
In: Psychology

There are many ways in which images can convey logos, ethos, and pathos. They can be...

There are many ways in which images can convey logos, ethos, and pathos. They can be both persuasive and deceptive, especially in playing on our emotions. What are some ways in which images present arguments differently from written arguments? What are some ways in which arguments can mislead us?


Expert Solution

Introduction :- While, writing any article, stories or critics author use logos, ethos, pathos which, are the ways to give a persuasive and deceptive ways to his writings. Logos means ethical appeals , ethos means emotional appeal and pathos means Logical appeals to the charater in writings. Because, a writer only have words and ways to use those words for the justify his characters.

Writer in there works use this appeals to play with emotion of a viewer by giving a percpective to see his main character exactly in that ways as writer wants.. Because, in any writing of a author or writer they give a character a defination and face with the help of his words only which is imagined by a veiwer while reading. A writer use this logos, ethos and pathos for the present of argumentive images differently, which form an images on viewer mind while reading.

Some Ways in which arguments can mislead us :- With some misleading and fake arguments a writer can mislead viewer, with the help of fake study or statistcal veiw they can fake us. A writer can also use such logical and emotionals appeals to justify there own thought and with the help of there writings they can also create same images which they want.

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