In: Psychology
What is Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs?
Consider your life currently. Analyze how your current situation meets/ matches each level on the hierarchy). For example, going to school and getting a degree.
Most controversial motivation theorey was proposed by Sir Abraham Maslow (1954). Maslow was stated 7 needs of human. Not only that, Maslow also stated that, We need satisfaction in each needs to reach the ultimate level of need. This Concept of Maslow is also known As Hierarchical Theorey.
Maslow has conceptualized a Hierarchical order of needs from physiological to self-actualization needs .The Theorey is devided by 7 individual stages of need.
Survival Needs- This need is usually considered as the begining point for motivation. This stage of need includes the basic needs of human such as food, water and Shelter.According to Maslow, When this physiological basic needs are deprived for a large time period then the further needs also starts reducing.
As like all, in the childhood period i also wish to have all these things. Like food, Water and a secured Shelter was enough for me in this stage. After full satisfaction in this satge i started looking to fullfil my other needs.
Safety Needs- After the satisfaction of privious need like Survival needs, this stage of motivation starts appearing. This stage includes some safety needs as example Protection, Dependency, Stability, relief from fear etc.
Some people , by their nature very much concerned about their safety and precaution.For them this kind of safety needs are obvious and predictable. Because they are able to share their feeling of insecurity in any kind of situation.
Whe i was a child i also have faced some feeling of insecurity. I always tried to have my parent's attention for satisfying my safety needs. After getting a proper safe feeling i was motivated for the other kinds of need in my life.
Belongingness Needs- If the physiological and the safety needs both are satisfied, The next stage of needs will appear. In this Stage of need, person feels for love and belongingness.Not only that the person wants to have love from his or her wife, parents and children.
According to the Maslow's Hierarchy theorey, i also feel the same kind of needs.After having a proper security i also have started looking to make my new friends. So i can say that i also have experience of this kind of needs in this stage of motivation.
The Self- Esteem Needs
We all have the desire to live with respect, stableness and self dependency. In this stage of Motivation people wants to have a respectful life. Social Acceptance Matters a lot in this motivational satge.
When i was in my school level of education, i always wanted to be a monitor in my class. So that i can have the attention of my classmates. In this satge of life we all wants to have the respectful attention from others.
Intellectual Achivement-
The extreme motivation for understanding all over the world surrounded by us is called intellectual Achivement. Some few people can only arrive in this satge of needs.In this stage of life people wants to know every secrets of the world. This kind of people are also known as ''wise Man'' to the society.
Aesthetic Appriciation -For some few people, there is a true and genuine Aesthetic need. They becomes sick from ugliness and can cured by pleasant or beutiful surroundings.This kind of needs are generally exceptional or rear.
Self -Actualization
This is the ultimate stage of satisfaction. In this stage of
life people wants to be creative. Creativity is the main
Characteristic of this satge.people starts realizing some creative
facts about the world in this stage of motivation. Some few people
who have the satisfaction in previous stages of life, can achive
this ultimate stage of motivaion.