In: Civil Engineering
Consider a concrete beam in an interior environment as follows: a. The beam is simply supported with a design span of 4.8 metres. b. The dead load in the beam is uniformly distributed. c. Dead load on the beam, in addition to its own weight, is 6.9 KN/m of which 75% is permanent (long term). d. The beam carries a single concentrated live load at mid-span of 70 KN. e. 20% of the live load is considered short term. f. The dimensions of beam are: b = 280 mm, d = 490 mm, cover c = 45 mm g. The beam only has tension reinforcement provided by 3 N20’s. h. f’c = 25 MPa fy = 500 MPa γc = 24 KN/m3 Determine: 1. The design ultimate moment in the beam M*. 2. The ultimate moment capacity of the beam øMuo. Is the beam ductile? 3. The serviceability moment in the beam ?? ∗ . 4. The Code allowable mid-span deflection. 5. The long term deflection at mid-span of the beam. Does it comply with the Code requirements?
Fig.1 shows the max load acting on the part
During serviceability conditions when the beam is no longer bear these loads we would decrease the loads to as per in the question
Fig.2 shows the serviceability condition of the beam
From the law of equilibrium
Ra+Rb=70+(6.9x4.8)=103.12 kN
Considering Ma=0
-Rbx4.8+(70 x 2.4)+6.9x4.8x4.8x0.5)=0
Ra =51.56kN
Since simply supported Ma=Mb=0
Design Moment = 103.872kNm
Similarily we would get
Mc = 31.704 kNm at serviceability conditions
d=490 -45(cover)-(20/2)=435 mm
Qn 3
Serviceability Moment in beam =31.704 kNm
Qn 4
As per IS 456 Cl23.2 the deflection shall not exceed Span/250,Span/350 or 20 mm whichever is greater
4800/350=13.7 mm
Qn 5
The deflection for uniformily distributed load is
Deflection for pointed load
During serviceability condition only the permanent loads and reduced live loads shall be taken
But lets take the extreme case
Thus Total deflection=0.69 + 2.35 mm=3.04 mm
Thus it complies with the codal cases even at maximum loads
From Table 2
Thus 2,20# bars is required
Provided is 3,20#
Thus Safe