Qualitative – Andy is the marketing manager for Global Auto. Historically, Global has sold cars as...

Qualitative – Andy is the marketing manager for Global Auto. Historically, Global has sold cars as a "core good" - that is, a piece of metal, rubber, and glass that you drive. He is interested in the idea of "product-service" bundling for his firm. Give two examples of how you might provide such a bundle.

In: Operations Management

Lenovo uses two different types of processors for its laptops: single-core and dual-core. Lenovo sources these...

Lenovo uses two different types of processors for its laptops: single-core and dual-core. Lenovo sources these processors from three different suppliers. Demands for processors, purchase costs, and fixed ordering costs are as follows:

The inventory holding cost per unit per year is assumed to be 20% of the unit purchase cost for all processor types. Assume 365 days in a year.

(a) Answer the following

  1. What is the optimal order quantity for each processor type?

  2. What is the optimal total annual cost (inventory holding costs plus purchase costs plus fixed ordering costs) for each processor type?

(b) Supplier of the dual-core processor makes the following offer: Lenovo can order both processor types for a fixed ordering cost of 12000, of course if both processors are ordered at the same time. However purchase cost per unit for the single-core processor will increase to 81$/unit.

  1. What is the optimal order quantity for each processor type?

  2. What is the optimal total annual cost in this case?

  3. Do you think that Lenovo should accept this offer?

Processor type

Demand (units/day)

Purchase cost ($/unit)

Fixed ordering cost ($)









In: Operations Management

Can you please provide a SWOT for a complete home renovation?

Can you please provide a SWOT for a complete home renovation?

In: Operations Management

What are the implications to the US economy in 6 months, 1 year, and 5 years...

  1. What are the implications to the US economy in 6 months, 1 year, and 5 years due to the COVID-19 pandemic? Please give specific examples.
  2. How will this situation change international business as we knew it or will it resume as it once was? Please give specific examples.

In: Operations Management

Explain the meaning of IR4.0, the effect of IR4.0 in different industries. The rapid increase in...

Explain the meaning of IR4.0, the effect of IR4.0 in different industries. The rapid increase in profitability that can be resulted using IR4.0 tools and technologies in service industry. The expected role and direction of education quality after IR 4.0

note: minimum 2000 words

(((((please don't copy-paste from websites))))

In: Operations Management

a) Why firms and industries should become more efficient in using natural resources? B) What ethical...

a) Why firms and industries should become more efficient in using natural resources?

B) What ethical responsability does businesses have to the enviroment? should it be universal or each country should have its own way to implement it individually?

In: Operations Management

Identify the HR competencies required for effective workforce planning?

Identify the HR competencies required for effective workforce planning?

In: Operations Management

With a fixed cost of $100 per order, Nathan decided it was vital to get his...

With a fixed cost of $100 per order, Nathan decided it was vital to get his money's worth. His monthly demand for energy drinks was 10,000 bottles and holding cost was estimated at 20% of unit cost. The mail-order company offered him a couple of possibilities — he could pay $4.00 per bottle for orders of up to 10,000 bottles. After that threshold, he would pay only $3.98 per bottle, and if he ordered 20,000 or more bottles in a order, he would pay only $3.96 per bottle.

A. What is the best order quantity for Nathan to use?

B. What is the best total cost that Nathan can incur?

In: Operations Management

The Unemployment Program of the Government of Guava Land has several offices throughout the country, ten...

