
In: Operations Management

Write a short research proposal on the below topic Research Topic: Influence of Organizational culture on...

Write a short research proposal on the below topic

Research Topic: Influence of Organizational culture on Employee performance


1. Introduction
2. Problem Statement
3. Research Question
4. Literature review
5. Methodology and Sampling
6. Findings
7. Conclusion


Note: Plagiarism is strictly prohibited please do not copy from internet

Note: Please make a short proposal on the above point related to the research topic


Expert Solution

1) Introduction

Organizational development has some factors that enhance sustainability on basis of effectiveness. The enhancement in productivity causes the employee commitment as norms, values and goals which help in improving culture of an organisation. The system of organisation was based upon effective building of culture that keeps making the environment strong. The performance of an employee improves by establishment of strong culture in an organization.

2) Problem Statement

Many organizations now-a-days impose more efforts on emphasizing only intrinsic and extrinsic reward systems to improve employee performance, giving less attention to the traditional cultural activities. A powerful positive culture can make a person who performed at average level achieve excellent performance levels whereas culture that is negative and weak may only discourage a very good employee and lead to degradation in his performance.

3) Research Question

Questions asked by employees in a survey were as follows-

Is your performance affected by organisational cutlture?

Does your performance improve when you feel positive?

Does your performance degrades in a negative work environment?

Are you able to work under pressure?

Does your performance changes when you work under pressure?

4) Litreture Review

Studies had proven that the middle levels of Maslow's hierarchy have some overlap; Alderfero mentioned this issue by decreasing the number of levels to 3. The ERG needs can be represented to those of Maslow's theory as follows:
Existence: Physiological and safety needs, Relatedness: Social and external esteem needs, Growth: Self-actualization and internal esteem needs. Similiar to Maslow's model, the ERG theory is hierarchical -existence needs have preference over relatedness needs, which have priority over growth and expansion. Managers need to recognize that an employee has many needs to be satisfied. Whereas, if growth opportunities are not provided to employees, they may regress to relatedness requirements therefore fail to achieve the organizational objectives.

5) Methodology and Sampling

This study employs a case study approach with the case organization as the African Breweries Limited.The target population of this study were employees working for EABL Head Office in Nairobi. According to the figures procurred by the HR department, EABL‟s head office in
Nairobi has a total staff population of five hundred and eighty employees (580) where sample was drawn.The study employed purposive sampling where the respondent chosen had the relevant information that is organised by the researcher. 10% of the 580 employees in the sampling frame will be
drawn resulting to 58 employees as the sample population (Mugenda&Mugenda, 2003).

6) Findings

From the findings on the agreement that an organisation focuses towards the external environment rather than the internal problems where it focuses on transactions with the external parties such as customers , suppliers, contractors, licensees, unions, and regulators, 84% of the respondents concurred, 6% of the respondents were uncertain while 10% of the respondents did not agree.The high number of concurrence is attributed to the fact that the organisation survives to do business.

7) Conclusion

From the research findings, the research
questions were satisfactorily answered. Organisation culture affects performance of an employee at a different degree. The most noticed factor that affects the employee is the market culture, as the organisation exists to do business.

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