
In: Operations Management

11. How and to what extent do Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Herzberg’s Two-Factory Theory illustrate...

11. How and to what extent do Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Herzberg’s Two-Factory Theory illustrate your organization and management?

12. How and to what extent does empowerment increase motivation? How and to what extent is your organization empowered? What are the implications of that?

13. How and to what extent does communication contribute to building and maintaining trust?

14. What is most likely to get in the way of effective communication? What can be done about that?

15. How and to what extent does your organization value teams? What is the key to leading teams?

16. What is the primary takeaway from your assessment of the fundamentals of leading? What is your synthesis of this component?


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Among more than a few behavioral theories long traditionally believed and embraced with the aid of American trade are these of Frederick Herzberg and Abraham Maslow. Herzberg, a psychologist, proposed a thought about job causes that encourage workers. Maslow, a behavioral scientist and cutting-edge of Herzberg's, developed a concept in regards to the rank and delight of more than a few human needs and the way folks pursue these desires. These theories are generally referred to within the industry literature.

In the schooling career, nevertheless, researchers in the '80s raised questions concerning the applicability of Maslow's and Herzberg's theories to fundamental and secondary university lecturers: Do educators, actually, fit the profiles of the natural industry employee? That is, do academics (1) reply to the identical motivators that Herzberg related to workers in profit-making businesses and (2) have the same desires patterns as these uncovered by way of Maslow in his experiences of industry staff?

This digest first supplies brief outlines of the Herzberg and Maslow theories. It then summarizes a study by using contributors of the Tennessee profession Ladder program (TCLP). This study determined evidence that the academics in the program don't match the habits of individuals employed in industry. Above all, the findings disagree with Herzberg relating to the importance of money as a motivator and, with Maslow in regard to the function of esteem in a character's hierarchy of wishes.


Herzberg (1959) developed a two-dimensional paradigm of factors affecting persons's attitudes about work. He concluded that such reasons as company coverage, supervision, interpersonal relations, working conditions, and salary are hygiene reasons as a substitute than motivators. In line with the speculation, the absence of hygiene factors can create job dissatisfaction, but their presence does now not motivate or create pride.

In contrast, he determined from the info that the motivators were factors that enriched a character's job; he observed five explanations in precise that had been robust determiners of job delight: achievement, consciousness, the work itself, responsibility, and development. These motivators (satisfiers) had been associated with long-time period constructive effects in job performance even as the hygiene reasons (dissatisfiers) continuously produced most effective brief-time period changes in job attitudes and performance, which swiftly fell again to its earlier degree.

In summary, satisfiers describe a person's relationship with what he or she does, many regarding the tasks being performed. Dissatisfiers, however, have got to do with a character' relationship to the context or atmosphere wherein she or he performs the job. The satisfiers relate to what a man or woman does while the dissatisfiers relate to the obstacle in which the character does what she or he does.


In 1954, Maslow first released "Motivation and character," which presented his concept about how people fulfill more than a few individual wishes within the context of their work. He postulated, based on his observations as a humanistic psychologist, that there's a common pattern of needs realization and delight that humans comply with in quite often the equal sequence. He additionally theorized that a man or woman might not admire or pursue the next greater want in the hierarchy unless her or his presently famous need was greatly or thoroughly convinced, a concept referred to as prepotency.

In keeping with more than a few literature on motivation, participants probably have problems consistently articulating what they need from a job. As a consequence, employers have unnoticed what members say that they want, instead telling employees what they want, established on what managers consider most humans need below the circumstances. Probably, these choices were situated on Maslow's wants hierarchy, together with the factor of prepotency. As a person advances by way of an group, his corporation supplies or presents opportunities to meet wishes better on Maslow's pyramid.

TCLP be trained in terms of HERZBERG'S idea

consistent with Bellott and (1990), the issues with Herzberg's work are that it occurred in 1959--too lengthy in the past to be pertinent--and didn't quilt lecturers. They cite earlier study by way of (1986) with Tennessee career Ladder application as a way of overcoming both these issues. TCLP has three levels, the biggest and beginning certainly one of which (level I) has 30,000 members. Bellott and believe that the data from the be trained clearly indicate that the extent I contributors have been as influenced via motivation motives as with the aid of hygiene reasons, contrary to Herzberg's position that hygiene explanations do not inspire.

The survey requested classroom teachers, "To what extent did revenue affect your choice to participate within the (TCLP) application?" teachers answered using a scale of from 1 (little affect on figuring out to participate in the program) to 7 (tremendous influence). The results for the 4 absolute best-average items, proven in desk three, indicate that in any respect three levels teachers viewed income as a powerful motivating component, simply the important of eleven of Herzberg's hygiene explanations on the survey.

On Herzberg's 5 motivation factors, success ranked because the important one. Nevertheless, the overall conclusion drawn from the research is that earnings was once the single essential have an effect on on the academics' decisions to take part in TCLP, in spite of stage in the institution. Further, specific cash raises ranged from $a thousand to 7000 per yr. The academics perceived the amount of revenue develop to be tied to fulfillment and the other motivation motives.

THE be taught AND MASLOW'S thought

according to information from the TCLP survey, the lecturers in any respect three expertise phases are much less satisfied with their individual fulfillment of esteem (a middle level need according to Maslow) than with their achievement of self-actualization. These outcome are summarized in desk 4. For this reason, it can be concluded that self-actualization is a prepotent need for esteem. Two causes seem to account for this. First, self-actualization supplies the groundwork for vainness. Second, this self-actualized efficiency can also be the basis for status, the esteem of others.


despite the fact that Herzberg's paradigm of hygiene and motivating reasons and Maslow's hierarchy of needs should still have large applicability within the business world, at the least one side of each, revenue as a hygiene factor (Herzberg) and esteem as a shrink order want than self-actualization (Maslow), does no longer appear to keep in the case of elementary and secondary college academics. These findings could begin to provide an explanation for why excellent academics are being lost to other, higher paying positions and to support directors center of attention more intently on the esteem desires of lecturers, for my part and jointly.

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