
In: Electrical Engineering

write gate level 4bit carry look ahead adder in verilog without any assign and always in...

write gate level 4bit carry look ahead adder in verilog without any assign and always in the code.


Expert Solution

the gate level module is shown below:

// Code your design here
module full_adder (a,b,cin,s,cout);
input a,b,cin;
output cout,s;
wire w1,w2,w3,w4,w5;
xor x1(w1,a,b);
xor x2(s,w1,cin);
and a1(w2,a,b);
and a2(w3,b,cin);
and a3(w4,a,cin);
or r1(w5,w2,w3);
or r2(cout,w5,w4);
module carry_lookahead_adder_4_bit
input [3:0] i_add1,
input [3:0] i_add2,
output [4:0] o_result

wire [4:0] w_C;
wire [3:0] w_G, w_P, w_SUM;
wire [3:0] w;

full_adder full_adder_bit_0

full_adder full_adder_bit_1

full_adder full_adder_bit_2

full_adder full_adder_bit_3

// Create the Generate (G) Terms: Gi=Ai*Bi
and an1(w_G[0],i_add1[0],i_add2[0]);
and an2(w_G[1],i_add1[1],i_add2[1]);
and an3(w_G[2],i_add1[2],i_add2[2]);
and an4(w_G[3],i_add1[3],i_add2[3]);

// Create the Propagate Terms: Pi=Ai+Bi
or or1(w_P[0],i_add1[0],i_add2[0]);
or or2(w_P[1],i_add1[1],i_add2[1]);
or or3(w_P[2],i_add1[2],i_add2[2]);
or or4(w_P[3],i_add1[3],i_add2[3]);

// Create the Carry Terms:
buf b1(w_C[0],1'b0); // no carry input
and c1(w[0],w_P[0],w_C[0]);
or oc1 (w_C[1],w_G[0],w[0]);
and c2(w[1],w_P[1],w_C[1]);
or oc2(w_C[2],w_G[1],w[1]);
and c3(w[2],w_P[2],w_C[2]);
or oc3(w_C[3],w_G[2],w[2]);
and c4(w[3],w_P[3],w_C[3]);
or oc4 (w_C[4],w_G[3],w[3]);

// result concatination
buf res1(o_result[4],w_C[4]);
buf res2(o_result[3],w_SUM[3]);
buf res3(o_result[2],w_SUM[2]);
buf res4(o_result[1],w_SUM[1]);
buf res5(o_result[0],w_SUM[0]);



// Code your testbench here
// or browse Examples
module test();
reg [3:0] i_add1,i_add2;
wire [4:0] o_result;
carry_lookahead_adder_4_bit ccc1(.*);
#2 i_add1=15;i_add2=1;
$monitor("%b %b %b",i_add1,i_add2,o_result);


0101 0110 01011
1111 0001 10000

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