SourShocker candies just launched a new tropical flavor gummy worm. They have the following information derived...

SourShocker candies just launched a new tropical flavor gummy worm. They have the following information derived from their testing


Batch 1

Batch 2

Too sour (R)



Too soft (F)



Too sticky (W)



After making improvements, they collected the following data:


Batch 3

Batch 4

Too sour (R)



Too soft (F)



Too sticky (W)



  • Create Pareto charts for Week 1 and Week 2
  • Did the process improve over time? And, if so, in what way(s)
  • If you were SourShocker, and you were going to work on a single complaint for week three, what would you work on

In: Operations Management

A company that manufactures snow shovels has one plant and two distribution centers (DCs). Given the...

A company that manufactures snow shovels has one plant and two distribution centers (DCs). Given the following information for the two DCs, calculate the gross requirements, projected available, and planned order releases for the two DCs and the gross requirements, projected available, and planned order releases for the central warehouse.

Distribution Center A Transit Time:   2 weeks Order Quantity:   500 units







Gross Requirements






In Transit


Projected Available 200

Planned Order Release

Distribution Center B

Transit time: 2 weeks

Order Quantity: 200 weeks







Gross Requirements






In Transit

Projected Available  150

Planned order release

Central Supply

Lead time : 1 week

Order Quantity= 600 units







Gross Requirements

Scheduled receipts

Projected available 400

Planned order release

Please show all work.

In: Operations Management

Personal Selling Assignment: The objective for this exercise is for you to better understand and apply...

Personal Selling


The objective for this exercise is for you to better understand and apply the steps used in personal selling. This is an individual assignment.

Please explain how you can use the seven steps of personal selling in the activity of getting a new job. For each step, write 1-2 sentences on how the step relates to job search, interviewing, etc.

The seven steps are:

  1. PROSPECTING: The salesperson must develop a list of customers.
  2. PREAPPROACH: The salesperson must find and analyze information about each prospect’s specific product needs, current use of brands, feelings about available brands, and personal characteristics.
  3. APPROACH: The salesperson adopts a certain manner in contacting a potential customer. The first contact is generally to assess the buyer’s needs and objectives. The prospect’s first impression is usually a lasting one.
  4. MAKING THE PRESENTATION: The salesperson must attract and hold the prospect’s attention to stimulate interest. Product demonstrations, listening to comments, and observing responses are important.
  5. OVERCOMING OBJECTIONS: One of the best ways to do this is to anticipate and counter objections before the prospect has an opportunity to raise them. Otherwise, deal with objections when they occur.
  6. CLOSING: The salesperson asks the prospect to buy the product. Attempt a “trial close” by asking questions that assume the prospect will buy the product. A salesperson should try to close at several points during the presentation.
  7. FOLLOW-UP: The salesperson contacts the customer to learn what problems or questions have arisen. This may also be used to determine future needs.

In: Operations Management

Part 2: Insertion Sort Q3. Arrange the following arrays in ascending order using Insertion sort. Show...

Part 2: Insertion Sort

Q3. Arrange the following arrays in ascending order using Insertion sort. Show all steps.

7          11        2          9          5          14

Q4. State the number of comparisons for each pass.


# comparisons






In: Computer Science

convert 0x41BA8000 to IEEE-754 floating-point value

convert 0x41BA8000 to IEEE-754 floating-point value

In: Computer Science

1.   An organization can use a tool that allows members of workgroups and teams to share...

1.   An organization can use a tool that allows members of workgroups and teams to share information, improve communication and assist with efficiency and performance. These tools that have become even more popular with the current pandemic are known as:

a.   collaboration software b.clearinghouse centers d.telecommuting e. media correspondence

2- Two managers given the same information about a problem may see the solution differently because of their expertise and experience with the situation. This is an example of?

a.   selective perception b.verbal intonation c. interdependence d. intuition    e. noise

3- Any time a customer completes a satisfaction survey about their shopping experience, they receive a "$10 off your next purchase" coupon. This represents:  

a. a standard decision. b. cognitive dissonance. c. a nonprogrammed decision. d. experience. e. a decision rule.

