In: Operations Management
There are two types of motivation theories; Content and Process. In your opinion does both types can be apply concurrently. Provide an example of any one theory from both types and justify your arguments?
It is true that many theorists have provided with the theories regarding the factors of motivation. These theories could be categorically divided into two sub parts which are content theories and process theories. Content theories talks about what are the basic factors that would motivate people to perform whereas the process theories talk about how the people are being addressed.
For example Content theories talking about factors and incentives would motivate people to perform any action like the money, salary, bonus and various other external internal factors to perform.
On the other hand, process theories talk about how the people would be directed towards work which could only be achieved by establishing the standardises and effective goals for performance, targets to set, quality performance measures and sustainaing equity in the organisation.
In my opinion both of the theories could be applied at the same time to achieve the operational efficiency in the organisation. Let's just suppose your organisational target is increasing sales volume at large. Achieving maximum volume is the main objective. Thus, the subgoals (process theory) are made for each production department that whosoever would achieve and produce more than 10 units would be awared $1.5 per unit instead of $1. This is the external bonus factor (content theory). Thus, we can see both the motivational theories are working together to be achieved successfully in the organisation.