
In: Nursing

Explain how osteoporosis develops and the potential causes. Describe the ways that a relative can prevent...

Explain how osteoporosis develops and the potential causes.
Describe the ways that a relative can prevent the onset of osteoporosis


Expert Solution

  • Osteoporosis is a metabolic diseases characterised by bone demineralization
  • It leads to loss of calcium and phosphorus which causes fracture and fragile bones
  • It commonly occurs in wrist, hip and vertebral column
  • Osteoporosis occurs in women due to menopause. After menopause, due to lack of calcium
  • The main concern about this is that the patient will not show any symptoms until the bone will become fragile or fracture
  • Fracture can occur due to minor injury
  • There are 2 types Primary and secondary osteoporosis
  • Causes
  • Primary Cause- Mainly occur in men due to less testosterone and in women after menopause
  • Less calcium intake, lack of circulating estrogen after menopause and sedentary life style are risk factors
  • Secondary Cause- Prolonged medication therapy with corticosteroids, Using Antacids which contains aluminium, Thyroid reducing medications and antiseizure medications
  • Another causes are Immobility for a long time, Alcoholism, Malnutrition and malabsorption
  • Risk Factors- Smoking, Menopause, Alcohol usage, Female gender, Increasing Age, Lack of calcium intake, sedentary life style, Asian race or white european descent
  • Management
  • Use assistive device like cane
  • Encourage range of motion exercises
  • Assist with ambulation
  • Avoid activities which cause vertebral decompression
  • Eat a diet high in protein, calcium, Vitamins C, D and Iron
  • Maintain correct body mechanics
  • Maintain an adequete fluid to prevent renal calculi
  • Administer medications to promote bone strength
  • Prevention of onset of osteoporosis
  • Exercises like weight bearing exercises such as Aerobics, climbing stairs, jogging, Dancing, Lifting, Push Ups, Squat, Lifting your children is also a good option
  • Plenty of intake of Calcium and Vitamin D- Sardines, cereals, Soy Milk, Dark green vegetables, Salmon, Egg yolks, Orange Juice, Fatty fish, Beef liver, Tuna, Sunlight
  • Avoid alcohol and smoking
  • Do bone density test, especially women after menopause and after the age of 60
  • If osteoporosis does run in a family, it is necessary to inform the doctor, take extra steps to prevent it
  • Advice for a DXA or DEXA test(Dual energy X ray absorptiometry)
  • It is suggested that Hormone replacement therapy after menopuse can slow down bone loss and gain bone strength

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