In: Psychology
I need an essay for why sexual offenders should be castrated through the use of pathos,logos,and ethos. Any back ground information should also be cited.
Yes sexual offenders should be castrated.
Many people consider sexula offence/abuse one of the worst crimes a person can commit. In these circumstances it has been proposed by some that such an offender should be punished, normally in addition to a jail term, by castration. Castration can involve the surgical removal of the testes or chemical impotent. This procedure is used as rehabilitation theraphy for sex offenders.
Ethos persuation: proponents of chemical castration often cite reduced relapse rates in criminal behavior as a major reason to use the process among sexual offender. These drugs can effectively lower testosterone levels in men, declining their sexual drive and reducing their ability to he sexually stimulated. They believe that it is more ethical than long term imprisionmemt.
Pathos persuation: it is believe that since it reduce the sexual urge, chemical castration should very much be in use since it will reduce sexual crime. Also studies conducted rgarding chemical castration for sex offenders have noted that dramatic decline in relapse rate. Based on some studies recidivism rate for a sexual offense is just around 2%, compare to 40% without the chemical treatment.
Logos persuation: it is safe and effective in reducing the libido. The drugs used in the procedure can dramatically reduce the amount of testosterone produced in the testicles and suppress sexual drive without eliminating a person's ability to have sex. Men who are castrated chemically can still have sex- only that their desire to engage in sex often is removed.