
In: Computer Science

]write two main programs: one will add exception handling to a geometric object, and the other...

]write two main programs: one will add exception handling to a geometric object, and the other will create a Template function to find the max of three “entities” (either ints, floats, doubles, chars, and strings)

A trapezoid is a quadrilateral in which two opposite sides are parallel. (note: all squares, rectangles, and parallelograms are trapezoids)

Note 1: the length of Base 1 is always greater than or equal to Base 2

Note 2: To form a valid trapezoid, if must satisfy the side/length rule, namely, the sum of the lengths of Leg1,Leg2 , and Base 2 must be greater than the length of Base 1

Note 3:If a default trapezoid is created, set all the sides equal to 1 (i.e., a square, or rhombus)

The following is the UMs for a trapezoid:


-base1 : double

-base2: double

-leg1: double

-leg2: double


+Trapezoid (base1, base2, leg1, leg2)

// setters and getters

+print(void): void

+toString(void) : string

For the driver program:

Note 1: If the user creates a trapezoid that violates the side/length rule (including 0 or negative side lengths), throw an exception

Note 2: If the user sets one of the sides that violates the side/length rule, do not change the side, and throw an exception

A main drvier (main8a.cpp) :

#include <iostream>
#include "trapezoid.h"

using namespace std;

int main()
    cout << "Welcome to Lecture 16: Exceptions and Templates" << endl;
    cout << "The Trapezoid Program!\n";

    cout << "\nTry creating t1 (no parameters, which is valid):\n";
      Trapezoid t1; // this is valid, by design
    catch(string errorMsg)
      cout << errorMsg << endl;

    cout << "\nTry creating t2(15,3,3,3) (which is invalid):\n";
      Trapezoid t2(15,3,3,3); // this is invalid
    catch(string errorMsg)
      cout << errorMsg << endl;

    cout << "\nTry creating t3(5,3,4,4) (which is valid):\n";
      Trapezoid t3(5,3,4,4); // this is valid
    catch(string errorMsg)
      cout << errorMsg << endl;

    cout << "\nTry changing base1 of default t4 to 10 (which is invalid):\n";
      Trapezoid t4;
      t4.setBase1(10); // this is invalid
    catch(string errorMsg)
      cout << errorMsg << endl;

    cout << "\nTry changing leg2 of t5(55,30,15,12) to 6 (which is invalid):\n";
      Trapezoid t5(55,30,15,12);
      t5.setLeg2(6); // this is invalid
    catch(string errorMsg)
      cout << errorMsg << endl;

    cout << "\nTry changing leg1 of default t6 to .5 (which is valid):\n";
      Trapezoid t6;
      t6.setLeg1(.5); // this is valid
    catch(string errorMsg)
      cout << errorMsg << endl;

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;


Expert Solution

// trapezoid.h

#ifndef TRAPEZOID_H_
#define TRAPEZOID_H_

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

class Trapezoid
   double base1, base2, leg1, leg2;

   Trapezoid (double base1,double base2,double leg1,double leg2);
   void setBase1(double base1);
   void setBase2(double base2);
   void setLeg1(double leg1);
   void setLeg2(double leg2);
   double getBase1();
   double getBase2();
   double getLeg1();
   double getLeg2();
   void print();
   string toString();

// default constructor
   base1 = 1;
   base2 = 1;
   leg1 = 1;
   leg2 = 1;

// parameterized constructor
Trapezoid::Trapezoid(double base1, double base2, double leg1, double leg2)
   // check if values are valid
   if((leg1 > 0 && leg2 > 0 && base1 > 0 && base2 > 0) && (base1 >= base2) && (leg1+leg2+base2) > base1)
       this->leg1 = leg1;
       this->leg2 = leg2;
       this->base1 = base1;
       this->base2 = base2;
       throw string("It doesn't satisfy side/length rule , sum of the lengths of Leg1,Leg2 , and Base 2 must be greater than the length of Base 1");

// set base1
void Trapezoid::setBase1(double base1)
   // check if base1 is valid
   if((base1 > 0 ) && (base1 >= base2) && (leg1+leg2+base2) > base1)
       this->base1 = base1;
       throw string("Invalid value for base1");

// set base2
void Trapezoid:: setBase2(double base2)
   // check if base2 is valid
   if((base2 > 0) && (base1 >= base2) && (leg1+leg2+base2) > base1)
       this->base2 = base2;
       throw string("Invalid value for base2");

// set leg1
void Trapezoid:: setLeg1(double leg1)
   // check if leg1 is valid
   if((leg1 > 0) && (leg1+leg2+base2) > base1)
       this->leg1 = leg1;
       throw string("Invalid value for leg1");

// set leg2
void Trapezoid:: setLeg2(double leg2)
   // check if leg2 is valid
   if((leg2 > 0 ) && (leg1+leg2+base2) > base1)
       this->leg2 = leg2;
       throw string("Invalid value for leg2");

// return base1
double Trapezoid:: getBase1()
   return base1;

// return base2
double Trapezoid:: getBase2()
   return base2;

// return leg1
double Trapezoid:: getLeg1()
   return leg1;

// return leg2
double Trapezoid:: getLeg2()
   return leg2;

// print the values of Trapezoid
void Trapezoid:: print()
   cout<<"\nLeg 1 : "<<leg1;
   cout<<"\nLeg 2 : "<<leg2;
   cout<<"\nBase 1 : "<<base1;
   cout<<"\nBase 2 : "<<base2;

// return the string representation of Trapezoid
string Trapezoid::toString()
   return ("Leg 1 :"+to_string(leg1)+" Leg 2 : "+to_string(leg2)+" Base 1 : "+to_string(base1)+" Base 2 : "+to_string(base2));

//end of trapezoid.h

//main8a.cpp : C++ program to test the Trapezoid class

#include <iostream>
#include "trapezoid.h"
using namespace std;

int main() {
   cout << "Welcome to Lecture 16: Exceptions and Templates" << endl;
   cout << "The Trapezoid Program!\n";

   cout << "\nTry creating t1 (no parameters, which is valid):\n";
   Trapezoid t1; // this is valid, by design
   catch(string errorMsg)
   cout << errorMsg << endl;

   cout << "\nTry creating t2(15,3,3,3) (which is invalid):\n";
   Trapezoid t2(15,3,3,3); // this is invalid
   catch(string errorMsg)
   cout << errorMsg << endl;

   cout << "\nTry creating t3(5,3,4,4) (which is valid):\n";
   Trapezoid t3(5,3,4,4); // this is valid
   catch(string errorMsg)
   cout << errorMsg << endl;

   cout << "\nTry changing base1 of default t4 to 10 (which is invalid):\n";
   Trapezoid t4;
   t4.setBase1(10); // this is invalid
   catch(string errorMsg)
   cout << errorMsg << endl;

   cout << "\nTry changing leg2 of t5(55,30,15,12) to 6 (which is invalid):\n";
   Trapezoid t5(55,30,15,12);
   t5.setLeg2(6); // this is invalid
   catch(string errorMsg)
   cout << errorMsg << endl;

   cout << "\nTry changing leg1 of default t6 to .5 (which is valid):\n";
   Trapezoid t6;
   t6.setLeg1(.5); // this is valid
   catch(string errorMsg)
   cout << errorMsg << endl;

   return 0;
//end of main8a.cpp


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