Multi-national enterprises (MNEs) have been criticised for having a "cash-cow" perspective of their host country's resources....

Multi-national enterprises (MNEs) have been criticised for having a "cash-cow" perspective of their host country's resources. Explain why this may be the case and provide examples in your response.

In: Operations Management

Discuss the main premises of the Path-Goal theory of leadership. Please use at least 130 words....

Discuss the main premises of the Path-Goal theory of leadership.

Please use at least 130 words. Thank you!

In: Operations Management

Video #1: E Commerce Marketing Strategy 12 Killer Tips Presented by Marketing 360 video 11 minutes...

Video #1: E Commerce Marketing Strategy 12 Killer Tips Presented by Marketing 360 video 11 minutes

Video #2: Digital Marketing Strategy E Commerce Distribution by Tom Walsham who is Director of Purduct for The Working Group (TWG) video 17 minutes

Complete a 1-2 page paper (double-spaced) about the differences in these videos.

  • Include main points from both videos
  • One thing you agreed with in each video
  • One thing you disagreed with in each video
  • most helpful information you gained
  • how you might use this information in the future for yourself or your employer

In: Operations Management

1) How job evaluation can be conducted for a Mid-level sales executive position in an FMCG...

1) How job evaluation can be conducted for a Mid-level sales executive position in an FMCG based company and prepared a grade-based pay structure for the same position.

2) Prepare a performance appraisal metric for the below-mentioned job role along with incentive and compensation after appraisal.


Agricultural consultants provide advice on the use and management of agricultural land. Typically they specialize either in business or technical expertise; specialists in the former area advise agricultural landowners on financial issues and business strategy, while technical specialists consider how to make the most effective use of the land. Technical specialists often focus on a particular area, such as pollution control, forestry consultancy, or crop rotation. Whatever the specialisation, the ultimate aim of an agricultural consultant is to balance the commercial viability of agricultural land with sustainable development. Key tasks include:

  • visiting farms to conduct analyses and collect data, such as crop yield
  • measuring, analysing and interpreting data
  • conducting land valuations
  • advising on compliance with current legislation and use of governmental or EU schemes
  • giving demonstrations
  • making presentations
  • writing technical publications
  • preparing reports
  • developing and maintaining a set of client contacts
  • maintaining awareness of developments in your area of specialisation, as well as the wider agricultural sector
  • attending conferences
  • advertising and marketing services.

A large proportion of the work is home or office based, while some consultants may also spend time in the laboratory. Visits to farms may require a substantial amount of car travel, although the distance and the need for overnight stays depend on the project. The working week tends to be from Monday to Friday, although variations in workload relate to seasonal demands - some long and unsocial hours may be necessary during busy periods.

Opportunities for promotion are into senior consultancy positions and then management positions. Promotion is often related to experience and performance, and relocation or specialisation may be required to progress.

Jobs are advertised by specialist recruitment agencies, in local/national newspapers, by the National Farmers' Union and trade publications including the New Scientist, Nature, Farmers' Weekly and The Scottish Farmer. Speculative applications are highly advisable, for which directories such as the British Institute of Agricultural Consultants (BIAC) or the Associaltion of Independent Crop Consultants' List of Members may be useful. It is also an excellent idea to make use of the contacts agricultural colleges and departments have to local and national agricultural businesses and institutions.

A few farm management consultancy firms offer a small number of graduate trainee positions.

Opportunities for overseas work occur regularly, although previous international experience is often necessary and many vacancies are temporary.

Typical employers of agricultural consultants

  • Agricultural development agencies
  • Public sector organisations, charities and conservation bodies
  • Home and foreign governments
  • Farm management consultancy firms
  • Farmers, growers, landowners and farming co-operatives
  • Rural property consultancies.

Qualifications and training required

A degree in soil/earth sciences, agriculture, horticulture, crop/plant science or animal science is normally the minimum academic requirement for entry into the profession, although it may be possible to enter a business consultancy role in agriculture with a business degree.

