Explain an example in which a variable has two different addresses at different places in a program.
In: Computer Science
Hadley, a thirty-five-year-old physician, has worked at Princeton Plainsboro Hospital for six years. She recently received a promotion to the head of oncology and is looking forward to spending the remainder of her medical career at the hospital.
Unfortunately, Hadley has a family history of Huntington’s disease,
a condition that causes movement, cognitive and psychiatric
disorders. Hadley’s mother suffered and eventually passed away from
the disease, as there is no cure. Huntington’s is an autosomal
dominant condition, meaning that Hadley has a fifty-percent chance
of inheriting the condition from her mother.
For years, she has put the thought of inheriting the condition out of her mind, but she is quickly approaching her thirty-sixth birthday, and that is when her mother began to show symptoms of the disease. Hadley decides that now is the time to go ahead and have the genetic testing done to see if she will inherit the disease from her mother.
Hadley has the testing done at Princeton Plainsboro, and two weeks later receives her results – she is positive for Huntington’s. Hadley is devastated, but decides that she will continue with her oncology practice until she is mentally and physically unable to perform her duties.
Additionally, she speaks to her friend, Cameron about a clinical trial for a new medication to treat Huntington’s that has recently begun at the hospital. Because she is too late to enter the study and does not want anyone to know she has the condition, Cameron agrees to allow her to take the experimental medication and participate in the trial without signing any documents.
Three weeks later, a lab tech speaks to Hadley’s superior regarding her unfortunate diagnosis. Because hospital management knows that Hadley likely only has a few more years to work in oncology, they terminate her employment to hire a new head of oncology that can run the unit for the foreseeable future.
Please read the scenario carefully, and discuss the following:
What, if any regulations were violated when Hadley entered into the clinical trial in this manner?
Did she commit any ethical violations by entering into the clinical trial this way?
Did Cameron commit any ethical or legal violations by allowing Hadley into the clinical trial?
What ethical and legal issues arise with the type of genetic testing that Hadley underwent? Do you think this type of testing is beneficial or harmful to the individual being tested?
In: Psychology
QUESTION 1. For each of the following, state whether the occurrence of the variable x occurs bound, or free (i.e. unbound), both, or neither.
1. ∃xCube(x)
2. ∀xCube(a) ∧ Cube(x)
3. ∀x((Cube(a) ∧ Tet(b)) → ¬Dodec(x))
4. ∃yBetween(a,x,y)
5. ¬∀x¬(¬Small(d) ∧ ¬LeftOf(c,x))
QUESTION 2. Correctly label each of the following strings of symbols as a sentence, or well-formed formula (but not a sentence), or neither.
1. Fx ∧ Gy
2. ∃bFb
3. ∃z(Fz → Gb)
4. ∀xFc
5. ∀yFy ∨ ¬Fy
6. ¬∃¬xGx
Help me please with these questions thank you
In: Advanced Math
In: Finance
Describe the process of STP from implementation to convergence.
In: Computer Science
Convert the following numbers as indicated. Use as few digits in
the results as necessary or as many as indicated in the problems
(note: don't use table lookup).
a) (011011101)2 to Base 10
b) (-69)10 to binary 2's
complement representation using 9 bits
c) (75.3125)10 to unsigned
d) (-152)10 to hexadecimal 2’s
complement representation
In: Computer Science
Java program to implement the merge sort your own and test it to sort a list of names based on the frequency.
In: Computer Science
Write a program to implement the algorithm that you designed in Exercise 19 of Chapter 1. Your program should allow the user to buy as many items as the user desires. Instructions for Exercise 19 of Chapter 1 have been posted below for your convenience. Exercise 19 Jason typically uses the Internet to buy various items. If the total cost of the items ordered, at one time, is $200 or more, then the shipping and handling is free; otherwise, the shipping and handling is $10 per item. Design an algorithm that prompts Jason to enter the number of items ordered and the price of each item. The algorithm then outputs the total shipping and handling fee, and the billing amount. Your algorithm must use a loop (repetition structure) to get the price of each item. (For simplicity, you may assume that Jason orders no more than five items at a time.) An example of the program is shown below: Enter the number of items ordered: 3 Enter the price of item no. 1: 79.00 Enter the price of item no. 2: 23.50 Enter the price of item no. 3: 1.99 The shipping and handling fee is: $30.00 The billing amount is: $134.49 Since your program handles currency, make sure to use a data type that can store decimals with a decimal precision of 2.
In: Computer Science
Show your work please
In: Finance
Case 7 of the textbook examines the rise of Wal-Mart as a corporate bohemoth. One of the things often said of Wal-Mart is that it destroys 'Mom and Pop' business along Main Street given its size and ability to undercut competitors on pricing. Wal-Mart's founder believed that everyone should have access to low prices, but those low prices at scale often creates wider economic consequences. If you owned a small department store in a neighborhood where Wal-Mart was entering, how would you address these wider concerns to stay competitive? Do you think your store could survive? |
In: Operations Management
The type of listening that involves trying to understand a situation from the speaker’s perspective is called empathic listening. How do you become more competent in this particular type of listening and why is it an important skill to possess and one in which to improve
In: Psychology
In: Finance
research paper:
each student will be responsible for writing an argumentative
research paper discussion a topic that is relevant to the field of
management ( The table of contents for our book is a great place to
start). this paper will be a minimum of 8 complete papers and
maximum of 10.
In: Operations Management
In java based on the classes provided finish the program per the requirements:
package cardgame;
private String suit;// spades,diamonds,clubs,hearts
private int value; // 1 to 13
public static final String[] SUITS
* @return the suit
public String getSuit() {
return suit;
* @param suit the suit to set
public void setSuit(String suit) {
this.suit = suit;
* @return the value
public int getValue() {
return value;
* @param value the value to set
public void setValue(int value) {
this.value = value;
//you have to write two methods for random generation of suit and
public int ranSuit()
int value= (int)(Math.random()*4)+0;
return value;
public int ranValue()
int value= (int)(Math.random()*13)+1;
return value;
public class CardTrick {
public static void main(String[] args)
CardGame[] magicHand = new CardGame[7];//array of objects
for(int i=0;i<magicHand.length;i++)
CardGame c1 = new CardGame();//object
c1.setValue(c1.ranValue());//random number 1 to 13
magicHand[i] =c1;
for(int i=0;i<magicHand.length;i++)
System.out.println(magicHand[i].getSuit() +" "+
// take input suit and value from user. compare with
array.if same card is
//in the array print your card is found.
In: Computer Science
Identify two cultures and analyze the nurturing process within each culture and discuss the impact the role of family dynamics plays with regards to adult children caring for their parents. Be specific with identification to the two cultures and a brief cultural overview. Refer to any scholarly article which connects to the topic to create a Word document with a 500-750-word count. Include factual connections, Include a minimum of two references
In: Psychology