The Unemployment Program of the Government of Guava Land has several offices throughout the country, ten (10) to be specific. At these offices, all the administrative matters of the Program are administered, inclusive of payments to suppliers, payroll and Information Technology services. There are several assets and confidential data on each compound such as computer equipment, filing cabinets, personal data and several pieces of furniture. Within recent times, there were numerous burglaries’ at a number of locations, which resulted in the loss of two million dollars’ worth in items. The Police are currently undertaking an investigation to catch the culprits. The Minister, who is responsible for the Program, has mandated the Program to procure security services for one year at each location. After a highly competitive procurement process, Big Trouble Security Services secured the contract to provide security services at all the locations. The Unemployment Program and Big Trouble Security Services met on several occasions to finalize the written contractual obligations. Finally, on March 31st 2019, they agreed on all the terms of the contract and both parties duly signed. One of the agreed terms is that “Big Trouble Security Services under no circumstances will be held liable for any unforeseen acts committed by its officers during the provision of services to the Unemployment Program” Raymond Tin Foot, a security officer from Big Trouble Security Services, was assigned to the Harlem Office for the last six months for the 6pm to 6am shift. Raymond, who is also a resident of the Harlem area, invited several of his friends during his shift, to lime and have a cook out at nights as a means of passing the time. This involves the lighting of a fire as well as occasional drinking of alcohol on the premises. Big Trouble Security Services – Manager and Owner – Mr. Lazy, on one of his rear occasional visits to the Harlem Site, saw what was going on at this office. He quietly told Raymond “to please keep everything under control so that no one will know”. Mr. Lazy as per contractual obligations must visit the site every night to ensure that the guards are performing their functions efficiently and effectively. However, this has never been done, because Mr. Lazy treasure his sleep very much. Additionally, Mr. Lazy did not want to take any affirmative action, because he feared that Raymond might leave the job. Indeed, Big Trouble Security Services is having problems recruiting security guards in this area and as such, if Raymond left the job there will be no available guard for this location. One night, while Raymond was cooking and consuming alcohol with his friends, forgot to extinguish the fire. They all fell asleep and subsequently the Harlem Compound of the Unemployment Program was destroyed. The Unemployment Program intents to sue Big Trouble Security Services for breach of contract due to the negligence of their employee Mr. Raymond Tin Foot. However, Big Trouble Security Services is seeking to rely on the following agreed term of contract, which excludes them from liability, that is – “Big Trouble Security Services under no circumstances will be held liable for any unforeseen acts committed by its officers during the provision of services to the Unemployment Program”

Advise the Unemployment Program, whether or not Big Trouble Security Services can rely on the above mentioned exclusion clause in the face of a fundamental breach of contract due to the destruction of the compound.

In: Operations Management

what is your position regarding the advantages of IoT integration toward business competitive advantage? Are you...

what is your position regarding the advantages of IoT integration toward business competitive advantage? Are you for or against continuous integration directions of IoT solutions? Give examples to illustrate your answer. Provide justification and citations for your points.

In: Operations Management

Can you please do a Risk Response matrix for a home renovation? project management

Can you please do a Risk Response matrix for a home renovation? project management

In: Operations Management

Solve EXACTLY 6 questions out of 10. At least 2 questions MUST be quantitative! "X" =...

Solve EXACTLY 6 questions out of 10. At least 2 questions MUST be quantitative! "X" = 7, "Y" = 4:

  1. QUANTITATIVE – You work for Lynn, Inc. Your boss has asked you to complete a forecast for February and March using two forecasting methods and then to evaluate the two methods to identify the “best” method. You decide to try a weighted moving average of the last two months using weights of 60% (previous month) and 40% (2 months prior). You also try exponential smoothing with an alpha constant of .34.  Complete the table by providing numbers for A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H and calculate the MAD for each method (I and J). Which is a better forecasting method for this data? Why?

Substitute the last digit of your student number for “Y”=7. Substitute the next to last digit of your student number for "X"=4.



Forecast – Weighted Average

Absolute Deviation – Weighted Average

Forecast – Exponential Smoothing (alpha = .34)

Absolute Deviation – Exponential Smoothing



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Do not enter

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Do not enter

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MAD for Weighted Average = I

MAD for Exponential Smoothing = J

In: Operations Management

Each time ethics is offered, at the end of the semester, a question is posed. What...

Each time ethics is offered, at the end of the semester, a question is posed. What do you wish this course had covered and why? In this assignment, you will not only answer those two questions but also do the research to find out more about the topic. Essentially, you are creating the case study for this assignment and explaining the reasons why it is important, and ... what it is that we need to know. Grading for this assignment will be based on content, writing, and style. As always, this assignment should be written in APA format, with references clearing indicating where you sourced your material. The course is business ethics.

In: Operations Management

If a meet restaurant is selling now items that they haven’t sell before such as toilet...

If a meet restaurant is selling now items that they haven’t sell before such as toilet paper. How is the restaurant initiative relates to categorization? (Related to levels of categorization/goal derived categories/superordinate level/basic level/subordinate level) (position a product/ identify competitors/ create an example product)

In: Operations Management

Please answer both questions. Show work Sammy's is the hot new lunch spot among the hipsters,...

Please answer both questions. Show work

Sammy's is the hot new lunch spot among the hipsters, who flock there at noon for their artisanal peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, which sell for $12.95. The sandwiches are made from two slices of their own artisanal bread, which they bake continuously throughout the day at a rate of seven loaves an hour (each loaf contains twenty slices). The actual cost of a loaf of bread is $1 and the cost to hold a loaf is 80%, since freshness is important in baking as well as to hipsters. The cost to run a new batch of dough is $3 per loaf. Sammy's sells their sandwiches at a rate of fifty per hour.

A. What is the optimal batch size to produce?

B. What is the cost to run Sammy's at the economic production lot size?

In: Operations Management