Students arrive at the Administrative Services Office at an average of one every 6 minutes, and...

Students arrive at the Administrative Services Office at an average of one every 6 minutes, and their requests take on average 5 minutes to be processed. The service counter is staffed by only one clerk, Judy Gumshoes, who works eight hours per day. Assume Poisson arrivals and exponential service times.

a. What percentage of time is Judy idle?

b. How much time, on average, does a student spend waiting in line?

c. How long is the (waiting) line on average?

d. What is the probability that an arriving student (just before entering the Administrative Services Office) will find at least one other student waiting in line?

In: Operations Management

A channel of distribution is the way marketers use to deliver products to consumers; List the...

A channel of distribution is the way marketers use to deliver products to consumers; List the 2 major distribution channel options. List the major types of channel members (intermediaries) what can be used in a distribution channel

In: Operations Management

Jay Barney once wrote, “Obviously, that a firm’s resources and capabilities have been valuable in the...

Jay Barney once wrote, “Obviously, that a firm’s resources and capabilities have been valuable in the past does not necessarily imply that they will always be valuable.”

a. Simply put, what does this statement mean? Explain it conceptually. Explain what may cause valuable resources and capabilities to lose their “valuable” status. In your discussion be sure to include an explanation of a valuable resource/capability.

b. Provide two (2) specific, well thought out, concise, and mutually exclusive (i.e., different phenomena - real or fictitious) examples to help illustrate the truthfulness of this quote

In: Operations Management

Management Information System This assignment is about creating a blog and a research about working for...

Management Information System

This assignment is about creating a blog and a research about working for The Office of Career Services at a school. Answer the following questions based on your team project The Office of Career Services. Pretty much we are making up this job so you can include any vendors and any inter-enterprise. (you can just make-up your own idea or use imagination) .

  1. What are CRM, ERP and EAI? Who are the major ERP vendors? Does your company use one of them?
  2. What is an inter-enterprise IS? Does your company have one? Should it?

In: Operations Management

A channel of distribution is the way marketers use to deliver products to consumers; List the...

A channel of distribution is the way marketers use to deliver products to consumers; List the 2 major distribution channel options. List the major types of channel members (intermediaries) what can be used in a distribution channel.  

In: Operations Management

SUBJECT- HUMAN RESOURCE MGMT//MANAGING OHS 1. What are the primary drivers of increased Long-Term Disability Costs...


1. What are the primary drivers of increased Long-Term Disability Costs in Canada?

2. Watch two of the videos on the Working to Well website that highlight employees that have successfully transitioned back to work. What role might HR have played in the transition process?

In: Operations Management

Committee Structures Imagine a fictional hospital that has a board of directors and a formal committee...

Committee Structures

Imagine a fictional hospital that has a board of directors and a formal committee structure.

Like most hospitals, this one has a two-part committee structure: the board of directors has its own committees relating to strategy and long term considerations and, in turn, administrative management has a set of committees for day to day governance.

For this exercise, please review the committee descriptions listed below. For each of the descriptions write a short paragraph stating (i) whether the committee is at the board or executive level; and (ii) why you believe this is so. Your response for each committee should be one paragraph long. Please write in complete sentences and proofread your response before you submit it.

(1) Strategic Planning Committee. The membership shall review the mission and vision of the hospital in the context of the current market circumstances. The committee shall identify and examine options for growth of the hospital that will support its mission.

(2) Employee Growth and Retention Committee. The members of this committee shall work to identify training needs and develop educational programs to fulfill those needs. The committee shall also monitor the employee turnover rate and maintain systems in place to ensure that employees are satisfied in their job.

(3) Finance Committee. The members of this committee shall meet monthly to monitor financial statistics derived from the hospital’s financial statement. The committee shall monitor changes in the hospital’s financial situation and work to identify and resolve billing and accounting issues to ensure that the hospital remains financially viable.

(4) Finance Committee. The members of this committee shall monitor the finances of the hospital to evaluate the need for additional project capital in order to fund expansion initiatives. Members shall review the hospital’s financial statements over time to identify trends and areas of financial opportunity.

