
In: Psychology

Compare and contrast Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, Herzberg’s two-factor theory, and Pink’s views on workplace motivation....

Compare and contrast Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, Herzberg’s two-factor theory, and Pink’s views on workplace motivation. How do these three constructs align with the extrinsic and intrinsic motivating factors that influence your work-related views and behaviors? How should organizations address the wide variety of motivators that drive worker performance?


Expert Solution

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs: This theory was proposed by Abhram Maslow .He talks about the hierarchy of needs .

  1. Physiological needs
  2. health and safety
  3. love and belonging
  4. Self esteem
  5. Self -Actualization

Herzberg’s two-factor theory : This theory talks about intrinsic motivation vs extrensic motivation at work place .It is also known as Motivation-Hygiene Theory

According to Herzberg, Employees job satisfaction is based on two factors which is hygine factors and motivational factors .

Hygiene factors include salary, Work timings , Work environment , interpersonal realtionships with co workers and managers , designation and the company .

Motivational factors include rewards and recognitions , New role responsibilities, Additional task assigment , growth , Promotions etc .

Dan Pink views on motivation

According to Pink, the way businesses motivate people to solve those problems is completely misguided: They rely on incentives like bonuses, and free allowances while all the science says those don't work.

Pink Theory says

  • Time
  • Technique
  • Team
  • Task
  • Mastery

There are two types of motivation

Intrensic motivation :Intrensic motivation is a type of motivation which comes from with in . The drive of doing things which is realised by one s self and self motivation is known as instrensic motication

Extrinsic Motivation : Extrinsic Motivation is a kind of motivation in which motivation is driven by the external souces like money, Fame etc is known as External Motivation .

Motivation is a key factor in any work place , In order to be successful in the roles in which an individual is working , They need to find the right kind of motivators and individuals should never lose hope and always try to stay focused and motivated at work .

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