Let V and W be finite dimensional vector spaces over a field F
with dimF(V ) = dimF(W ) and let T : V → W be a linear map. Prove
there exists an ordered basis A for V and an ordered basis B for W
such that [T ]AB is a diagonal matrix where every entry along the
diagonal is either a 0 or a 1.
a. Let V and W be vector spaces and T : V → W a linear
transformation. If {T(v1), . . . T(vn)} is linearly independent in
W, show that {v1, . . . vn} is linearly independent in V .
b. Define similar matrices
c Let A1, A2 and A3 be n × n matrices. Show that if A1 is
similar to A2 and A2 is similar to A3, then A1 is similar to
d. Show that...
Let ? and W be finite dimensional vector spaces and let ?:?→? be
a linear transformation. We say a linear transformation ?:?→? is a
left inverse of ? if ST=I_v, where ?_v denotes the
identity transformation on ?. We say a linear transformation ?:?→?
is a right inverse of ? if ??=?_w, where ?_w
denotes the identity transformation on ?. Finally, we say a linear
transformation ?:?→? is an inverse of ? if it is
both a left and right...
Question 1. Let V and W be finite dimensional vector spaces over
a field F with dimF(V ) = dimF(W) and let T : V → W be a linear
map. Prove there exists an ordered basis A for V and an ordered
basis B for W such that [T] A B is a diagonal matrix where every
entry along the diagonal is either a 0 or a 1.
Hint 1. Suppose A = {~v1, . . . , ~vn}...
Let Vand W be vector spaces over F, and let B( V, W) be the set
of all bilinear forms f: V x W ~ F. Show that B( V, W) is a
subspace of the vector space of functions 31'( V x W).
Prove that the dual space B( V, W)* satisfies the definition of
tensor product, with respect to the bilinear mapping b: V x W ->
B( V, W)* defined by b(v, w)(f) =f(v, w), f E...
1. Let V and W be vector spaces over R.
a) Show that if T: V → W and S : V → W are both linear
transformations, then the map S + T : V → W given by (S + T)(v) =
S(v) + T(v) is also a linear transformation.
b) Show that if R: V → W is a linear transformation and λ ∈ R,
then the map λR: V → W is given by (λR)(v) =...
1. For a map f : V ?? W between vector spaces V and W to be a
linear map it must preserve the structure of V . What must one
verify to verify whether or not a map is linear?
2. For a map f : V ?? W between vector spaces to be an
isomorphism it must be a linear map and also have two further
properties. What are those two properties? As well as giving the
Let V be a finite-dimensional vector space over C and T in L(V).
Prove that the set of zeros of the minimal polynomial of T is
exactly the same as the set of the eigenvalues of T.
Let V and W be Banach spaces and suppose T : V → W is a linear
map. Suppose that for every f ∈ W∗ the corresponding linear map f ◦
T on V is in V ∗ . Prove that T is bounded.