In: Anatomy and Physiology
Cat Circulatory System
1. superior vena cava in cats |
A. right common carotid artery |
2. major branch off right |
B. brachiocephalic artery |
3. drains blood from intercostals |
C. internal thoracic vein |
4. inferior vena cava in cats |
D. internal iliac artery |
5.first major branch of aortic arch |
E. precava |
6. vein supplying blood to liver |
F. azygous vein |
7. major branch off subscapular artery |
G. hepatic portal vein |
8. major branch off |
H. postcava |
9. vein that unites as small stem on precaval |
I. left common carotid artery |
10. artery of the tail |
J. thoracodorsal artery |
In: Anatomy and Physiology
1. Organize the epidemiology of the patella to support weight and knee exercise in lower limb joint exercise.
2. Explain the reason why the cross-sectional area in the shape of
the two bones of the forearm is not constant in the longitudinal
direction in terms of ease of rotation.
3. Explain the cause of the formation of Trebeculae in bone, the aspect of direction, and the cause of direction.
In: Anatomy and Physiology
The body goes through absorptive and postabsorptive states throughout the course of 24 hours, as illustrated in Figure 25-11 in your textbook. The nutrient pools (glucose, amino acid, and fatty acid) illustrated in Figure 25-1 vary in size during these states as the body absorbs these nutrients from food, uses them for energy production, puts them into or releases them from storage, or builds/breaks down body structure.The body has multiple hormonally-driven mechanisms by which to maintain a relatively constant glucose pool in order to ensure that adequate glucose is always available for the brain. Neurons rely almost exclusively on glucose and cannot use fatty acids or amino acids as an alternate source.
The mass balance equation can be applied to the glucose
pool. Recall that the equation states that in order to
maintain balance of a particular substance, the intake of that
substance + its metabolic production must equal excretion of that
substance + metabolic removal of that substance.
Intake + metabolic production = Excretion + metabolic removal
For each state, you need to explain how each of the parts of the equation contribute to increases/decreases in the glucose pool, and the internal mechanisms that are employed to counteract those changes to restore balance. As part of your explanation, you need to include the specific organs/tissues, hormones, and metabolic processes that are involved. For each hormone, include what leads to its release, cell types it targets, and what it stimulates the targets to do.
In: Anatomy and Physiology
Read the coding guideline B3.2a. Multiple procedures. Apply the guideline to the following case and answer the questions. What is the root operation? Is there one procedure code or multiple procedure codes? Do all the codes have the same root operation or different? Do a research on what are condylomas? Which body system do they affect? What is the approach used in this procedure(s)? Provide the procedure code(s).
B3.2a- During the same operative episode, multiple procedures are coded if: a. The same root operation is performed on different body parts as defined by distinct values of the body part character. Examples: Diagnostic excision of liver and pancreas are coded separately.
The patient has condylomas of the cervix, vag-ina and vulva. Laser speculum was inserted via the vag-ina and using Xener on 20-watt setting the laser was used to obliterate the condyloma in both vag-ina and cervix. The laser speculum was then removed. The laser was then used to obliterate the third condyloma in the vulva area.
This is a multi-tier question, please read carefully and answer all parts.
In: Anatomy and Physiology
Mr. L. works with pesticides and is accidentally exposed to a nicotinic agonist.
In: Anatomy and Physiology
A. Name and diagram the reflex pathwaythat allowed you to remove your hand.
B. Why was the “feeling of pain” delayed? Where would this information ultimately have been interpreted? Name the fiber type associated with the primary afferent involved, and name the somatosensensory pathway it would have taken to get to the ultimate processing area.
C. Explain why light rubbing removed the pain sensation.
In: Anatomy and Physiology
In: Anatomy and Physiology
In: Anatomy and Physiology
In: Anatomy and Physiology
In: Anatomy and Physiology
In: Anatomy and Physiology
Epidemiology: Calculate the answers using the table.
Sick |
Well |
Total |
Yes |
82 |
5 |
87 |
Ate the Salomon |
No |
4 |
18 |
22 |
Total |
86 |
23 |
109 |
Find the incidence proportion:
Find the Attack rate:
Find the food-specific attack rate:
Find the risk ratio:
In: Anatomy and Physiology
In: Anatomy and Physiology
Do both biblical and scientific research and discuss your theory on why individuals should not eat blood. Does your research impact how you view God? Does it impact how you view blood?
In: Anatomy and Physiology