(5) Quality Improvement Committee. The members of the this committee shall gather data from hospital departments to identify areas in need of clinical improvement. The committee shall also audit departments’ safety protocols and procedures and recommend updates as deemed necessary.

In: Operations Management

You have the choice to purchase one of two machines, which can produce exactly the same...

You have the choice to purchase one of two machines, which can produce exactly the same product. Machine A has a MTBF of 100 hours and MTTR of 10 hours, Machine B has a MTBF of 10 hours and a MTTR of 1 hour.

What is the availability of each machine?

In terms of process stability and inventory which machine would you prefer to purchase & why?

In: Operations Management

Your mother is a volunteer at a hospice facility. She often comes home emotionally exhausted. You...

Your mother is a volunteer at a hospice facility. She often comes home emotionally exhausted. You have never visited a hospice and asked if you could go with her next time. She agrees. Prior to your visit, you want to understand the concept of a hospice.

Activity: You perform an Internet search on the subject to understand their mission and goals. Write up your research and share it with your mother.

In: Operations Management

Operations Management 1. Determine the utilization and the efficiency for each of these situations: a. A...

Operations Management

1. Determine the utilization and the efficiency for each of these situations:
a. A loan processing operation that processes an average of 7 loans per day. The operation has a design capacity of 10 loans per day and an effective capacity of 8 loans per day.
b. A furnace repair team that services an average of four furnaces a day if the design capacity is six furnaces a day and the effective capacity is five furnaces a day.
c. Would you say that systems that have higher efficiency ratios than other systems will always have higher utilization ratios than those other systems? Explain.

Please write it step by step in order for us to learn.

In: Operations Management

Social style: Suppose that you have amiable style, what characteristics of your style best define you?...

Social style:

Suppose that you have amiable style, what characteristics of your style best define you?

What challenges have you identified in interacting with other styles?

What particular challenges does your style present in leading others?

What strategies can you use to best accomplish tasks, given your own style and the different styles you around you?

What different tactics might you use to best 'connect' with others to help them buy-in to your position?

In: Operations Management

WK 3-2 Please provide examples for better understanding discuss some of the pros and cons of...

WK 3-2 Please provide examples for better understanding

discuss some of the pros and cons of outsourcing. Do you think many organizations are experiencing an increase or decrease in their levels of outsourcing? Why?

In: Operations Management

Which of the following are measures of capacity in terms of outputs and inputs produced for...

Which of the following are measures of capacity in terms of outputs and inputs produced for the corresponding production system?

Select one:

A. Airline – customers checked out per hour – reservation calls handled per day

B. Supermarket – available seat miles per year – cartons unloaded per hour

C. University – graduates per year – students admitted per year

D. Automobile assembly plant – autos assembled per year –packages delivered per day

In planning the long-term capacity of an operation, one should take into account:

Select one:

A. Bottlenecks

B. Economies of scale

C. Economies of scope

D. Only B and C

When a resource is scheduled as if it had unlimited capacity to handle any and all jobs, its schedule is called

Select one:

A. Bottleneck

B. Infinite loading

C. Finite loading

D. Cycle time

The __________ plan is a preliminary, approximate schedule of an organization’s overall operations that will satisfy the demand forecast at minimum cost.

Select one:

A. Production

B. Rough-cut capacity

C. Long-term

D. Efficiency

E. Aggregate

__________ means deciding which jobs to assign to which work centers.

Select one:

A. Loading

B. Sequencing


D. Facility planning


In: Operations Management

East Coast Waffles, Inc., an Atlanta-based company which owns and operates more than 100 Waffle House...

East Coast Waffles, Inc., an Atlanta-based company which owns and operates more than 100 Waffle House restaurants in Florida and Virginia, fired an employee who claimed that his fellow servers at a Tampa Florida Waffle House were harassing several customers because of their race. The employee that was fired did not claim "whistleblower" status, the employee simply claimed that such action was improper. Is this permitted (firing the employee who reported the actions of the others) under Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act? at least 2 citation APA style.

In: Operations Management

If your organization doesn't have a "common" problem-solving methodology, what one would you recommend? Why?

If your organization doesn't have a "common" problem-solving methodology, what one would you recommend? Why?

In: Operations Management