
In: Psychology

List and briefly describe Erikson's eight stages of development. Choose and describe what would happen if...

List and briefly describe Erikson's eight stages of development. Choose and describe what would happen if this crisis was not successfully negotiated.


Expert Solution

Erickson’s stages of development are’

  1. Infancy: this is the stage in which the basic conflict is of trust vs mistrust. In this stage, a child would be developing trust along with a development of reliability and care, a lack of which would be leading to mistrust. Observed up to 18 months of age.
  2. Early childhood: this is the stage in which the basic conflict is of autonomy vs shame and doubt. Children would be developing a sense of control on themselves along with a sense of physical independence. This stage is observed from 2 years to 3 years of age. A lack of which may lead to shame as well as doubt in a person.
  3. Preschool: this is the stage in which the basic conflict is of initiative vs giuilt. In this stage, the child would start to be asserting control on their environment. This stage is observed between 3 years to 5 years of age and a lack of which may lead the child who be exerting too much disapproval forming feelings of guilt.
  4. School age: this is the stage in which the basic conflict is of industry vs inferiority. In this stage, the children are seen to be exploring their environment,ent, coping up with the academic and social demands. This is the stage seen in 6 years to 11 years of age. In this stage, a success would mean proper competence sense and failure may push the child in the pit of inferiority.
  5. Adolescence: seen in the age group 12 to 18. this is the stage in which the basic conflict is of identity vs role confusion. Success would be leading to the ability of a child to be true to themselves and failure would be leading the child to a weak self image,
  6. Young adulthood: this is the stage in which the basic conflict is of intimacy vs isolation. Young adults would be forming intimate relationships, a failure to form which would lead to isolation as well as loneliness. This extends from 19 to 45 years
  7. Middle adulthood: The basic conflict is generatitiviry vs stagnation. Age group is 40 to 65. Adults, in this age would be creating things that would be outlasting them, either through children or by creating positive changes through accomplishments. Failure to do so would mean that they have a shallow integration with the world.
  8. Maturity: this is the stage where the basic conflict is ego integrity vs despair. Older adults would be looking back on their life with a sense that they have been fulfilled. This stage extends from age 65 to death. Failure would lead to despair, bitterness as well as regret.

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