itself. The green LED should turn on whenever a message is sent and the LCD will display the message being received.

In: Electrical Engineering

A plant owner is considering replacing each of the metal halide lamps in his facility with...

A plant owner is considering replacing each of the metal halide lamps in his facility with a 6-lamp T8 fixture. The plant has a total of 31 fixtures. Determine the annual energy savings for the proposed lighting upgrade (in kWh). Information about each light type is given below:

Metal Halides Each lamp is rated at 400 W with a ballast factor of 1.17. Lamp intensity is 22,000 lumens. Lamp lifetime is 20,000 hours. The cost of a replacement lamp is $14, and the time required to replace a bulb is 27 minutes. The cost of the fixture is $26.

T8 Fluorescent Each lamp is rated at 32 W with a ballast factor of 0.91. Lamp intensity is 3,000 lumens. Lamp lifetime is 30,000 hours. The cost of a replacement lamp is $2, and the time required to replace a bulb is 19 minutes. The cost of the fixture is $22.

Plant Information The plant operates for 7,967 hours per year. The labor rate is $15. The time required to retrofit an entire fixture is 38 minutes

In: Electrical Engineering

What is a Tera-Tera system in a power system network mean and how does it operate?

What is a Tera-Tera system in a power system network mean and how does it operate? How does current flow from one earth electrode in a house to the electrode earth of the substation? like how does it take that path, if there is no connection between them; other than the fact they are both buried underground.

In: Electrical Engineering

what are the applications for each one of the following Diode Resistor Logic, BJT, NMOS, CMOS,...

what are the applications for each one of the following

Diode Resistor Logic, BJT, NMOS, CMOS, and Bi-CMOS?

In: Electrical Engineering

Design an elevator control system for an 8 floors building, draw the logic diagram, and illustrate...

Design an elevator control system for an 8 floors building, draw the logic diagram, and illustrate the system with the following situations:

1. The car is on the ground floor, John Doe wants to go from ground floor to 7th floor;

2. The car is on 8th floor, John Doe wants to go from 6th floor to the ground floor;

3. The car is moving up from 4th floor to 7th floor, John Doe wants to go from 6th floor to the ground floor;

4. The car is moving down from 7th floor to 4th floor, John Doe wants to go from 6th floor to the ground floor.

In: Electrical Engineering

Provide the needs and objective statements for a portable Wireless EEG (Electroencephalogram) device for medical applications...

Provide the needs and objective statements for a portable Wireless EEG (Electroencephalogram) device for medical applications ?

In: Electrical Engineering