In: Anatomy and Physiology
Trace a drop of blood from the frontal lobe to the left toe.
From the heart blood flows to the lower part of the body through the descending aorta, and it flows into neck and brain region through asscending aorta.
In the heart blood from right atrium -> tricupsid valve -> right ventricles -> pulmonary semilunar valve -> pulmonary trunk -> pulmonary artery -> lungs -> pulmonary veins -> left atrium -> bicupsid valve -> left ventricles -> aortic semilunar valve-> aorta -> descending aorta -> throacic aorta ->abdominal aorta -> common illiac artery -> femoral artery -> poplietal artery -> anterior tibial artery ->posterior tibial artery -> dorsalis pedis artey ->arcuate artery -> toe.
From the heart -> asscending aorta ->brachicephalic artery -> internal carotid artery - vertebral artery ->middle cerebral artey -> they form the anterior circulation that supplies frontal lobe.