
In: Operations Management

Explain the Schedule management in the manhattan project?

Explain the Schedule management in the manhattan project?


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During the 1930s when the Europeans and the Americans were involved in the atomic studies then they got to know that the atom can be used as a bomb. the news came that Hitler started doing experiments on the atom bomb-making. In this tense situation, Roosevelt started a mission of atom bomb-making under the secrecy allowing Americans to produce an atom bomb before the Germans do. This is when the Manhattan project started. The first challenge that came across the American was that don't know about the correct procedure of making atom bombs. So they decided to enrich their stock with both plutonium and Uranium in the hope that one method would work for them. Because of a shortage of time instead of going step by step they managed the situation by doing three processes at a time like discovery development and production. The complexity of this project was simplified by the division on the basis of the task objectives and the team. This project recruited human resources at a large scale under a total secrecy environment there were about 150000 people who were working for this project accompanied by an army of scientists. In 1944 the Manhattan project employment to about 124000 people which cover around 50000 construction workers and 40500 people employed as factory operators and around 1800 were military men. The project was completed under the time span of less than three years. For any project, it is important to manage everything and one should have the capability to convert the complexity into simple terms and maintain our conversation with each and other. The project manager groves have all these qualities and his attitude led this project to success. No doubt, the Manhattan project takes science and technology to the heights. Today the Manhattan project has set a benchmark on how to manage the project.

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