
In: Anatomy and Physiology

Trace a drop of blood from the Right Ulnar Vein to the Splenic Artery.

Trace a drop of blood from the Right Ulnar Vein to the Splenic Artery.


Expert Solution

Answer) Tracing of blodd from right ulnar vein to splenic artery-

Right ulnar vein

Right basilic vein

Right axillary vein

Right subclavian vein

Right brachiocephalic vein

Superior vena cava

Right atrium

Right atrioventricular valve (tricuspid valve)

Right ventricle

Pulmonary trunk

Pulmonary artery


Pulmonary vein

Left atrium

Left atrioventricular valve (bicuspid valve)

Left ventricle

Ascending aorta

Arch of aorta

Descending aorta

Abdominal aorta

Coeliac trunk

Splenic artery

Explanation -

Right ulnar vein is deep vein of forearm, drains blood into the right basilic vein and then to the axillary vein in the arm.

Right Axillary vein becomes the right subclavian vein and then right brachiocephalic vein.

Right brachiocephalic vein combines with the left branhiocephalic vein to form superior vena cava.

Then this deoxygenated blood travels from superior vena cava to right atrium and ventricle and then to pulmonary trunk and artery.

Oxygenation of blood takes place in lungs and this oxygenated blood goes to left atrium and ventricle.

Aorta arises from the left ventricle.

The abdominal aorta gives a branch called coeliac trunk below the aortic opening of the diaphragm.

Coeliac trunk gives a branch called splenic artery, which is the largest branch.

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