Whatever specialisation you choose, prior experience of the agricultural industry is essential. A relevant postgraduate qualification may also be necessary for overseas work, and further study into a niche area may help career progression.

Key skills for agricultural consultants

Due to the nature of the work, it helps if graduates enjoy working outdoors. A driving licence and car often feature among the list of essential requirements. Employers look for individuals with evidence of:

  • initiative
  • good written and oral communication skills
  • sales and persuasion skills, along with the ability to maintain relationships
  • technical and analytical skills
  • nusiness acumen
  • proficiency in IT
  • the ability to work well within a team.


In: Operations Management

Hi, could you provide me with a brief response to this question and an explanation so...

Hi, could you provide me with a brief response to this question and an explanation so I can understand

TM2 has recently internally transferred to our team as a client liaison officer. They get the job done but are slow and their efficiency is below par. Yhey have not met any KPIs, RPC etc and now they are demonstrating bad timekeeping, being late on deliverables and the error margin of their work is increasing causing lost productivity. They are not checking their work and several rechecks are required with their attitude becoming quite negligent

Could you describe three (3) instances where you could provide informal feedback to them?

Instance 1

Instance 2

Instance 3

In: Operations Management

Modern business strives to develop products and related support services that appeal to specific cultures. To...

Modern business strives to develop products and related support services that appeal to specific cultures. To what degree is there a connection between the types of products and related support services offered and the management strategies employed? Explain. Are these connections the result of the cultural influence of the consumer base to which the products are marketed, or are they driven by the product offerings? Why?

In: Operations Management

Is the concept of leadership necessary only in large organizations or does it come into play...

Is the concept of leadership necessary only in large organizations or does it come into play in small business too? Why do you believe this? How might leadership behaviors be different in a small business environment?

In: Operations Management

QUESTION ONE Platinum Real Estate Consulting Group, owner of a number of properties dotted around Lusaka...


Platinum Real Estate Consulting Group, owner of a number of properties dotted around Lusaka is faced with a choice of:

  1. A large-scale investment (A) to improve its flats. This could produce a substantial pay-off in terms of increased revenue net of costs but will require an investment of K1, 400,000. After extensive market research it is considered that there is a 40% chance that a pay-off of K2, 500,000 will be obtained, but there is a 60% chance that it will be only K800, 000.
  2. A smaller scale project (B) to re-decorate its premises. At K500, 000 this is less costly but will produce a lower pay-off. Research data suggests a 30% chance of a gain of K1, 000,000 but a 70% chance of it being only K500, 000.
  3. Continuing the present operation without change (C). It will cost nothing, but neither will it produce any pay-off. Clients will be unhappy and it will become harder and harder to rent the flats out when they become free.


  1. Draw the decision tree representing the options open to Platinum Real Estate Consulting Group.
  2. Calculate the expected values.                                                           
  3. Calculate the net expected value.                                                                          
  4. How will a decision tree help the taking of the decision?      

In: Operations Management

Please answers the below True/False and Multiple choice questions from Business Law. (Please provide a brief...

Please answers the below True/False and Multiple choice questions from Business Law. (Please provide a brief explanation to answers if possible)

Chapter: Business Organizations

1.   The business judgment rule does not immunize members of boards of directors from liability to stockholders that come about from the bad business decisions of those directors. True/False

2. Corporations are not required to incorporate under the law of the state where their corporate headquarters is located. True/False

3. The portion of a corporation’s profits that has not been paid out as dividends to shareholders is known as retained earnings. True/False

4. An S Corporation can have no more than five hundred shareholders. True/False

5. The president and other top officers of a corporation are elected by its shareholders. True/False

6.   A corporation is not effectively organized until its Bylaws have been filed with the Secretary of State. True/False

7. A corporation must be incorporated in the state where it is headquartered. True/False

8.   The term “ultra vires” means

                a.             highly toxic

                b.             extremely profitable

                c.             beyond the powers

                d.            none of the above

9.   The federal disclosure rules that regulate franchising are created by the Food and Drug Administration (the FDA). True/False