4-  You are the manager at a large manufacturing plant. Last year you authorized the expenditure of $500,000 for what you thought was a promising new project for the company. So far, the results have been disappointing. The employees running the project say that with an additional $300,000 they may be able to turn things around. Without your approval of extra funding, there is little hope. Although persistence may seem irrational from the organization’s point of view, you make the decision to authorize the additional spending because you do not want to admit error and expose your mistakes to the board of directors. No one wants to appear incompetent. This is a clear example of ______________

a.miscommunication b. escalation of commitment c. information overload    d.misperception e.crisis communication

In: Operations Management

a. Denny and Janice (and their dog Chewy) have just purchased a house and are calculating...

a. Denny and Janice (and their dog Chewy) have just purchased a house and are calculating how much money they will need when the closing day rolls around. The purchase price is $200,000. They will make a 20% down payment, and they must pay 2 points on the loan. Closing costs should be 3% of the purchase price. What is the total dollar amount they will need at closing? (Show all work.)

b. Benny and Sally want to calculate the difference in monthly payments on a $110,000 home as a result of a $5,000 down payment or a $10,000 down payment. Use your financial calculator to figure the monthly payments, assuming they get a 6.5%, 30-year mortgage.

c. If a lender requires that mortgage payments cannot exceed 30% of gross income and total loan payments cannot exceed 38% of gross income, calculate the monthly payment for which a person with the following financial data could qualify.

Gross Income $5,500
Stereo loan payment 250
Furniture loan payment 200
Auto loan 400

In: Finance

An air-conditioning system operates at a total pressure of 1 atm and consists of a heating...

An air-conditioning system operates at a total pressure of 1 atm and consists of a heating section and an evaporative cooler. Air enters the heating section at 15°C and 55 percent relative humidity at a rate of 30 m3/min, and it leaves the evaporative cooler at 25°C and 45 percent relatively humidity. Using appropriate software, study the effect of total pressure in the range 94 to 100 kPa and plot the results as functions of total pressure

In: Mechanical Engineering

Using Java: Implement print2D(A) so that it prints out its 2D array argument A in the...

Using Java:

  1. Implement print2D(A) so that it prints out its 2D array argument A in the matrix form.

  2. Implement add2Ds(A,B) so that it creates and returns a new 2D array C such that C=A+B.

  3. Implement multiScalar2D(c,A) so that it creates and returns a new 2D array B such that


  4. Implement transpose2D(A), which creates and returns a new 2D array B such that B is

    the transpose of A.

Your output should look like the following:A=

1234 5678 9 10 11 12


2468 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24


3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36


51015 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60

Transpose of A =

159 2 6 10 3 7 11 4 8 12

Note that your methods should work for 2D arrays of any sizes.

In: Computer Science

convert 0x41BA8000 to IEEE-754 floating-point value

convert 0x41BA8000 to IEEE-754 floating-point value

In: Computer Science

Complete the code that inserts elements into a list. The list should always be in an...

Complete the code that inserts elements into a list. The list should always be in an ordered state.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

/* list of nodes, each with a single integer */
struct element {
struct element *next;
int value;

/* protypes for functions defined after main */
struct element *elementalloc(void);
struct element *listinitialize();
struct element *insertelement(struct element *, int);
void printlist(struct element *);

/* main
* Creates an ordered list
* Elements added to the list must be inserted maintaining the list
* in an ordered state
int main() {
struct element *listhead = NULL;
listhead = listinitialize();
for (int i = 3; i < 100; i+=11){
listhead = insertnewelement(listhead, i);

/* allocate memory for a new list element */
struct element *elementalloc(void) {
return (struct element *)malloc(sizeof(struct element));

/* simple list initialization function */
struct element *listinitialize() {
const int numbers[7] = {4, 9, 13, 18, 27, 49, 60};
struct element *newlist = NULL;
struct element *tail = NULL;
struct element *temp = NULL;
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
if (newlist == NULL) {
newlist = elementalloc();
newlist->next = NULL;
newlist->value = numbers[i];
tail = newlist;
} else {
temp = elementalloc();
temp->value = numbers[i];
temp->next = NULL;
tail->next = temp;
tail = tail->next;
return newlist;

/* function to insert elements into an ordered list */
struct element *insertnewelement(struct element *listhead, int x) {
struct element *newelement;
newelement = elementalloc();

struct element *iter = listhead;
while( ) {


return listhead;

/* print the list and the respective memory locations in list order */
void printlist(struct element *listhead)
while (listhead != NULL) {
printf("Memory: %p contains value: %d\n", listhead, listhead->value);
listhead = listhead->next;

In: Computer Science

A firm's cost of capital: Select one: a. depends on source of funds used for a...

