
In: Electrical Engineering

mke individul modulees of for bit ader, for bit subtractor, for bit multiplier, for bit comparaator...

mke individul modulees of for bit ader, for bit subtractor, for bit multiplier, for bit comparaator modules[You can Ignore this part]

aand theen use a multiplexxer to combine these modules to make an ALUu where user should select which operation he/she wants to perform (for instance, ALU may performs four bit addition when selection lines are ‘00’using selection lines of multiplexer or perform subtraction when selections lines are ‘01’ and so on).{Just make this}

using verilooog coding on xilinxX

answer within 1 hourrrr pleez


Expert Solution

Main ALU module:-

module alu(
input [3:0] X,Y, // ALU 4-bit Inputs   
input [1:0] sel,// ALU Selection
output [3:0] result, // ALU 4-bit Output
output Carry // Carry Flag
reg [3:0] ALU;
reg co;
wire [3:0] Result1,Result2,Result3,Result4;
wire Carry1,Carry2,Carry3,Carry4;
add test_unit1( X,Y,Result1,Carry1);
sub test_unit2( X,Y,Result2,Carry2);
mul test_unit3( X,Y,Result3,Carry3);
comp test_unit4( X,Y,Result4,Carry4);
assign result = ALU;
assign Carry = co;
always @(*)
case(sel) //Here starts the MUX logic
2'b00: // Addition
ALU = Result1;
co = Carry1;
2'b01: // Subtraction
ALU = Result2 ;
co = Carry2;
2'b10: // Multiplication
ALU = Result3;
co = Carry3;
2'b11: // Comparison
ALU = Result4;
co = Carry4;
default: ALU = X ;




module add(
input [3:0] A,B, // ALU 4-bit Inputs   
output [3:0] sum, // ALU 4-bit Output
output carry // Carry Flag
reg [3:0] sum_alu;
wire [4:0] tmp;
assign sum = sum_alu;
assign tmp = {1'b0,A} + {1'b0,B};
assign carry = tmp[4]; // Carry flag
always @(*)
sum_alu = A + B ;


module sub(
input [3:0] A,B, // ALU 4-bit Inputs   
output [3:0] diff, // ALU 4-bit Output
output borr // Borrow Flag
reg [3:0] dif_alu;
wire [4:0] tmp;
assign diff = dif_alu;
assign tmp = {1'b0,A} - {1'b0,B};
assign borr = tmp[4]; // Borrow flag
always @(*)
dif_alu = A - B ;


module mul(
input [3:0] A,B, // ALU 4-bit Inputs   
output [3:0] pro, // ALU 4-bit Output
output carry // Carry Flag
reg [3:0] mul_alu;
wire [4:0] tmp;
assign pro = mul_alu;
assign tmp = {1'b0,A} + {1'b0,B};
assign carry = tmp[4]; // Carry flag
always @(*)
mul_alu = A * B ;


module comp(
input [3:0] A,B, // ALU 4-bit Inputs   
output [3:0] com, // ALU 4-bit Output
output carry // Carry Flag
reg [3:0] com_alu;
assign com = com_alu;
assign carry = 1'b0; //No use of carry in this module
always @(*)
com_alu = (A==B)?4'd1:4'd0 ; //if a=b is true, then com_alu=1. if a=b is false , then com_alu=0

(NOTE: As you have not asked for testbench ,i have not included it.Codes are software tested and they are error free.)

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