
In: Operations Management

1.   Think of an occasion when you faced a miscommunication problem. What do you think caused...

1.   Think of an occasion when you faced a miscommunication problem. What do you think caused the problem? How do you think it should have been handled better?

2.   Have you ever not given someone information or opinions that perhaps you should have? Why? Was it the right thing to do? Why or why not? What would cause you to be glad that you provided (or withheld) negative or difficult information? What would cause you to regret providing/with-holding it

3.   Think back to “discussions” and “dialogues” you have heard. Talk about the differences between a discussion and a dialogue. How can a discussion be turned into a constructive dialogue?

4.   Share with the class some of your experiences—both good and bad—with electronic media.

5.   Report examples of “mixed signals” you have received (or sent). How can you reduce the potential for misunderstanding and misperception as you communicate with others?

6.   What makes you want to say to someone, “You’re not listening!”?


Expert Solution

1. a) Causes of Miscommunication:

  • Ego Issues.
  • Assuming critical points by yourself
  • Cultural barriers
  • Lack of listening
  • Inattention to the non-verbal cues.

b) The situation of miscommunication can be handled better by keeping in mind that communication is both about speaking and listening, secondly the person you are talking to may have a critical point which you should listen to without any agenda, as he may be a well-wisher for you. Thirdly a strong eye should be kept on the non-verbal cues of the communicator and ego should be kept aside before communicating,

2. Yes, I have withheld a lot of crucial information from my boss in my previous organisation. Predominantly due to ego issues as she was always complaining that I had too much information, so I started withholding information from her.

According to me, it was the right thing to do, because if a person doesn't want the information which is relevant to him or her from a person lower in rank to him or her then there is some serious issue which needs to be resolved.

I personally will not ever regret not providing that information.

3) Discussion and dialogue have a critical difference which is that in a healthy discussion, points of discussion, free views and perspectives are kept on the table but in a dialogue it may or may not be so. I may or may not be listening and just be YES BOSSING in a dialogue.

TO convert a discussion into a healthy one or to convert a dialogue in a constructive one most importantly EGO should be kept aside and we should listen to each other without any agenda

4) Electronic media has made communication easier especially which was not possible in a face to face method.

But it has started distracting us from the core points of communication.

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