A firm's cost of capital:

Select one:

a. depends on source of funds used for a project

b. is independent of firm's capital structure

c. depends on how funds are going to be spent

d. will decrease as the firm-risk increases

In: Finance

1). Explain the Fed's three tools of monetary policy and how each is used to change...

1). Explain the Fed's three tools of monetary policy and how each is used to change the money supply. Does each tool affect the monetary base or the money multiplier?

2). Suppose everything else equal; a) the Central Bank raises the reserve requirement to 20 percent, b) the currency deposit ratio rises to 60 percent. Which development, a) or b) will affect the money multiplier more? Why?

3). Suppose the Central Bank of Turkey starts to pay interest on reserves. Under what circumstances this would affect the short term policy interest rate?

In: Finance

How do I change my if statements into while and for loops, so that I can...

How do I change my if statements into while and for loops, so that I can make my bot go straight and turn exactly 12 times.

* Exp7_1_RotaryEncoder -- RedBot Experiment 7_1
* Knowing where your robot is can be very important. The RedBot supports
* the use of an encoder to track the number of revolutions each wheels has
* made, so you can tell not only how far each wheel has traveled but how
* fast the wheels are turning.
* This sketch was written by SparkFun Electronics, with lots of help from
* the Arduino community. This code is completely free for any use.
* 8 Oct 2013 M. Hord
* Revised, 31 Oct 2014 B. Huang

#include <RedBot.h>
RedBotMotors motors;

RedBotEncoder encoder = RedBotEncoder(3,9); // initializes encoder on pins A2 and 10
int buttonPin = 12;
int countsPerRev = 192; // 4 pairs of N-S x 48:1 gearbox = 192 ticks per wheel rev

// variables used to store the left and right encoder counts.
int lCount;
int rCount;

void setup()
pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
Serial.println("left right");

void turn()


long lCount = 0;

long rCount = 0;

long targetCount;

float numRev;


// variables for tracking the left and right encoder counts

long prevlCount, prevrCount;

long lDiff, rDiff; // diff between current encoder count and previous count

encoder.clearEnc(BOTH); // clear the encoder count

delay(100); // short delay before starting the motors.

while (lCount < 0)


// while the right encoder is less than the target count – debug print

// the encoder values and wait – this is a holding loop.

lCount = encoder.getTicks(LEFT);

rCount = encoder.getTicks(RIGHT);






// calculate the rotation “speed” as a difference in the count from previous cycle.

lDiff = (lCount - prevlCount);

rDiff = (rCount - prevrCount);

// store the current count as the “previous” count for the next cycle.

prevlCount = lCount;

prevrCount = rCount;


delay(500); // short delay to give motors a chance to respond.


void loop(void)
// wait for a button press to start driving.

if(digitalRead(buttonPin) == LOW)
encoder.clearEnc(BOTH); // Reset the counters.
delay(500);; // Start driving forward.

// store the encoder counts to a variable.
lCount = encoder.getTicks(LEFT); // read the left motor encoder
rCount = encoder.getTicks(RIGHT); // read the right motor encoder

// print out to Serial Monitor the left and right encoder counts.

// if either left or right motor are more than 5 revolutions, stop
if ((lCount >= 5*countsPerRev) || (rCount >= 5*countsPerRev ))
delay(500);; // Start driving forward.

In: Computer Science

2. An investor plans to retire in 10 years. As part of the retirement portfolio, the...

2. An investor plans to retire in 10 years. As part of the retirement portfolio, the investor buys a newly issued, 12-year, 8% annual coupon payment bond. The bond is purchased at par value, so its yield-to-maturity is 8.00% stated as an effective annual rate.

a. Calculate the approximate Macaulay duration for the bond, using a 1 bp (0.01%) increase and decrease in the yield-to-maturity and calculating the new prices per 100 of par value to six decimal places.

b. Calculate the duration gap at the time of purchase. (Hint: An investor plans to retire in 10 years. So, this investor’s investment horizon is 10 years.)

c. Does this bond at purchase entail the risk of higher or lower interest rates?

d. A bond is currently trading for 98.722 per 100 of par value. If the bond’s yield-to-maturity (YTM) rises by 10 basis points, the bond’s full price is expected to fall to 98.669. If the bond’s YTM decreases by 10 basis points, the bond’s full price is expected to increase to 98.782. What is the bond’s approximate convexity?

In: Finance