10. Limited liability companies essentially have the same tax treatment as partnerships. True/False

11. Limited partners are investors who do not generally participate in managing the business. True/False

12. All partners in a limited partnership have limited liability. True/False

13. The severance of the relationship between a partner and a partnership is called dissociation. True/False

14. Limited liability companies are created by agreement of the parties, no filing of documents with the state is required. True/False

15. In their relations with one another partners are fiduciaries. True/False

16. The simplest form of business organization is the

                    a.             sole proprietorship

                    b.             general partnership

                    c.             limited partnership

                    d.            limited liability company

17. Franchises fall into the following categories:

                a.             distributorships

                b.             chain-style business operations

                c.             manufacturing or processing plant arrangements

                d.            all of the above

18. Shareholders vote on matters that change the corporation's structure or existence, such as a merger with another firm. True/False

19. A written authorization to cast another shareholder's vote is called a quorum. True/False

20. Directors, but not managers, are subject to a duty of loyalty to the corporation. True/False

21. To help ensure federal taxation as a partnership, state LLC statutes:

                    a.             place restrictions on transferability of member interests

                    b.             provide for continuity of life

                    c.             provide for unlimited liability

                    d.            all of the above

22. Limited partners are investors who may not participate in managing the business. True/False

23. The withdrawal or death of a partner causes the partnership to be dissolved, but many partnership agreements have provisions to allow the partnership to continue despite such events. True/False

24. Partners in a general partnership owe a fiduciary duty to one another. True/False

25.   The corporation is the oldest and simplest form of business organization. True/False

26. A general partnership is a separate legal entity distinct from the owners for all purposes. True/False

In: Operations Management

The 'environment' is a hot topic in Canada. These environmental issues has some serious business implications....

The 'environment' is a hot topic in Canada. These environmental issues has some serious business implications. To name a few: Canada's Oil-sands, Pipelines, etc.

1. Enlist some of the key environmental issues facing Canada including the above two.

2. What these above issues are and why they are so debatable?

3. What Impact Covid-19 will have on environment in the short term and long term

4. Include an example of a particular situation where a business practice/activity is done differently in Canada comparatively to your native country due to environmental concerns.

5. Role of WHO in this pandemic has been under the headlines. Why some people are not happy with its performance?  

In: Operations Management

Hi, could you provide some examples for the instances below with an explanation so I can...

Hi, could you provide some examples for the instances below with an explanation so I can understand

TM3 has been employed as Documentation and logistics staff and has just finished school, looks lost in their new role, misplacesfiles, send s them and other documents to the wrong person. Has an inability to understand task assignment, is forgetful, misses key points on tool inspections and when working in the filed. They have failed to reach their KPIs, RPCs etc

Could you describe three (3) instances where you could provide informal feedback to them?

Instance 1

Instance 2

Instance 3

In: Operations Management

2000 words essay on the topic of "Ratings and new technologies and how youth watch TV"

2000 words essay on the topic of "Ratings and new technologies and how youth watch TV"

In: Operations Management

The success of global management strategies often requires overcoming obstacles including those resulting from a changing...

The success of global management strategies often requires overcoming obstacles including those resulting from a changing workforce. To what extent, if any, do you believe the modern workforce should influence global management strategies? Why?

In: Operations Management

List your responsibilities as a Software Development Project Manager, and explain how you measure the success...

List your responsibilities as a Software Development Project Manager, and explain how you measure the success and failure in any project?

Give examples.

In: Operations Management

Hi, could you provide brief examples for the instances below. I would appreciate your explanation so...

Hi, could you provide brief examples for the instances below. I would appreciate your explanation so I can understand

Question 1

TM1 is the administration team leader and they achieve all KPIs and yearly goals, is highly motivated, recent winner of best personal trainer award, self-admits they have behavioural problems, seen by other TMs as isolated, stoic, cold, aloof, insensitive and harsh to other TMs and has poor communication skills

Could you describe three (3) instances where you could provide informal feedback to them?

Instance 1

Instance 2

Instance 3

In: Operations Management