
In: Electrical Engineering

Make a 2 bit binary adder subtractor multiplier on verilog and display it on seven segment...

Make a 2 bit binary adder subtractor multiplier on verilog and display it on seven segment using fpga


Expert Solution

module ripple_carry_adder_subtractor(S, C, V, A, B, Op);
   output [3:0] S;   // The 4-bit sum/difference.
   output       C;   // The 1-bit carry/borrow status.
   output       V;   // The 1-bit overflow status.
   input [3:0]  A;   // The 4-bit augend/minuend.
   input [3:0]  B;   // The 4-bit addend/subtrahend.
   input        Op;  // The operation: 0 => Add, 1=>Subtract.
   wire         C0; // The carry out bit of fa0, the carry in bit of fa1.
   wire         C1; // The carry out bit of fa1, the carry in bit of fa2.
   wire         C2; // The carry out bit of fa2, the carry in bit of fa3.
   wire         C3; // The carry out bit of fa2, used to generate final carry/borrrow.
   wire         B0; // The xor'd result of B[0] and Op
   wire         B1; // The xor'd result of B[1] and Op
   wire         B2; // The xor'd result of B[2] and Op
   wire         B3; // The xor'd result of B[3] and Op

   // Looking at the truth table for xor we see that  
   // B xor 0 = B, and
   // B xor 1 = not(B).
   // So, if Op==1 means we are subtracting, then
   // adding A and B xor Op alog with setting the first
   // carry bit to Op, will give us a result of
   // A+B when Op==0, and A+not(B)+1 when Op==1.
   // Note that not(B)+1 is the 2's complement of B, so
   // this gives us subtraction.     
   xor(B0, B[0], Op);
   xor(B1, B[1], Op);
   xor(B2, B[2], Op);
   xor(B3, B[3], Op);
   xor(C, C3, Op);     // Carry = C3 for addition, Carry = not(C3) for subtraction.
   xor(V, C3, C2);     // If the two most significant carry output bits differ, then we have an overflow.
   full_adder fa0(S[0], C0, A[0], B0, Op);    // Least significant bit.
   full_adder fa1(S[1], C1, A[1], B1, C0);
   full_adder fa2(S[2], C2, A[2], B2, C1);
   full_adder fa3(S[3], C3, A[3], B3, C2);    // Most significant bit.
endmodule // ripple_carry_adder_subtractor

module full_adder(S, Cout, A, B, Cin);
   output S;
   output Cout;
   input  A;
   input  B;
   input  Cin;
   wire   w1;
   wire   w2;
   wire   w3;
   wire   w4;
   xor(w1, A, B);
   xor(S, Cin, w1);
   and(w2, A, B);   
   and(w3, A, Cin);
   and(w4, B, Cin);   
   or(Cout, w2, w3, w4);
endmodule // full_adder


module multiplier2bit(out,a,b);
output [3:0]out;
input [1:0]a;
input [1:0]b;
assign out=a*b;


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