In: Operations Management
Globalisation is a system which is recognised in every industry in tye modern world. Survival of the fittest comes to action in considering a nation's strength , A Nation prosperous and become powerful with many aspects but the major one being the industrial sector. This sector decides the economical and money value of a nation.
Each nation has its own internal strength such as manpower, natural resources and environment to set up and excel manufacturing in certain products. They compete among themselves with local competitors, survive in that and then come upto global market and international standards.
Nation that succeed in the global market has proved itself with various tactics and strategies that has boosted it to the international level. Unique competiveness will be found among them.
Innovation ia another mantra to excel in global standards. Innovation in introducing new products, in adopting new technology and upgrading them at regular time intervals will promise a lot. Innovation will enhance competitive advantage. New product innovation and design will hold a strong place in both international and domestic sectors.
The nations achieving success in a particular industry in global markets should continually upgrade themselves according to the need of the time. Being stagnant will not help.
Nations that encourage culture adoption in their workplace will definitely succeed.
Quality will speak forever. The industry should maintain highest quality standards in all their products at any given situation. Quality should not be compromised at any cost.
All these aspects together will make a nation to excell in a particular industry in international markets.